Ó K. Stoley






        The fire burned steadily in the fireplace as the sound of clicking could be heard in the corner of the room.   Lindsay was hunched over her keyboard tapping away trying to get her story done so that she could post it by her midnight deadline.  It was already 11:30 and she still had work to do on it.   One nice thing about the electronic age was that she didn’t have to work in a stuffy office from 9 to 5 everyday.   The bad thing was that she lacked discipline to sit down at the computer and work regularly everyday and always found herself at crunch time frantically trying to get everything done. 


She enjoyed her rural life.  It was solitary and peaceful.  After her hectic life in the city with as many broken relationships as years she had lived there, she decided it was time to head out and make a new life for herself.  Where better than the northern peninsula of Michigan, where the weather was as unpredictable as the locals were.  They had readily accepted her arrival into the small community but generally kept their distance, which was how Lindsay would prefer it.  So, all in all, the arrangement worked out very nicely for her. 


She zipped the file and sent it off to the magazine with ten minutes to spare.  Sitting back pleased with herself she decided it was reason to celebrate and poured herself a glass of wine and sat down before the fire to warm herself.  These old houses, even for Michigan, weren’t insulated all that well, but it had been exactly what Lindsay had wanted as soon as the realtor described it to her.  The wind rattled the windowpanes as she snuggled under a blanket on the sofa.


        Listening to the wind howl she heard an uncharacteristic sound of cracking wood and breaking glass.  She got up to check the doors and windows and found everything in tact.  She climbed the stairs to the second floor that was closed off to conserve heat.  Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she stood looking out the window and saw what looked like faint lights at the end of her driveway.  It was hard to tell through the snow as it was whipped around by the gale force winds.  The lights didn’t seem to be moving and after an hour and a half of watching them, something made her uneasy, for some reason she couldn’t relax until she went to check it out.


        Dressing warmly, she grabbed a flashlight and trudged down the driveway in knee deep snow.  Halfway down the drive, she began to doubt the wisdom of her decision and looked back toward the house.  Content that she could still see her house, she was driven to find out the source of the lights.  She knew she couldn’t drive the snowmobile in this driving snow, but it would have been nicer to be able to ride.


        At the end of the drive the road curved sharply around a stand of trees and when Lindsay arrived she saw that the lights were from a car which had missed the turn and plowed into the stand of trees. 


The car was a black jaguar, sleek and low to the ground.  She hurried over to the car to peer inside.  It was already covered in snow and silent.  Lindsay could tell that the car hadn’t been running in awhile, as the hood was cold.   She reached the passenger door and wiped the snow from the window, but she couldn’t see inside the tinted windows, so she tried the door handle. 


The door opened to reveal a woman slumped over the wheel.  The interior of the car was cold as Lindsay took off her gloves to touch the woman.  She was cold, but the woman groaned when Lindsay touched her and she gently supported the woman’s head as she lay her back against the seat.


She could see there was blood on the side of the woman’s face where she hit it during the impact with the trees.  The car looked totaled and Lindsay wasn’t sure she would be able to get the woman out without help.  The woman continued to moan and Lindsay called out to her to see if she was alert.


“Hello, my name is Lindsay.  Can you understand me?”


The woman continued to moan and move her head from side to side.   Lindsay was concerned as the woman began to get more physical.


“Calm down, you alright.  You’ve been in an accident.  Please relax and let me see if I can help you.  I won’t hurt you,” Lindsay said calmly trying to reassure the woman that she meant her no harm.


The woman seemed to calm at the warm timbre of Lindsay’s voice and she continued talking with her in an easy tone as she assessed her injuries.  I guess a year of medical school hadn’t hurt her after all.  It had been just one of many careers she had started and quit until she found her niche as a writer.  


After a cursory examination, she found outside of the cut on her forehead, which was the cause for all the blood, there was also a gash on her leg from impact against the dashboard.  None of these injuries were, in themselves, life threatening.  The forehead and leg could easily be patched with a butterfly dressing.


“O.k., do you think you can open your eyes and look at me?” Lindsay asked as she directed her flashlight into the woman’s face.  She noted finely chiseled features and prominent cheekbones, framed by long black hair. 


Eyes began to flutter and when they opened, Lindsay drew in a quick breath.  Her flashlight illuminated the deepest color of blue she had ever seen.  When she looked deeper she saw that they were also slightly unfocused and that might mean a mild concussion, how serious she didn’t know.  But, she was beginning to feel the cold seep through her jeans and her feet were freezing.  Lindsay knew she had to get them both indoors soon.


“O.k., my friend, your going to have to help me.  We need to get you out of this car and into my house.  It’s a little walk up the driveway.  Do you think you can swing your legs out of the car,” Lindsay asked the woman.


Jade tried to focus on the voice that was talking.  She wasn’t sure where she was or what exactly had happened.  She felt a burning pain in her ankle and her head was really killing her.  She could focus her eyes on anything definite.  She knew it was a woman who was helping her by her voice, but her face and body were a blur to her.  The cold wind was beginning to make her shiver and she wanted to go where it was warm so, she listened to the woman’s voice and followed her lead.


Lindsay got the woman to swing her legs out the car door.  ‘Good, so far so good, no back injury by the way she moves,’ she thought relieved.  Lindsay gripped the woman by the arm and gently pulled her to a standing position.  As the woman unfolded from the car, Lindsay looked up stunned and realized that the woman must be almost six feet tall.  While she was gawking she almost missed the fact that the woman was falling.  Lindsay grabbed her around the waist and held her up the best she could. 


Jade began to moan from the pain in her ankle when she tried to stand.  She could put much pressure on it without a burning pain radiating up to her knee.  She grasped the shoulders of the woman and let her help her inch their way away from the car.


“O.k., we’re going to have to take this slow so that we can keep pressure off that leg.  Do you understand what I’m saying?”  Lindsay asked as she paused to take a breath.


“Yes,” the woman whispered.  It was the first word she had heard from the woman and it was an encouraging sign.


“Can your tell me what your name is?” Lindsay asked as they slowly walked up the driveway.  She held up as much of the woman's weight as possible.


“Jade,” she winced as she put more pressure on the already throbbing leg. 


“O.k. Jade, just hang in there.  We are almost to the house.”


The lights of the house were finally in sight and as they reached the side door, Lindsay kicked it open as the women stumbled over the threshold into the comforting warmth.


“O.k., let me get you settled in the bedroom and then I’ll fix some tea to try to warm us both up,” Lindsay said as they walked through the living room.


Lindsay set the woman on the bed and she could tell that she was close to passing out.  She quickly removed her coat and began to undress the woman who instantly began to fight with her.


“Hey, I’m just trying to get you out of these wet things before you catch pneumonia.  I won’t hurt you, I promise,” Lindsay said soothingly and kept peeling layer after layer off the woman.   The woman’s body went limp against her and she held her up as she removed the last of her clothes from the waist up and lay her back on the bed to pull off her jeans.  Finally, undressed, she tucked her under the covers and added a blanket on top.  She would check out her injuries as soon as she changed her own clothes and got some tea together.


Moving around the bedroom, she gathered some dry clothes as she peeled off the cold and wet clothes that clung to her body.  Shivering, she made her way to the kitchen to heat up the water as she pulled together her first aid supplies.


        Walking quietly back into the bedroom she saw that the woman called Jade was out for the count.  Wringing the cloth in the bowl of warm water, she began to gently wash the dried blood from her forehead.  As the face became cleaner, Lindsay could see that Jade was one beautiful woman.  She then applied butterfly bandages to the gashes on her forehead and thigh.  The one on her thigh could probably use a stitch or two but, Lindsay knew it would be a few days before she could get this woman a doctor and by then, the butterfly will have done it’s work in closing the wound.  She tightly wrapped the ankle and put an ice pack between the layers of the bandages.  It didn’t appear broken, but was already swollen and discolored.


        Finished she left to make up a bed for herself on the couch.  There was no way she was going to get the upstairs heated warm enough to sleep in the guestroom.  The couch would have to do for now.





        The next morning was calm and quiet compared to the storm that raged during the night.  Lindsay got up and put more wood in the fireplace and got it burning cheerfully before she went to look outside.   The world was covered in blinding white and as the sun bounced off the surfaces causing Lindsay to squint and look away.  She needed to get more firewood and padded back to the bedroom to check on her guest.   Jade was twisted in a mass of covers, half of which were on the floor as she moaning and trashing.   Lindsay went to the bed and grasped Jade by the shoulders to hold her still while she spoke to her in a calm reassuring voice.  The woman began to settle down once again and Lindsay released her to adjust the covers.  Sleeping peacefully, once again, Lindsay changed and left the woman to rest.


        Bundling up, Lindsay headed to the barn for more firewood.  She could see her breath on the crisp morning air.  The snow was thigh deep in most places making walking hard.  After several trips, she had the woodbin filled and went in to make breakfast.  She made another pot of tea and a pot of coffee for herself.   Sipping her coffee, she scrambled some eggs, unsure of what Jade could handle right now.


        Taking a tray, she went quietly into the bedroom to find Jade staring at the ceiling confused. 


        “How are you feeling?” Lindsay asked quietly not wanting to startle the woman.


        Jade looked toward the familiar voice and saw a petite blonde haired woman with green eyes.  She watched as the woman walked into the room and set her tray down on the nightstand.


        Lindsay leaned over to check her bandages nervously as the silent woman watched her.  “Do you remember me?” she asked looking down into clear blue eyes.


        Jade looked up and smiling answered, “your voice is familiar, but I don’t remember your name.” 


        “It’s Lindsay,” she replied removing the bandage from Jade’s forehead.  It was a different feeling touching her this morning than it had been last night and Lindsay’s hands shook slightly.


        Jade shivered at the light touch upon her forehead and closed her eyes to the sensation.


        “Are you still cold?” Lindsay asked concerned that the woman had gotten more than a chill.


        “No, just a sudden shiver.  I’m fine,” she smiled and moved to adjust herself higher on the pillow.


        “Let me help you,” Lindsay offered and leaned over to pull the pillow up, as she crossed over her she could feel Jade’s breath on the side of her neck and it was her turn to shiver.


        Jade held her breath as the woman leaned in close.  She closed her eyes and willed herself to remain still.  ‘Easy Jade, don’t frighten the poor woman!’ 


        Lindsay pulled back and noticed the woman’s eyes were closed and continued to watch her to make sure she was all right.  When the blue eyes popped open again, Lindsay looked away nervously and moved toward the tray she had brought in.


        “I brought you some eggs and tea.  I wasn’t sure just what you would be up for this morning, “Lindsay explained and set the tray on the bed next to the woman. 


        Jade tried to roll on her side toward the tray and gasped for breath grabbing her side.


        “Don’t move!” Lindsay ordered and moved the tray to get closer to Jade.  “I need to take a look at your ribs,” she explained and waited for Jade to answer.


        Jade looked down to see that she was naked under the covers and looked back up confused.  Lindsay blushed at the look she received and explained, “your clothes were soaking wet and I had to get you out of them before you caught pneumonia.”


        Jade nodded and laid back gently and said, “well, then I guess I’ve nothing to hide from you,” and smiled, but looked up at the ceiling when Lindsay proceeded to move back the covers.  ‘That will teach me for not wearing a bra,’ she thought wryly.


        “How do you know so much,” Jade asked trying to alleviate an embarrassing situation.


        “I did a year in medical school,” Lindsay offered as she gently probed a purple area on Jade’s right side.


        Jade sucked in a lung full of air forcibly when Lindsay touched the tender spot.  “Sorry,” Lindsay replied as she lightly examined the rib.


        “It doesn’t appear to be broken, but you have a nice bruise,” Lindsay replied expectantly.


        “Does it hurt anywhere else?” Lindsay asked, probing by Jade’s upper ribs.  Her hand brushed the bottom edge of the woman’s breast and she could feel Jade’s breath becoming shaky.


        “No,” Jade replied trying to breath deeply and concentrate on something other than the sensation of the blonde’s hand caressing the underside of her bare breast.


        “All done!” Lindsay announced and set the woman back against a couple pillows.  She brought the tray over once again and this time held it on the woman’s lap as she attempted to feed herself.


        “Would it be easier if I helped,” Lindsay asked wanting to ease Jade’s discomfort.


        “No, I think I can do it if you just hold the tray.  I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue,” Jade answered as she thought about what might have happened had she not been found.  “I guess you saved my life last night.”


        “I’m just glad that I was there to help you,” Lindsay responded.   “So where were you headed?”


        “Photo assignment up in copper harbor,” Jade replied finishing her eggs and sipping the tea.


        “Are you a photo journalist?”


        “Yes, I’m doing a layout on the northern shoreline in winter.”


        “Sounds interesting,” Lindsay said.


        “What do you do?”


        “I write for a column for a woman’s journal,” Lindsay answered.


        “So, is that how you can live out here miles from everything.”


        “Yes, I’ve had my fill of city life for awhile,” Lindsay replied as she sat on the edge of the bed.


        “It’s beautiful up here but, it must get pretty lonely,” Jade replied, looking around she had realized that there was no evidence of anyone living here other than Lindsay.


        “I suppose, but you can get just as lonely in the middle of a big city too,” Lindsay replied thoughtfully.


        “Very true,” Jade answered quietly as a frown creased her forehead for a moment. Shaking off the distressing thoughts she asked, “What about my car?”


        “Well, I’m afraid right now it’s wrapped around a tree.”


        “I remember looking at some lights and then the road disappeared.  Is it bad?” Jade asked.


        “Totaled, I would say.  Sorry,” Lindsay replied.


        “There goes my insurance premiums,” Jade responded frowning.  “I really liked that car too.”


        “Is there anyone you’d like to call?” Lindsay asked hoping the lines weren’t down from the storm.


        “Yes, my editor.  She’s probably having a fit by now.  I was suppose to check in last night.”  ‘She gets a little testy about these things,’ she thought.  Even though they no longer had a physical relationship, they had remained good friends.


        “Are you two close?” Lindsay asked curiously.


        “She’s become a good friend.”


        Lindsay nodded and replied, “Well, let me get rid of these dishes and I’ll bring you the phone.  Would you like more tea?”


        “Yes, thank you for all the trouble.”


        “No trouble at all,” Lindsay smiled and carried out the tray.


        Jade reflected on the blonde thinking, ‘I wouldn’t mind taking some pictures of her.  She a natural vitality that almost makes her glow.  I wonder if I could capture that on film?’  She looked around the room to get a better feel of her benefactor and realized that the woman lived simply.  The room was nicely furnished, but lacked the lived in clutter that her apartment had.  ‘Maybe I should take lessons,’ she thought wryly.


        Lindsay returned with a cordless phone, tea and a notebook.  She had drawn a map with her address and telephone number on it.


        “I wrote down where you are in case you want to tell your family.”


        “No family, just an editor and friends,” Jade replied looking over the map.


        “O.k., well I’m going to go take the snowmobile down to your car and get your things out of it.  Anything special I should be looking for?”


        “Just my camera case, a black case, and my duffel bag.  That’s all that is in the trunk,” Jade replied smiling.  “Oh, and my pack on the front seat.”


        “O.k.,” Lindsay smiled and pulled out a heavy sweater from the closet, pulling it over her flannel shirt.  Waving, she headed out the door.  Jade realized that this was Lindsay’s room and she suddenly felt like an intruder.


        “Hey!” Jade called her back and when the blonde head peeked back into the room questioningly she said, “I really want to thank you for all you’ve done. I promise I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can get someone to come for me.”


        Lindsay walked back into the room and Jade thought she saw a hint of sadness in her green eyes.


        “There’s no rush really.  I don’t think anyone will be able to get through for awhile.  They don’t exactly plow the roads up here,” she replied grinning apologetically.


        “I just hate to put you out,” Jade replied waving her arm to take in the bedroom.


        “Trust me, you’re no trouble at all.  Actually, it’s been nice having someone in the house.”


        “O.K., but as soon as I become a bother, you just kick me out!”


        “O.k.,” Lindsay replied chuckling.  “I’ll see you in a bit.”


        Jade heard Lindsay moving around in the other room and then a door close.  The house was very quiet except for the occasional sounds of the house creaking.  She could understand Lindsay's desire to live here.  She, herself, was beginning to really hate the city.  Fortunately for her, her job required her to travel quite a bit so she didn’t have to stay at her apartment long before she was off on another assignment.  She was beginning to find she preferred to be on assignment more than at home in her apartment.


        Shaking these thoughts, she dialed Judy.




        “Where in the hell have you been?” Judy asked.  “You were suppose to call me last night.”


        “I got detained,” Jade replied cryptically.


        “Don’t tell me, maybe I don’t want to know.  Blonde or brunette?” came the amused reply.


        “Actually, I’m lying in this gorgeous blonde’s bed but, it’s not what you think,” Jade laughed.


        “It never is, is it?”


        “Hey, that was after we broke up if I recall!”


        “Yeah, but it still hurt,” Judy answered.


        “I know and I keep apologizing for it,” Jade answered carefully.


        “I know.  I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t keep mentioning it.  I just wish things had turned out differently.”


        “I know, but we both need to move on.  You know we were both miserable back then,” Jade replied firmly.


        “You’re right, so what’s going on?” Judy asked getting back to business.


        “Well, it seems I had a slight run in with a tree, it won.”


        “Are you o.k.” concern evident in the editor’s voice.


        “Bumped, bruised and sore, but I’ll survive.  Unfortunately, I have a sprained ankle and can’t walk right now.”


        “Do you need me to send someone for you?”


        “No, the roads are pretty much snowed in here for awhile.  I’m o.k. Where I’m at but, I’ll have to push back the layout deadline,” Jade replied.


        “No problem, we’ll run the layout you sent from Maine and push the coastline back till either next month or the following.  Will that be enough time?”


        “More than enough, thanks,” Jade finished.


        “So, is there really a blonde involved?” Judy asked teasingly.


        “Oh yeah, that part is true.”


        “Jeez, you get all the luck!”  Judy complained.


        “It’s nothing like that,” Jade laughed slightly holding her side.


        “Not yet! But, if I know you my friend, that will change!”


        “You give me far too much credit Judy,” Jade replied.


        “No dear, I’ve learned never to underestimate you!”


        Jade ended the call with giving Judy the number and whereabouts of where she was staying, and promised to keep in touch.  Hanging up, she lay back and rested for a moment.  Her side ached and breathing too deep only made it worse.  She restricted herself to shallow breaths.




        Jade realized that she really needed to use the bathroom and hesitated thinking about how to go about this little feat.  She could wait for help, but that didn’t seem to be a good option right now.  Gritting her teeth, she held her side and made her way to the edge of the bed.  Pushing the covers off she felt an instant chill and remembered she only had underwear on.  Looking around she noted a robe hanging on the back of the closet door and decided that was the ticket.  Gingerly, she put her foot down only to sink back down on the bed when the pain shot up her leg.


        “Not a good move Jade,” she told herself.  Weighing her options, she found she really only had one and began slowly hopping toward the robe. The pain at each jarring step brought instant tears to her eyes.  Reaching the robe she slipped it on frowning.  It didn’t cover much more than her torso but it was better than nothing.  Taking a few breaths, she hopped her way out of the room in search of the a bathroom, halfway down the hall she had to stop as the pain got intense and wiped the tears from her eyes.


        “Oh God,” she moaned leaning her head against the wall trying to catch her breath.


        “What are you doing?” Lindsay demanded pulling her coat off and moving toward Jade.


        “I need to go to the bathroom,” She replied in obvious pain.


        “I’m sorry, I should have thought.  Here, let me help you.”  Lindsay said softly and went to the distressed woman.  She could tell that she had been crying and felt guilty for not being there to help her.


        Lindsay wrapped her arms around Jade’s waist and once again shouldered the weight as they moved slowly down the hall.  Entering the bathroom, she left Jade and shut the door behind her with instructions to call when she was ready.


        Lindsay brought Jade’s bags into the bedroom and set the duffle bag on the chair next to the bed for easy access.  She heard Jade calling her and went to help the woman back to bed.  Walking down the hall, she saw Jade tugging down on the robe that barely covered her black lace underwear.


        “Although quite fetching, I do have a longer robe if you’d like to use it,” Lindsay replied with a hint of a gleam in her eye.  ‘But, on the other hand, you do more for that robe than I ever will,’ she thought appreciatively.


        “Thanks, I have sweats and a T-shirt in my bad but, I would appreciate the robe offer too,” Jade replied smiling and thinking, ‘Fetching, huh?  Do I sense a hint of interest?’  Smiling, she wrapped her arm around Lindsay’s shoulder and let her help her back to bed.  Easing Jade down to sit on the edge of the bed, Lindsay set the duffel bag next to her and let Jade find some clothes.  Pulling out the sweats and T-shirt, she handed the duffel back to Lindsay. 


        “It will be easier if you let me help,” Lindsay offered and knelt down to pull the sweats gently over the wrapped ankle.  Jade stood so Lindsay could pull the pants up all the way, bringing Lindsay close to Jade.  Both women smiled nervously and Lindsay quickly grabbed the T-shirt and put it over Jade’s head.


        “Here comes the tricky part,” Lindsay said quietly.


        Jade nodded and raised her arm slowly to try to slip it into the sleeve. The shirt was too tight fitting to get on easily and the pulling was instant pain, and Jade quickly dropped her arm back down.

        “This isn’t going to work,” Lindsay replied.  “Wait a minute, I have an idea!”


        Jade watched as Lindsay moved to the closet and began rifling through the clothes hanging there.  Finding what she was looking for, she pulled out a long sleeve flannel shirt and brought it over to the bed.


        “I don’t think your clothes are going to fit me,” Jade replied grinning.


        “It’s not mine,” Lindsay simply replied and then noted a saddened look cross Jade’s face.  She spoke up to explain, “It was my brother’s.  I just could never bear to get rid of it.”


        “Was?” Jade asked quietly as Lindsay slipped it around Jade’s shoulders and helped her put her arms through the sleeves.


        “Yes, he died a little over a year ago in a boating accident,” Lindsay answered as she began absently buttoning the front of the shirt. 


        “I’m sorry,” Jade replied and looked down at Lindsay buttoning her shirt.  Lindsay caught the look and laughed.  “I guess you can dress yourself.”


        Jade smiled in reply and finished buttoning up the shirt, thinking that Lindsay’s brother must have been a lot bigger than her by the size of the shirt.


        “Is there anything else I can get you?”


        Jade slid backward on the bed as Lindsay adjusted the covers.


        “Just my camera case and pack and I’ll be all set,” Jade responded.


        Setting the items on the side of the bed, she watched as Jade pulled out a camera and a cloth and began to meticulously clean her camera.


        “Well, if you need anything, just holler.  I’ll be in the kitchen.”


        “Thank you for getting my stuff,” Jade said sincerely looking into green eyes.


        The eyes sparkled and crinkled at the corners when Lindsay smiled and Jade’s attention was enrapt by that little observation, and didn’t hear when Lindsay repeated, “O.k.?”


        “Oh, yes, great.  Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,” Jade stammered, mentally kicking herself.


        Lindsay walked to the kitchen wondering what that was all about, she hoped Jade wasn’t having problems with her memory from the accident.  She would have to keep a closer watch just to be sure.  Opening the freezer, she surveyed their options for lunch and dinner.  She put together the lasagna for dinner and put it in the refrigerator to bake later, looking at the clock she went to check on Jade and see if she was ready for lunch.


        Jade was sound asleep surrounded by her camera equipment.  ‘Now, that would make a good picture!’ Lindsay thought ruefully and tiptoed back to the kitchen.


        “Well, maybe I should bake something,” she asked outloud.  Hearing only silence in response she replied, “Something chocolate.”


        She finished baking the brownies and took them out of the oven to cool.  Putting the soup on low, she went to check to see if Jade was awake yet.


        Entering the room, Lindsay heard clicking and looked up to see jade taking pictures of her.


        “Oh, no! Stop! I look awful!” Lindsay complained waving her hand in front of her face.


        “Stop, stand still for me,” Jade asked clicking the shutter non-stop.


        Lindsay stopped and rolled her eyes before posing like a model for a few minutes, and then blushed laughing and begging Jade to stop.


        Jade lowered the camera and grinned saying, “I got some great shots.”


        “Oh yeah, I’m sure I look just lovely right now,” Lindsay replied sarcastically.


        “Actually, you look great,” Jade replied without ever thinking as she rewound the film and loaded a new roll.


        Lindsay hesitated before asking, “You ready for some lunch?”


        “Sure but, can I come out there?  I’m not one for lounging around in bed,” Jade replied.


        “O.k., why don’t I help you over to the sofa and we can eat in front of the fire,” Lindsay offered and moved to help Jade walk.  Settling her on the sofa, she went into the kitchen to prepare the tray.


        “So, tell me a little about the photos you take.  Are you freelance or on assignment?”


        A little of both,” Jade called back.  “Right now I’m freelance with an open space for my work and when something specific comes up, I take care of that too.”


        “Sounds wonderful.  Have I ever seen any of your work?”


        “That depends, do you read “US Explorer” magazines?”


        “Yes, actually I still have an old copy of it on the table somewhere,” Lindsay replied.


        Jade searched the table next to the sofa and found the magazine in question.  It was her layout of the islands.  She remembered that trip to Hawaii fondly.  It was back when her and Judy were still an item.  Her editor had met her down there for a week and they had spent it snorkeling and making love on the beach.  That was before things had gotten out of hand and she had broken off their relationship.  Still, Hawaii was a nice place that she’d like to visit again with the right person.


        “I see you found it.  I kept that one because I especially liked the photos of Hawaii, did you take those?” Lindsay asked setting a tray on the old steamer trunk that served as her coffee table.


        “Yes, actually these are mine,” Jade replied embarrassed all of a sudden.


        “Well, you do fantastic work.”


        “Thank you.”


        Over lunch and the remainder of the afternoon the women sat and talked about themselves and their work as Lindsay kept a nice warm fire burning.


        “Wow!  I don’t think I’ve ever talked so much about me,” Lindsay replied smiling.


        “You’re very easy to talk to,” Jade admitted looking over at the blonde as she ran a hand through her hair and it fell forward over her face.  She resisted the urge reach over and tucked the errant strand behind the woman’s ear.


        Lindsay looked over at the blue-eyed beauty and sighed, catching herself she looked down at her hands.


        “It’s so peaceful here,” Jade commented resting her head back and closing her eyes.


        “It’s one of the reasons I moved.”


        “One of them?” Jade inquired opening her eyes to look at Lindsay.


        Lindsay smiled and answered, “I was getting sick of the city, sick of broken relationship and just sick of life in general, and decided I needed to get away for awhile.”


        “So, there’s no one special you left behind?”  Jade asked trying to make a light joke of it.


        “No, my last relationship was almost a year ago.  Boy, time flies before you know it,” Lindsay replied surprising herself at how long ago Barbara actually was.


        “Yeah, I have to agree.  It’s been awhile since I’ve seen anybody steady.  I might even have your year beat.”


        “It must be hard with your schedule too,” Lindsay stated.


        “It certainly is hard in planning anything definite.  You never know when I’ll be delayed, like now for instance,” Jade offered.


        “Oh, was there someone expecting you?”  Lindsay asked slightly saddened by the prospect.


        “No, no.  I was speaking in the past,” Jade said to reassure the woman. For some reason, it seemed important to do so.


        “Well, I can’t believe it’s 5 o’clock already!”  Lindsay exclaimed.  “I need to get more firewood for this evening and put our dinner in the oven.”


        “I wish I could help you,” Jade replied frustrated at having to be tied down.


        “No, you relax and mend.  Hey, I have an idea.  If you want to check your email or anything you can use my computer.  I had an ISDN line run to the house so I could work from here with a minimal amount of trouble.”


        “That would be fantastic.  I need to check out my last layout and approve it,” Jade replied.


        “Great, why don’t we get you over there and I’ll get dinner and everything rolling.”


        Once Jade was situated, Lindsay bundled up and headed to the shed for more wood.  Something clicked in her brain as she stacked the wood and she went into her storage area to begin a search.  She found what she was looking for, pleased with herself she pulled out a pair of crutches, and began cleaning them up.


        “I had almost forgotten about these,” she said outloud, remembering when her brother had shown up with them after a skiing accident.  She had hung on to them for some reason even though Mark had been gone for almost a year now.  His death had been the beginning of her search for a better life for herself, and ultimately, led her here.  Loading up an armful of wood, she headed to the bin and proceeded to fill it up.  She finished and took the crutches in to Jade.  She could hear the woman typing and called out to her.


        “Hey, look what I found!”


        Jade looked up from her photos to see Lindsay hold up a pair of crutches.


        “Where did you find those?”


        “I forgot that my brother had them when he broke his leg.  I figure you could use one for your ankle until your side feel better and you can go to two, if you still need them,” Lindsay replied.


        “Great idea!” Jade replied accepting the crutches and setting them by her chair.


        “Wow!  Are those yours?”  Lindsay asked looking at the screen.  “May I?”  When Jade nodded smiling, Lindsay moved closer to get a better look.


        Lindsay was so close that Jade could smell her perfume mixed with a smoky wood scent from the fire.  She closed her eyes to commit that smell to memory as a warmth flooded through her and she felt lightheaded.   Feeling a touch on her shoulder, Jade opened her arms to find Lindsay hair almost brushing her face and the woman had placed a hand lightly on her shoulder to balance herself.


        “Do you like them?” she whispered in Lindsay’s ear and felt the hand on her arm tremble. 


        Lindsay almost fell over when she felt Jade’s breath on her ear, swallowing she let her hand slide across the woman's shoulders as she pointed to the screen and replied, “I like this one a lot.”


        Jade nodded and whispered, “How about this one?” and brushed Lindsay’s waist as she pointed to a picture on the bottom left of the screen.


        Lindsay’s breath caught in her throat and she whispered, “Yes,” before backing away to compose herself.  ‘What the hell are you thinking?’ she berated herself.  Here she was throwing herself at this woman without even knowing her.  She felt a definite connection and the woman certainly didn’t seem opposed to her, but was that any reason?


        Jade kept her eyes on the screen and acted nonchalantly about the whole thing.  Secretly she was kind of disappointed that Lindsay had retreated so quickly.  She didn’t think she had read her wrong, but something was not right.


        “Dinner should be ready shortly.  Would you be interested in some wine with it?” Lindsay asked adding another log to the fire so that she would not have to look directly into those blue eyes.


        “Yes, that would be nice,” Jade replied and watched the woman’s nervous movements with a slight smile. 






        Jade poured the wine as Lindsay served the lasagna.  "It smells delicious," Jade remarked and tasted the offered food.  "Ooh, it is delicious."


"Thank you," Lindsay replied shrugging off the compliment.


"No, I mean it. I don't get a chance to eat real food very often and this is wonderful."


"You're on the road that much?" Lindsay questioned.


"That and I don't cook," Jade replied grinning guiltily.


"Ever?" Lindsay asked surprised.


"Oh, I can make a mean salad, but that's about the extent of my culinary abilities," she replied chuckling.


"I love to cook, but I don't always want to bother for just me," Lindsay confided.


"I'm surprised you don't have a dog or something, living out here all alone."


"I've thought about it, but then I thought of the responsibility and gave upon the idea," Lindsay replied.  The truth be told, she didn't want to get attached to another living thing that would die or leave her.  She knew it was an unreasonable fear, but it didn't make it any less a fact.


Jade nodded and refilled the blonde's glass and noted the faraway look in her eyes.  'I think I hit another tender spot,' Jade thought and changed the subject.


"So, what's it like here in the summer?"


Lindsay laughed and replied, "Well, summer only lasts about six weeks so, you spend most of it getting ready for winter!"


"How do you do it all?" Jade asked.


        "What do you mean?"


        "I mean keep this place up, like firewood, repairs, etc.?" Jade asked.


        "Well, I have a handy man in the summer who fixes things and I have firewood delivered to fill the shed outside.  It usually lasts me all winter.  If I run out, I take my trusty axe out into the woods and look for branches I can handle," she answered.


        Jade had to give the woman credit, she was a lot stronger than she appeared.


        "When the roads are driveable, I make frequent trips to town to stock upon food.  I have a larger freezer on the back porch," Lindsay added smiling.


        "I guess you have everything planned and organized."


        "You kind of have to up here," Lindsay answered.


        After dinner, the women sat side by side on the sofa staring into the flames as they worked on their second bottle of wine.


        "I wish I was more organized, maybe then my life wouldn't be in such shambles," Jade replied running an absent hand through her hair.


        "Is it really that bad?"


        Jade looked over grinning slightly and answered, "Worse!"


        "You said you have no family, are they gone?" Lindsay asked hesitantly.


        "For all intense purposes," Jake replied and when she saw Lindsay's confused look she added, "We were never that close of a family and when I chose out of the family business, we just went our separate ways."


        Lindsay continued to look at Jade silently wondering what she was talking about.


        "I'm Gay.  Does that bother you?"  Jade asked sincerely.


        "It would be a big problem if it did because, so am I," Lindsay replied smiling at the idea.


        Jade grinned back at the humor of that statement and asked, "So, no one special in over a year?"


        "No one.  Barbara and I were together for three years before I came to the conclusion we had nothing in common," Lindsay replied.


        "Was she your first?"


        "No, Adrian was my first.  I really thought I was in love with her.  I guess maybe I was more in love with the idea of being in love than for her specifically."


"Ooh, I've been there," Jade confirmed, "Not a pleasant awakening."


"No," Lindsay agreed.


        "How about you?"


        "My first was in high school, it was more like teenagers experimenting.  She's still my friend, but she's no the mother of three and on her second husband," Jade replied.


        "After that, it was Tina for a year and then no one for a long time until I met Rene in College, we were together for eight years."


        "What happened with her?" Lindsay asked.


        "She said she fell out of love with me, but I found out later she was having a thing on the side with one of her professors.  I guess she could give her things I couldn't," Jade said quietly.


        "I'm sorry."


        "Don't be!" Jade answered too quickly and continued, "and then I did the same thing three years ago and had a brief relationship with my editor, although I was singe at the time.  It was still for the wrong reasons and was doomed from the start.  The only good thing is that we have been able to remain friends ever since."


        "Well, at least you have a friend out of it.  I've never been able to hang on to them afterwards," Lindsay replied sadly.


        "So, what about now?"


        "Up here?  No, there's nothing like that up here," she replied chuckling.


        "So why do you hide yourself away here?" Jade asked softly and pouring more wine for both of them.


        Lindsay took a sip, the wine loosening her tongue and she turned to Jade and admitted, "After my brother's death, I realized that life didn't always guarantee that love lasts forever.  I decided it was probably better this way."

        "So, it's because you're afraid of loving again?" Jade asked.


        "No, more like afraid of losing the love again," Lindsay replied.


        "It doesn't mean it will turn out that way the next time."


        "I don't know if my heart could take the chance again," Lindsay answered smiling weakly.


        Jade shifted closer and winced as the bandage on her thigh pulled uncomfortably.


        "You o.k.?" Lindsay asked concerned.


        "Yeah, just the bandage on my leg kinda burns," Jade replied shrugging it off.


        "It might be getting infected, let me take a look at it," she replied getting up to get a clean bandage and some antiseptic.


        Returning, she helped Jade to stand and remove her sweatpants, having the raven-haired beauty leaning on her and feeling her warm breath on her cheek was having a definite affect on Lindsay.  Taking a deep breath she helped Jade sit back down and knelt before her to remove the bandage from her thigh.


        Jade's heart raced with every touch of Lindsay's hand on her thigh.  She could feel her body responding and she tried to focus on something else.  She watched the firelight blend with the golden highlights in the woman's hair and closed her eyes as she breathed deeply.


        "Am I hurting you?"


        Jades eyes snapped open and she hoarsely replied, "No, I'm fine."  'You're just killing me,' she thought wryly.


        "Are you sure?" she asked her hands lightly resting on the woman's bare thighs.


        Jade didn't trust herself to speak again and she smiled and nodded trying to look unfazed.


        Lindsay looked at jade for a moment to be sure before going back to cleaning the wound.  It wasn't infected, but the bandage needed to be changed she told herself and then thought, 'Who are you kidding, you just wanted an excuse to touch her!'


        Finishing, she helped Jade dress again before clearing the dinner dishes.  She was standing at the sink when she heard a nose in the doorway and turned to find Jade standing with a crutch under her arm.


"Hey, you're getting around pretty good.  Does it hurt your side?"


        "No, surprisingly as long as I don't bank the crutch against me, I'm pretty good," Jade replied happy that she could get around easier.  As much as she liked using Lindsay as a crutch, she knew it had to be hard for the woman to shoulder her weight.  Jade stood looking out the window at the darkness.  "Boy it sure does get black out there."


        "No street lights out here, only the stars," Lindsay replied over her shoulder as she continued washing the dishes.


        Jade looked at the back of the blonde and followed her long hair to the flair of her hips.  'She looks strong enough to handle all this,' Jade thought, 'but it must get lonely out here.'


        Jade almost dropped her crutch when Lindsay spoke, it was almost as if she had read her mind.


        "It's pretty quiet at night here and that's when it gets the hardest, you know?  I'm glad you are here, even if I'm not glad about the circumstances that brought you here," Lindsay replied without turning around.


        "Me too," Jade answered softly.


        Lindsay felt a shiver at the woman's admission and she knew her feelings were not all one-sided.  Wiping her hands she turned to face Jade and smiled.  "Want to watch a video?  We don't get many TV stations, but I have a pretty good video library," she offered.


        "Sure, why not." Jade followed Lindsay back into the living room.


        "They are in the cabinet next to the TV," Lindsay replied pointing, "Why don't you look through them while I tend to the fire."


        Jade opened the cabinet and began to read the titles.  She smiled surprised when she ran across a few familiar ones.   She hesitated choosing one of them and decided it would be too obvious and went for a popular romance movie instead.


        "Did you find one?" Lindsay asked walking over.  Jade handed her the tape and hobbled over to the sofa.  Lindsay looked at the tap as she set up the VCR and thought, 'Oh boy! This isn't going to easy, unless, that's what you're hoping for?"  She set up the tape and took the remove over to the sofa and sat down next to Jade who had conveniently sat toward the middle of the sofa.


        "Can I get you anything else?" Lindsay asked with a hint of a double meaning.  'Two of us can play this game babe!' she thought to herself.


        "Ah….no, all set," Jade replied caught off guard by the simple question.  Jade turned slightly to rest her leg on the sofa.  It was an uncomfortable position, but it helped keep her ankle from throbbing.


        "Here, scoot back," Lindsay replied and grabbed one of the pillows from the sofa and placed it against her thigh.  "Lean back against here, it will be a lot more comfortable for you."


        Jade pushed back until she was resting against Lindsay.  The woman's arm was on the back of the sofa and Jade rested against Lindsay's side.  Lindsay's cheek was almost even with Jade's and both women inwardly smiled at the contact.  As the movie progressed, Jade had to admit it was definitely a love story.  She wished she had looked at it closer before she had chosen it.  She was almost embarrassed at a couple of the scenes and wondered if Lindsay was affected as much as she was.  Jade had her answer when Lindsay's arm on the back of the couch began to play absently with Jade's hair.  'Oh God, that's all I need now.  Between this movie and her touching me, I'm going to lose my mind!'  Jade thought trying to slow her quickened breathing and realized she was fighting a loosing battle and gave in to defeat.


        Lindsay watched the movie for awhile and then began to watch Jade.  She became mesmerized by the way the firelight reflected off her raven hair, it was almost blue-black in this light.  Absently, her fingers reached down and she lightly touched the soft locks.  She snapped out of her trance when Jade's hand grasped her hand and pulled it down across her chest and held it there.  Lindsay's breath caught in her throat and she tried to direct her attention back to the movie.


        The movie finally ended and neither woman moved.


        "What do we do now?" Jade asked softly.  Lindsay knew she didn't mean about watching TV and she replied, "What do you want us to do?"


        "I think that's pretty obvious," Jade replied chuckling lightly and holding Lindsay's hand closer to her chest. 


Lindsay closed her eyes as her head waged it's own battle.  Would it be so bad to make love to a gorgeous woman, no strings attached.  We have some fun and in a couple of days she's gone, no problem. But, Lindsay knew her heart was feeling something different.  Pushing away any further long-term thoughts from her head she answered, "I'd say."


        Jade's heart raced as her mind questioned if this wasn't just another conquest, she didn't think so and turned her head to loop up into green eyes questioningly.


        "What about your side?" Lindsay asked softly, her insides trembling at the possibility of being kissed by this woman.  Jade just smiled and leaned up to brush her lips across Lindsay's.  The moment she felt the soft touch she knew this was more than a simple conquest and deepened the kiss in an oddly familiar way.


        Lindsay's heart leapt into her throat at the touch of Jade's lips, her mind flashed 'déjà vu', but her body just wanted to take more as Jade shifted into her arms.


        Breaking the kiss, Jade asked huskily, "Help me up?"  Lindsay slid out from under her and helped the taller woman to her feet and looked up at her questioningly.


        Jade pulled the shorter woman into her arms and held her kissing the side of her cheek and working her way to her before whispering, "I just needed to hold you in my arms."


        Lindsay just moaned her reply as Jade's lips traveled down her neck.  Jade, not thinking, tried to shift her weight and stepped down, and instantly winced in pain.


        Lindsay slipped Jade's arm over her shoulder and began leading her toward the bedroom. Reaching the bed, Jade sat down and pulled Lindsay between her knees and began kissing her stomach as she pulled her shirt up to taste bare flesh.  Lindsay ran her hands through Jade's hair pulling her head closer as the lips and hands worked her bra free, pushing it up to reach their goal.  Lindsay pulled her shirt and bra over her head to give Jade the access she desired.  Lips and tongue tasted their goal as hands continued on their journey, tugging buttons loose and sliding Lindsay's jeans down her hips to the floor.  Lindsay stepped out of her Jeans and gently pushed Jade away from her.


        Jade looked up questioning as Lindsay backed off until she realized the woman was only intent on disrobing her too.  Hands worked together to reach their mutual goal and Lindsay slowly pushed Jade backward on the bed.  Jade pulled herself up as Lindsay followed crawling to lie next to her. Careful of Jade's ankle and side, Lindsay began her gently exploration of all that was Jade.  Heated bodies began moving against one another and Jade gave little thought to her side or her ankle as passions flared.


        Looking into blue eyes as Lindsay paused in her assault, there was a moment of recognition and acceptance, both women knew that this was going to be more than just for tonight.  This was not just sex, this was a release of long dead souls who were again joined as one.  Their eyes remained open and fixed on one another as they rode the wave of passion together.


Long after Jade had fallen asleep, Lindsay lay in her arms as a tear rolled down her check and she silently begged, 'Please, not again.'  She leaned up and gently kissed the cheek of the woman she knew could break her heart for the last time.  She had opened her heart one last time and this tall, dark-haired stranger had stepped in.  She finally drifted off to sleep with thoughts of her and Mark as they played together in the fields behind their childhood home.





Lindsay slipped out from under Jade’s arm, throwing on Jade’s discarded shirt she headed to the chilly living room to restart the fire.  ‘I need to move to where it’s warm and sunny!’ Lindsay thought as she shivered.  Lindsay sat warming herself as the fire caught and crackled brightly.  As the room slowly warmed, Lindsay got up and went to the kitchen to put on the coffee.  As she measured the grounds she thought about what had happened last night.  She couldn’t deny that they had connected on a deep level.  She had never felt that before, it was so familiar yet, so much more intense than her past relationships.  Lindsay sighed, she was also aware of how the light of morning could change everything.  She thought about Jade lying in bed and her heart sped up as she remembered her arms wrapped around her, and the way she smelled and the way her lips made her feel.  Lindsay absently put her fingertips to her lips as if she could actually feel Jade’s lips touching her’s and closed her eyes to the sensations that rocked her.  When arms reached around her she didn’t jump but leaned back into them and smiled.


Jade whispered in her ear, “Good morning, you look better in that shirt than I do!”  Jade kissed Lindsay’s neck before turning her around to greet her properly.


“I missed you when I woke up.  Are you o.k.?” Jade asked wondering if Lindsay was having regrets about last night.


“Very o.k.!” Lindsay answered as she nuzzled Jade’s neck.  There didn’t seem to be any of the usual next morning awkwardness between them, and Lindsay smiled up into blue eyes and asked, “How are you?”


Jade lightly kissed Lindsay’s lips and replied, “I’m at peace with the world and happy.”


Lindsay released the breath that she unconsciously held and hugged Jade warmly before releasing her.




“Coffee sounds good,” Jade responded.


“Do you ever eat real meals?” Lindsay asked amazed at Jade’s body considering her poor eating habits.


Jade grinned, “I guess I’ve gotten out of the habit.”


“Sit down,” Lindsay softly ordered and opened the refrigerator and began pulling items out for breakfast.


“When this weather clears a little, we can make a run to town for supplies.  You can see about your car then too,” Lindsay replied as she busied herself cooking.  Jade slowly made her way to the window and looked out.  The snow was still blowing around and she couldn’t tell if it was fresh snow or just the wind.  Turning, she sat down and commented, “Doesn’t look like it’s going to be today!”


“I know I can tell by the sound of the wind.  We are probably stuck for a few more days.  “Does that bother you?” she asked hesitantly as she set the table.


Jade pulled Lindsay down onto her lap.  “Hey, not in the least, I look forward to getting to know you better,” she grinned mischievously.


Lindsay blushed and replied, “I knew I liked winter for a reason!”


Jade chuckled as she pulled Lindsay closer and teased her lips with her own.  Running her tongue along the edges of her lips, she dipped in lightly to meet Lindsay’s as she moved her hand under the shirt to caress a warm breast.


Lindsay’s breathing became erratic as Jade tormented her mouth and her body.  Smelling something burning, Lindsay sat up and shut off the stove before returning to straddle Jade’s lap and return to the kiss.


“You taste so good,” Jade replied kissing and nipping at Lindsay’s neck.  Lindsay moaned and held the back of Jade’s head as she worked her way down her chest.  Jade pushed the shirt off Lindsay’s shoulders causing her to shiver as the cold air hit her.  Jade released Lindsay and gently pushed her off her lap as she rose and led the blonde into the living room to the sofa.  With the fire crackling warmly, breakfast was soon forgotten as the women burned hotter than any fire either one had ever known.





Wrapped in a quilt, the two women munched on what could be salvaged from breakfast.  Lindsay leaned against the sofa with Jade resting against her side as she held the quilt around their shoulders.  Setting aside the empty plates Jade sighed and snuggled closer to Lindsay.


“I could get spoiled like this!”


“I never realized how much I like having someone around until you came,” Lindsay answered soberly.


“Yeah well, I like being around.  It’s funny I usually don’t like to be cooped up in one place but, I like this!” Jade replied and squeezed Lindsay tighter. 


“It does have it’s good points.  I’m just getting tired of winter!” Lindsay replied.


“Have you ever thought of moving?”


“Every time we have a snowstorm like this!” Lindsay chuckled as the wind, on cue, caused the house to creak with its force. 


“Brrr,” Jade mumbled and tugged the quilt closer around them..


“Just think warm thought, that’s what I do.  I think of sunshine and white sand beaches and it’s almost tolerable.”


“What do you do locked up here all winter?” Jade asked still curious why she would keep herself hidden away in this self-imposed prison.




“Yes, if you want to tell me.”


“Yes, actually I do.  It is easier this way.    I got tired of all the pain and didn’t think my heart could take anymore.   I seem to lose everything I love, one way or another.  I thought a little time away would do me good, then when I got here, I found that it was easier not to have to feel anything.  I know that doesn’t make much sense but….,” Lindsay replied and shrugged her shoulders leaving Jade to fill in the blanks.


It makes more sense then you think Lindsay.’ Jade turned to the blonde and answered, “You can’t lock yourself away from everything.  That is no way for you to live.  If you don’t take the chance to feel again, how will you ever love again?”


“Love?  Maybe that just isn’t meant for me,” Lindsay replied softly.


“You know that’s not true,” Jade replied.


“I just don’t know what is true anymore,” Lindsay answered beginning to feel uncomfortable and restless. “Can we change the subject?”


“Sure, we can talk about anything you like,” Jade answered, once again rebuffed as she tried to find a way to reach the one woman who had already reached her heart.


“What’s it like being a photojournalist?”


“It really doesn’t seem like work to me.  Sometimes I feel guilty for taking money for doing something I love,” Jade replied grinning.  “I love to set up the perfect photo and then take random shots, and look at the finished product to sometimes find that the casual photos are the best.  It really amazes me.”


“Sounds like you are doing what you really like to do,” Lindsay replied.


“Oh yeah! And they pay me to travel around to great places to do it,” Jade laughed.  “How about you and your writing?  You said that you tried a couple of careers before you found yours. What’s it like?”


“I love writing. It is the one thing that I can do no matter where I am or what I am involved in,” Lindsay replied.  “I love bringing new characters to life and giving them substance.  Sometimes I’m afraid that I live vicariously through my characters.  Lindsay stopped shaking her head smiling.  “But, then again, I get to dictate the story, so it usually has a happy ending.”


Jade laughed with Lindsay and replied, “Author’s prerogative!”


“You got it!”


“How do you come up with all the new material you need?” Jade asked.


“Mostly from my imagination.    I have to admit, sometimes I feel like I’m getting stale and need to find some new material,” Lindsay replied.


“Maybe you just need to take a vacation and get away from this place, and experience new things,” Jade casually replied hoping that she could get Lindsay to actually start thinking along those lines.


“Maybe,” Lindsay simply stated and move to put more wood on the fire.  Returning she climbed back under the quilt and pulled Jade’s arms around her tightly.  They sat in comparative silence for a long while, neither woman ready to break the spell they had woven.


Jade loved the feel of Lindsay against her.  She wasn’t deluding herself to the fact that when the snow lifted, Lindsay would want her old life back, and Jade would reluctantly return to her cold, impersonal life.  But, for now, she wanted to savor these moments as a tear burned her eye she whispered, “Isn’t it time you check my bandages or something?”


Lindsay smiled and looked up to see moist blue eyes and wondered what was causing this response.  “Are you in pain?”


‘Only my heart,’ Jade thought quickly and responded, “No, just wanted to feel you.”


Lindsay grinned and replied, “Well, we don’t have to check bandages for that,” and decided that they should return to the bedroom.  She found she didn’t want Jade to hurt anymore but, part of her also didn’t want Jade to heal too quickly.  She dreaded the day Jade would say thank you and return to her exciting life.  For now, she would love Jade as long as she would allow, and stood up to lean down a hand to help Jade up.  She put her arm around Jade’s waist and walked back to the bed.   It was just sex, right?’ she tried to convince herself but, her heart told a different story.


The light outside was darkening as Lindsay awoke from her nap.  She rolled over and winced at the stiffness of muscles that had lain dormant for so long.  The worse was her heart, she knew it would be hurt and hurt bad in the end.  Looking around, she saw that Jade was gone, and the first pang hit her deeply until she heard the clicking of computer keys.  Throwing on a robe, she went into the living room.


“Hey!” Jade greeted her with a smile.  “I hope you don’t mind my using your system.  I wanted to get the next issue edited and approved so that I don’t have to worry about anything for awhile.” 


“Not at all, you can use it anytime,” Lindsay replied and moved to tend to the fire.  When she was satisfied that it would burn for awhile, she headed toward the kitchen until Jade stopped her.


“Come here for a second, please?” Jade asked and looked back at the monitor waiting.


“Sure, what’s up?” Lindsay asked putting her arms around Jade and resting her chin on Jade’s shoulder.


“I don’t know what to do with this picture for the magazine layout,” Jade replied and proceeded to explain the design she was looking for.


“I thought about using it as a closer with a poem or quote of some kind.  I noticed the one you have on your screen saver, who is it by?” Jade asked.


“Uh…me,” Lindsay replied hesitantly.


“Are you kidding, it’s fabulous.  Can I use it?  I’ll give you full credit.”


“Uh, sure…go ahead,” Lindsay replied embarrassed.


“Thank you, “Jade replied and pulled Lindsay down for a kiss.  “Where are you headed?” Jade asked when the kiss was over.  “I was just getting ready to rustle up some dinner.”


“O.k., I’ll be in, in a minute to help,” Jade offered and began typing the finishing touches to her layout.


“Take your time,” Lindsay smiled kissing Jade’s cheek and went to see what could pass for dinner.  They really needed to get to town for supplies. 


Jade thought for a moment before adding a comment line to her editor to hold the layout until she could add one more picture.






Jade came into the kitchen to find Lindsay rifling through the cupboard mumbling to herself.


“What’s up?”


“Nothing looks good in here.  I’m going to go out and check what’s in the big freezer.  I’ll be right back.”


Jade followed Lindsay to the back door and watched as she pulled on boots and a coat over her robe.  “You going to be warm enough?” Jade asked unsure.


“Yeah, I won’t be long,” Lindsay winked and opened the door.  Jade stepped back as a blast of frigid air rushed in.  Jade watched as Lindsay ran to the barn and slipped inside.


Rummaging through the freezer, Lindsay was pleasantly surprised to find Mocha ice cream and pulled it out along with a package of chicken and some frozen soup she had made not long ago.  Carrying her prizes she made a dash for the back door which opened as she approached and she ran in.  Jade took the food from her as she removed her coat and boots.  Turning back to Lindsay, Jade pulled the shivering woman into a warm hug and held her.


“Ooh, I think I like warming up this way,” Lindsay answered softly and kissed Jade.  Jade chuckled and held Lindsay until she stopped shivering.  “Better?”


“Oh yeah!”


The women worked together and dinner was ready in no time.  Jade carried their plates in front of the fireplace as Lindsay went back for a bottle of wine.  After dinner they relaxed with their wine and each other.  Lying before the fire, they took their time memorizing every inch of each other’s body.   Jade held Lindsay close as their sated bodies drifted towards sleep.  Jade drifted off with a smile on her lips and murmured, “I love you Lindsay.”  But, the sleeping woman missed the words she so desperately needed to hear.



The next morning, the sun finally came out, and Jade and Lindsay decided to go out and clean off some of the snow from the front of the house.  Bundling up, they headed out.  Jade’s ankle was doing well and she walked with only a slight limp.  They worked together and succeeded in unburying the garage door and began knocking the snow off the awnings and roof of the house.  Jade was taller and could reach higher, seeing an icy overhand, she reached up with her shovel and hit it, watching in horror as it tumbled down on top of Lindsay. 


Lindsay stood covered in snow looking at Jade, who tried hard not to laugh.  Unsuccessful, she began backing away slowly.  “I’m sorry Lindsay, really.  I didn’t mean for that to happen,” she said.


Lindsay moved toward the slower woman and was upon her instantly.  Jade grabbed Lindsay as she fell backward into the snow laughing.  Flakes doted Lindsay’s face and Jade leaned up to catch them with her lips, content to hold Jade on top of her.  After a few deep, meaningful kisses, Lindsay asked, “Am I hurting you?”


“Not in the least, my butt is frozen however,” Jade replied with a twinkle in her eye.  Lindsay laughed and pushed herself up and off of Jade.   She reached down to help the taller woman up as they walked arm and arm back into the warm house.


Two days later, they heard the first of the snow ploughs coming through, and everything started to look different.  Neither woman seemed encouraged by their pending freedom.


“Looks like we’ll be able to get out as soon as the driveway is cleared, “ Lindsay remarked sadly.  Their little oasis was about to be destroyed.  “Tomorrow for sure.”


Jade just nodded thinking how everything would be changing soon and she wouldn’t have a reason to stay.  She got the feeling that Lindsay would want her uncomplicated life back.  She was already walking without a crutch, and things were moving right along.


The next morning Lindsay and Jade bundled up and trudged out to the garage.  Lindsay’s handyman had cleared the drive and the roads were now open to town.  They headed to town stopping at Jade’s car so she could look it over.


“Wow! I didn’t realize how bad it was,” Jade exclaimed.


“We can have someone from the garage come and get it to take a look at it,” Lindsay replied as they climbed back into the four-wheel drive.


“Maybe, I should get one of these!”


“It’s a necessity up here,” Lindsay simply replied.


“Guess I’ll have to give it some thought,” Jade responded and waited for Lindsay to comment. Lindsay almost swerved off the road at Jade’s last comment.  Caught off guard, she didn’t reply, she didn’t want to get her hopes up.  One reality check in this lifetime was enough for her and she wasn’t going to put herself through that again.


Receiving no response, Jade sat quietly looking out the window thinking, ‘I guess I have my answer.’


Stopping at the garage, they made arrangements to have Jade’s car towed in and worked on.  Next, they loaded up on groceries before heading back toward Lindsay’s house.  Their funk of earlier had lifted and they we’re back to their subtle teasing of earlier.


The next two weeks flew by as they were spent working, reading and playing but, their nights, were spent wrapped in each others arms, delighting in the new heights they could bring each other to.  Neither woman wanted to think about the inevitable and lived as though the present was all that mattered.


The garage finally called and Jade’s car although extensively damage was repairable and ready.  Jade’s editor had already called about another assignment down in Florida, and Jade could find no reason to postpone her leaving any longer.  Later at dinner, Jade announced, “I’m going to head out tomorrow and I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”


Lindsay looked away as the tears burned her eyes as she whispered, “So soon?”


“I’ve got a new assignment to do and I’m sure you are ready to have me out of your hair,” Jade answered lamely, and thinking, ‘And you haven’t given me any indication you want me to stay.’ 


Lindsay nodded her head unable to vocalize in words for fear of bursting into tears.  Instead, she got up quietly and began to wash the dishes.  Her heart hurting as she thought, I wish I could be the one you are looking for Jade.  But, I guess I’m not what you need.’


Later that evening Jade made love to Lindsay one last time.  It was slow and gentle as Jade showed her the deepest part of her soul and wished it would awaken Lindsay’s heart.  Afterwards, Lindsay lay facing away from Jade as  they both pretended to sleep.


Jade awoke to the sound of sobbing and realized Lindsay was crying.  She rolled over and took her in her arms whispering, “What’s wrong?”


Lindsay just shook her head as she burrowed herself deeper into Jade’s arms.  Once again, she couldn’t say what she needed to for fear that Jade would rebuff her, and just cried until she gratefully fell asleep.


“I’m so sorry Lindsay.  I wanted to be the one to break through your walls, but you won’t let me,” Jade said softly to the sleeping woman as the tears rolled down her cheeks.



CHAPTER 7     


The next morning, Lindsay was up early fixing food for Jade to take with her on her trip.  Jade quietly placed her equipment in the car.  She took her camera out and shot a roll of film of Lindsay though the kitchen window.  Her only reminder of the past month would be these photos and the pain in her chest.


“I’ve packed some coffee and food for you.  Promise me you won’t drive in anymore storms and pull off the road when you get tired,” Lindsay asked.


“I promise,” Jade replied looking into red-rimmed eyes.  Lindsay had been crying again and Jade didn’t know how to help her.  She thought she could get Lindsay to open up to her, but it never happened.


Jade pulled Lindsay into her arms for one more soul-searing kiss before releasing her and getting into her car.


“I’ve left all my numbers on the nightstand.  If you ever need me or want to talk, call me,” Jade said thinking,  ‘I’ll always love you and the time we’ve spent together.’


‘God, don’t leave me, please!’ Lindsay’s heart screamed as she nodded her head and watched Jade’s car pull out of the driveway.





Jade drove too fast and too long down the highway, the tears long since dried up and now there was just the need to reach her final destination.  She couldn’t get Lindsay out of her head and had picked up her car phone more times than she cared to remember, to call her.


“Come on Jade, you’ve got to get over her.  She doesn’t want to be involved with anyone and especially, not with you.” Jade told herself outloud and willed herself to listen.   The Florida state line came into view and with her jaw set, she punched the accelerator and raced across an unknown finish line, but there was no sense of victory in the tense woman.


Arriving at her destination, Jade checked into her hotel and took a long hot shower before collapsing onto the bed and falling into a deep sleep.  She had driven straight through from Michigan, and now she was physically, and emotionally exhausted. 


Lindsay walked around the empty house and finally went into the bedroom.  She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the note on the nightstand.  She knew that the bold writing was Jade’s and she read the phone numbers until they began to blur and she curled up onto the bed and grabbed Jade’s pillow and breathed deeply the scent that was left behind.  Crying herself to sleep once again, she drifted off into a disturbed sleep.


Lindsay thrashed in the thralls of her dreams and cried out for Jade, but every time she got close to the elusive figure, Lindsay would find herself alone once again.  By the final dream, Lindsay was soaked in sweat, her dream world became real as she ran toward Jade and finally reached her only to have the tall woman turn sadly and say, “I really tried to reach you….why wouldn’t you answer me?”   Turning the figure of Jade melted away and Lindsay woke up with a start in the darkened room.  She had slept most of the day and she knew that she wouldn’t sleep anymore that evening.   Lindsay shivered and peeled off her sweat soaked clothes as she stepped into the shower.   


Dressing warmly, she walked into the living room and got a nice big fire going to try to dispel the chill she felt, but she knew that nothing would take away the chill from inside of her.  Sitting before the fire with a glass of wine, she thought over the dreams that had plagued her sleep.   After finishing the bottle she was no closer to solving her dilemma, except that she did come to the realization that she should have talked with Jade.  She should have told Jade how she felt and let her take it from there.  This way, there was no conclusion and she was going to be driving herself nuts wondering.  She didn’t think a rejection could hurt her heart anymore than it was already hurting.   Berating herself for being so stupid, she drifted off into a wine-induced sleep.



Jade finished a roll of film and began loading another as she watched the sun rise over the ocean.  She didn’t really feel much for the shots she was taking, except for the sense of isolation that she was feeling.  Every time she let her thoughts drift, they always returned to a certain blonde haired beauty that she missed desperately.  Sighing, she finally gave up and made her determined way back to the hotel.  “This is ridiculous….I’m not going to drive myself crazy over this.  I’m going to find out one way or the other!” she decided as she walked back up the beach.   Pulling up a chair on the pool deck she pulled out her pad of paper and began writing to Lindsay.  She thought and wrote making changes and when she had finally gotten it the way she wanted, she got up and went to her room to look in the phone book for a travel agency.


Putting the ticket with the letter in an envelope, she sealed it and dropped it into the Federal Express box.   Lindsay should have it by tomorrow morning and all Jade had to do was wait until the following day.  ‘Oh yeah!  So easy…just wait!’ Jade thought sarcastically and went back out into the sunshine to try to dispel her fears and the chill that she felt.  “Come on Jade, we’ve got work to do,” she told herself and headed down toward the pier.


Lindsay tore open the envelope as soon as she saw whose name was on the return slip.  The ticket slipped out and fell on the table and she opened the letter and began to read.    “Oh God!” Lindsay gasped as the tears began to well up in her eyes.   She dropped the letter on the table next to the ticket and ran to her bedroom.





Jade paced in front of the terminal counter and glanced at the monitor every five minutes to assure herself that the flight was still inbound.  She wasn’t sure what she would do if Lindsay weren't on the flight, one thing she was sure of, was that she would at least have an answer.   The monitor flashed that the plane was on the ground and Jade wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans nervously.  She moved to stand off to the side and watched as the passengers deplaned.  As the crowd thinned and the passengers trickled down to a few stragglers, Jade’s chest felt as if she had been kicked and began to turn to leave but, something kept her watching the aircraft doors.   All of a sudden she saw a familiar blonde head and stepped forward as green eyes looked toward her.  “She came!” Jade whispered in awe. 


Lindsay hung back as the passengers surged forward to exit the plane.  She was nervous and needed a few moments to calm herself before facing Jade.  ‘Maybe I should have called to let her know I was coming?  I wonder if she is out there?’ she worried silently until she looked up to see the stewardess looking over at her curiously.   She smiled at the woman and got up to retrieve her pack from the overhead compartment and slowly moved down the aisle.  As she exited the gangway she looked up into the most precious blue eyes imaginable and walked toward them without even blinking.


“You came,” Jade whispered when they stood face to face.   “I had to,” Lindsay replied touching Jade’s jaw softly, “we have a lot to talk about.”


“Yes, we do.   It’s bothered me that I didn’t say something sooner,” Jade replied taking Lindsay’s bag from her hand and heading down to luggage pickup.  They retrieved her suitcase and Jade took Lindsay’s arm and led her out of the airport.


“I’ve felt the same way and kicked myself for letting you drive away.”


“Well, babe, you can stop kicking yourself because we are going to have a long talk and sort through all this,” Jade replied smiling as she led Lindsay to her car and opened the door for her.  Lindsay got in and Jade ran around to the driver’s side and drove toward the hotel. 


“Let’s finish this conversation where we can talk without being disturbed,” Jade replied.  Lindsay nodded and smiled.     


Jade lifted Lindsay’s suitcase and entered the hotel lobby, waving off the bellboy as he came to carry the bag.  Leading Lindsay toward the elevator they got in and rode in silence to the room.  Entering the room, Jade put down the suitcase and went to the bar.


“Want something to drink?  Or, are you hungry?” Jade asked.


“Both!” Lindsay smiled.


“O.k.  You take a look at the menu and I’ll get us something to drink…Wine o.k?”


“Perfect,” Lindsay replied picking up the menu off the table.  After deciding on what they wanted, Jade phoned the order and went to the sliding glass doors to the balcony.


“Come on, let’s sit on the balcony and talk,” Jade offered.


Lindsay went through the door and looked out over the water as the sun slowly began to set.  She took a deep breath of the warm tropical air and sighed, “This is so beautiful.  I don’t miss the snow and cold at all.”


“Do I detect a possibility of your moving?” Jade asked cautiously.


“It’s a possibility.  I don’t think I would give up my house because it is beautiful up there in the summer but, I think I’m ready to trade winters in.”   Jade nodded and sipped her wine not wanting to push this too fast. 


“So, how was the flight?” Jade asked. 


“Long but, relatively painless,” Lindsay replied.  “I sat in the back of the plane and I’ll never do that again.  I never realized how many times people have to use the bathroom in a three hour period!”  Jade began laughing at the comment, “I know what you mean.” 


Their was a knock at the door and Jade stood up saying, “That must be our dinner,” and went let room service bring it in.   The women talked about Jade’s assignment as they ate.  They silently agreed to leave their important conversation for after dinner.


Moving back out to the balcony with the rest of the bottle of wine Jade had ordered with dinner, they settled in for their talk.


“Before you say anything,” Lindsay replied looking up at Jade seriously, “I need to tell you that I love you.  Well, I just want you to know that.”


Jade’s eyes burned as she heard the three words she had been waiting for, crouching down in front of Lindsay she smiled and said, “I’ve wanted to hear that from you since I first looked into your eyes.  I think you should know that is when I first fell in love with you.  I just didn’t think you wanted to love me.”


“I wanted to love you but, I was so afraid of getting hurt again.  Then, I didn’t think you needed any complications in your life,” Lindsay replied.


Jade leaned in and gently turned Lindsay to look at her and smiled, “My life is empty.  All I’ve had is my work for the longest time.  If you saw my apartment, you would understand.  It has just become a stopping place to do laundry and get my mail.”


Lindsay reached out to stroke Jade’s tense jaw.  “I’m sorry, I never realized.  I’ve hid myself for so long that I allowed fear to blind me to a lot of things.”


“And now, what are you feeling?” Jade asked leaning her hands on Lindsay’s knees. 


“I’m feeling that if I let you go without knowing exactly what you are feeling and what you want from me, then I will always know that I lost something special,” Lindsay replied looking down into blue eyes.


Jade looked up and said, “well, for openers, you know that I am deeply in love with you?”  Lindsay nodded and waited for her to continue.


“And as for what I want from you…All I want is a chance to love you, a chance to help you break free from your prison, a chance to be someone you could love in return,” Jade replied as a tear slipped down her cheek.


Lindsay held Jade’s face in her hands and answered, “I am in love with you too.  It took me awhile to realize that fact.  I’ve been so afraid of getting close to anyone for fear of losing them but, in reality, all I’ve ever wanted was what you are freely offering me right now. “  Lindsay leaned down and captured Jade’s lips as both women rose to their feet never breaking contact.   Jade wrapped her arms around Lindsay and deepened the kiss.   Their bodies molded into familiar places as they held each other closely.   “Let’s go inside,” Lindsay whispered and Jade pushed open the sliding door and led her into the room.


Jade pulled Lindsay back into her arms and looked deeply into green eyes whispering softly, “I love you so much that sometimes I don’t know what to say.”


“Don’t say anything, just show me,” Lindsay whispered.  Jade moved her hand up to Lindsay’s shirt and slowly began to unbutton it.   There was no desperation in her movements this time as Jade's lips boldly blazed a trail down Lindsay's body, staking claim to everything in their path.  Clothing disappeared as the women traded kisses and touches, and moved to lie on the bed.


"Jade, please…," Lindsay cried out hoarsely.


Jade painstakingly moved back up Lindsay's body and blue eyes bore into green and she simply responded, "I love you," before claiming the lips before her.  Breaking the kiss, Jade moved down to capture a hardened nipple and gently rolled her tongue over the tip of it before taking it into her warm mouth.  She cherished every inch of her lover, never wanting this moment to end but she sensed Lindsay's need and began her final descent.


Lindsay could feel the fire raging in her body and every touch of Jade send liquid heat coursing to her center.  She could feel herself getting wetter in anticipation of Jade's touch.


Jade kissed the wet sex before her and then kissed the inside of each thigh working her way back to her destination, as Lindsay's drenched folds opened to her.  Gently, Jade worked her tongue along the glistening interior, savoring every essence her lover offered.  As her lips circled the engorged nub, she knew Lindsay was trying hard to hold on and gently entered her.


Lindsay's body instinctively began to hum to the familiar dance that Jade's stroking called forth from her body.   With the simplest of touch this tall, dark haired lover could command even her smallest of senses, all thought focused on this one moment in time.  Lindsay could hear the rush of blood as it pounded in her ears, and when she thought it would deafen her, she felt an explosion erupt deep within her as she called out to Jade.   Slowly, as Lindsay's body quivered, Jade moved her hands to grasp Lindsay's as she continued to stroke her sex until she came again in a hot, blinding rush.  Lindsay pulled Jade up into her arms with tears in her eyes and whispered in revelation; "I've never felt that before."


"Never?" Jade softly asked kissing Lindsay's forehead and holding her tightly.


"No," a shaky voice replied in Jade' ear.


"Then, thank you for a most cherish gift," Jade answered and moved to kiss Lindsay long and slow.


Lying in each other's arms Jade continued to place small kisses along Lindsay's shoulder until she was pushed gently backwards.  Lindsay rolled over on top of Jade and looked down at her lover.  "I love you very much and now, I want to show you just how much," Lindsay replied as she lightly nipped at Jade's lower lip.  Jade purred in delight and lay back, giving Lindsay all the opportunity she needed to express herself.








Lindsay stepped out of the bathroom as Jade hung up the telephone, smiling she pulled Lindsay into her arms and kissed her.


"Mmm, I can't seem to get enough of you," Jade murmured as she kissed down Lindsay's neck.   Lindsay's hands moved across her tall lover's back and up to her shoulders to gently tug on the long raven hair.  Jade looked down curiously aroused as Lindsay sought out her lips for a deep kiss.


Pulling back, Lindsay smiled.  "Me too! But, don't you have work to do?"


Jade groaned and put her forehead down against Lindsay's shoulder.


"Yes, but did you have to remind me?"


"Come on, the sooner you finish, the more time we will have," Lindsay chuckled.


"O.K." Jade replied and lifted her head to look into expressive green eyes.


"You don't get seasick do you?"


"No, why?" Lindsay asked curiously.


"Because we're going out on a boat today to finish this assignment," Jade replied moving to grab her daypack and tucking her camera inside.


"I need some shoreline shots for the layout."


"Sounds like fun!" Lindsay replied.


"Oh, I guarantee that," Jade replied with a glint in her eye.


"Behave yourself!"


"Nope!" Jade answered stubbornly.  "I don't think so!"


"Oh, brother!"


Jade grinned from ear to ear and pulled Lindsay down on top of her on the bed.


"You  know what they say about all work and no play!"


"Usually gets their work done!" Lindsay retorted.


Jade rolled over and pinned Lindsay beneath her and kissed her until they were both breathless.


"Well, work or play?" Jade asked huskily.


"Ooh, play, definitely play!" Lindsay replied and pulled Jade back down to her.


"How much time do we have?" Lindsay asked breathing heavily from her arousal.


"Long enough!" Jade replied and once again began to disrobe her lover.


"Oh yeah!" Lindsay replied and lightly licked Jade's bottom lip.  Jade quickly moved to catch the roaming tongue and drew it into a deep moist kiss.


The afternoon was quickly upon the two women who scrambled to shower and dress.  They headed down to the pier at a run so they wouldn't miss their ride.  Grabbing her camera gear in one hand and Lindsay with the other, Jade began jogging down the long pier to the waiting boat.


"Sorry we are late!" Jade called out to the captain and helped Lindsay aboard.


"No problem," he replied.  "We've plenty of time to get you set up."


"Great!" Jade showed Lindsay where to sit and began assembling her camera equipment.


"Can I help?" Lindsay asked as the boat slipped away from it's moorings.


"Sure, see those two lenses and filters?"  Jade responded.  "Mind holding them for me and when I need them we'll trade?"


"No problem." Lindsay pulled out the extra lenses from the case and watched as Jade lovingly worked with her gear.


"You really love this work don't you?"


Jade looked up with a sparkle in her eye, "Yes, very much!"


Lindsay nodded and continued watching her lover thinking, 'Then whatever we decide, I want to make sure you continue to do this work, and nothing can interfere, including me."


Jade looked up questioningly at the look on Lindsay's face and leaned in to whisper, "I love photography almost as much as I love you!"


Lindsay looked over to see that the captain had his back to them steering the vessel and quickly kissed Jade.


Jade stood up grinning from ear to ear as the captain turned to tell her they were almost in position.  He turned the vessel against the choppy waters and Jade quickly sat down as the ride got bumpier.  They fought the current for awhile as the two women remained steated and hanging on.


"You o.k.?" Lindsay asked a quiet Jade.


"Sure, just don't want to drop my camera overboard," she winked.


"How about you?"


"I'm fine, but parts of my anatomy are going to be very sore if we keep bouncing like this!" Lindsay proclaimed with a chuckle.


Jade leaned over and whispered warmly in her ear, "Don’t' worry babe, later I'll kiss them and make them feel better."


"Promise?" Lindsay asked mischeviously.


"Oh, yeah!  You can bank on it!"


"Ooh, there's going to be lots of them too!" Lindsay cooed.


"I'm counting on it!" Jade replied looking at Lindsay intensely.


Lindsay blushed and looked down.  Before Jade could say anymore, the captain cut the engines and they drifted just off shore.


"Just in time!" The skipper announced and pointed to the setting sun.


Jade nodded and went to stand aft, balancing herself as she began to photograph the shoreline.  Lindsay grabbed her lenses and quickly stood next to Jade and watched her work fascinated.  Four rolls of film later and numerous lens changes, Jade announced they were done.  The women took their seats as the boat headed back to the pier.


"That was fun!" Lindsay said as they walked hand in hand down the quiet pier.


"What do you say if we drop this gear off and go out to dinner?"


"I'd say, it's sounds terrific!" Lindsay replied enthusiastically.


"Great!  I found this little restaurant on the ocean and we can sit outside and eat.  How does that sound to you?"


"It sounds wonderful!"





The next two days went by too quickly for Jade and Lindsay, and soon it came time for their trip to end.  They both were leaving the next morning, but to different destinations.  Jade was driving father south to her home and Lindsay was flying north, some 1,600 miles away.  They walked back from dinner along the deserted beach and stopped to sit and talk.  The sand still warm from the heat of the day's sun but the light breeze had turned chilly.  Jade put her arms around Lindsay and held her in front of her to shelter her from the night air.  Lindsay shivered as Jade's warm breath caressed her ear with she leaned in to whisper, "I don't want to lose you."


Lindsay leaned back into Jade and pulled the woman's arms tighter around her.  "I don't want to let you go either."


"What are we going to do?


"When's your next assignment?" Lindsay asked hesitantly.


Jade sighed and didn't respond right away.  Lindsay closed her eyes and knew that the answer was not what she wanted to hear.


"I have to be in California by the end of next week." Jade finally answered.


Lindsay felt a tear slip down her cheek and she reached up to brush it away.  She didn't want Jade to know how much it hurt her to leave.


"Well, maybe you can come for a visit when you are between assignments." Lindsay offered as a out for Jade.


Jade heard the break in Lindsay's voice and she kissed her cheek and replied, "I will come as soon as I can.  I promise."


"Great!  Shall we head back?  It's kind of chilly out here."  Lindsay hadn't known what to expect, but it seemed her heart had wanted more than Jade was willing to offer.


Jade stood up and helped Lindsay to her feet, putting her arm around the smaller woman she held her close as they made their way back down the beach.





Jade drove too fast and too long down the highway, the tears long since dried up and now there was just the need to reach her final destination.  She couldn’t get Lindsay out of her head and had picked up her car phone more times than she cared to remember, to call her.


“Come on Jade, you’ve got to get over her.  She doesn’t want to be involved with anyone and especially, not with you.” Jade told herself outloud and willed herself to listen.   The Florida state line came into view and with her jaw set, she punched the accelerator and raced across an unknown finish line, but there was no sense of victory in the tense woman.


Arriving at her destination, Jade checked into her hotel and took a long hot shower before collapsing onto the bed and falling into a deep sleep.  She had driven straight through from Michigan, and now she was physically, and emotionally exhausted. 


Lindsay walked around the empty house and finally went into the bedroom.  She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the note on the nightstand.  She knew that the bold writing was Jade’s and she read the phone numbers until they began to blur and she curled up onto the bed and grabbed Jade’s pillow and breathed deeply the scent that was left behind.  Crying herself to sleep once again, she drifted off into a disturbed sleep.


Lindsay thrashed in the thralls of her dreams and cried out for Jade, but every time she got close to the elusive figure, Lindsay would find herself alone once again.  By the final dream, Lindsay was soaked in sweat, her dream world became real as she ran toward Jade and finally reached her only to have the tall woman turn sadly and say, “I really tried to reach you….why wouldn’t you answer me?”   Turning the figure of Jade melted away and Lindsay woke up with a start in the darkened room.  She had slept most of the day and she knew that she wouldn’t sleep anymore that evening.   Lindsay shivered and peeled off her sweat soaked clothes as she stepped into the shower.   


Dressing warmly, she walked into the living room and got a nice big fire going to try to dispel the chill she felt, but she knew that nothing would take away the chill from inside of her.  Sitting before the fire with a glass of wine, she thought over the dreams that had plagued her sleep.   After finishing the bottle she was no closer to solving her dilemma, except that she did come to the realization that she should have talked with Jade.  She should have told Jade how she felt and let her take it from there.  This way, there was no conclusion and she was going to be driving herself nuts wondering.  She didn’t think a rejection could hurt her heart anymore than it was already hurting.   Berating herself for being so stupid, she drifted off into a wine-induced sleep.



Jade finished a roll of film and began loading another as she watched the sun rise over the ocean.  She didn’t really feel much for the shots she was taking, except for the sense of isolation that she was feeling.  Every time she let her thoughts drift, they always returned to a certain blonde haired beauty that she missed desperately.  Sighing, she finally gave up and made her determined way back to the hotel.  “This is ridiculous….I’m not going to drive myself crazy over this.  I’m going to find out one way or the other!” she decided as she walked back up the beach.   Pulling up a chair on the pool deck she pulled out her pad of paper and began writing to Lindsay.  She thought and wrote making changes and when she had finally gotten it the way she wanted, she got up and went to her room to look in the phone book for a travel agency.


Putting the ticket with the letter in an envelope, she sealed it and dropped it into the Federal Express box.   Lindsay should have it by tomorrow morning and all Jade had to do was wait until the following day.  ‘Oh yeah!  So easy…just wait!’ Jade thought sarcastically and went back out into the sunshine to try to dispel her fears and the chill that she felt.  “Come on Jade, we’ve got work to do,” she told herself and headed down toward the pier.


Lindsay tore open the envelope as soon as she saw whose name was on the return slip.  The ticket slipped out and fell on the table and she opened the letter and began to read.    “Oh God!” Lindsay gasped as the tears began to well up in her eyes.   She dropped the letter on the table next to the ticket and ran to her bedroom.





Jade paced in front of the terminal counter and glanced at the monitor every five minutes to assure herself that the flight was still inbound.  She wasn’t sure what she would do if Lindsay weren't on the flight, one thing she was sure of, was that she would at least have an answer.   The monitor flashed that the plane was on the ground and Jade wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans nervously.  She moved to stand off to the side and watched as the passengers deplaned.  As the crowd thinned and the passengers trickled down to a few stragglers, Jade’s chest felt as if she had been kicked and began to turn to leave but, something kept her watching the aircraft doors.   All of a sudden she saw a familiar blonde head and stepped forward as green eyes looked toward her.  “She came!” Jade whispered in awe. 


Lindsay hung back as the passengers surged forward to exit the plane.  She was nervous and needed a few moments to calm herself before facing Jade.  ‘Maybe I should have called to let her know I was coming?  I wonder if she is out there?’ she worried silently until she looked up to see the stewardess looking over at her curiously.   She smiled at the woman and got up to retrieve her pack from the overhead compartment and slowly moved down the aisle.  As she exited the gangway she looked up into the most precious blue eyes imaginable and walked toward them without even blinking.


“You came,” Jade whispered when they stood face to face.   “I had to,” Lindsay replied touching Jade’s jaw softly, “we have a lot to talk about.”


“Yes, we do.   It’s bothered me that I didn’t say something sooner,” Jade replied taking Lindsay’s bag from her hand and heading down to luggage pickup.  They retrieved her suitcase and Jade took Lindsay’s arm and led her out of the airport.


“I’ve felt the same way and kicked myself for letting you drive away.”


“Well, babe, you can stop kicking yourself because we are going to have a long talk and sort through all this,” Jade replied smiling as she led Lindsay to her car and opened the door for her.  Lindsay got in and Jade ran around to the driver’s side and drove toward the hotel. 


“Let’s finish this conversation where we can talk without being disturbed,” Jade replied.  Lindsay nodded and smiled.     


Jade lifted Lindsay’s suitcase and entered the hotel lobby, waving off the bellboy as he came to carry the bag.  Leading Lindsay toward the elevator they got in and rode in silence to the room.  Entering the room, Jade put down the suitcase and went to the bar.


“Want something to drink?  Or, are you hungry?” Jade asked.


“Both!” Lindsay smiled.


“O.k.  You take a look at the menu and I’ll get us something to drink…Wine o.k?”


“Perfect,” Lindsay replied picking up the menu off the table.  After deciding on what they wanted, Jade phoned the order and went to the sliding glass doors to the balcony.


“Come on, let’s sit on the balcony and talk,” Jade offered.


Lindsay went through the door and looked out over the water as the sun slowly began to set.  She took a deep breath of the warm tropical air and sighed, “This is so beautiful.  I don’t miss the snow and cold at all.”


“Do I detect a possibility of your moving?” Jade asked cautiously.


“It’s a possibility.  I don’t think I would give up my house because it is beautiful up there in the summer but, I think I’m ready to trade winters in.”   Jade nodded and sipped her wine not wanting to push this too fast. 


“So, how was the flight?” Jade asked. 


“Long but, relatively painless,” Lindsay replied.  “I sat in the back of the plane and I’ll never do that again.  I never realized how many times people have to use the bathroom in a three hour period!”  Jade began laughing at the comment, “I know what you mean.” 


Their was a knock at the door and Jade stood up saying, “That must be our dinner,” and went let room service bring it in.   The women talked about Jade’s assignment as they ate.  They silently agreed to leave their important conversation for after dinner.


Moving back out to the balcony with the rest of the bottle of wine Jade had ordered with dinner, they settled in for their talk.


“Before you say anything,” Lindsay replied looking up at Jade seriously, “I need to tell you that I love you.  Well, I just want you to know that.”


Jade’s eyes burned as she heard the three words she had been waiting for, crouching down in front of Lindsay she smiled and said, “I’ve wanted to hear that from you since I first looked into your eyes.  I think you should know that is when I first fell in love with you.  I just didn’t think you wanted to love me.”


“I wanted to love you but, I was so afraid of getting hurt again.  Then, I didn’t think you needed any complications in your life,” Lindsay replied.


Jade leaned in and gently turned Lindsay to look at her and smiled, “My life is empty.  All I’ve had is my work for the longest time.  If you saw my apartment, you would understand.  It has just become a stopping place to do laundry and get my mail.”


Lindsay reached out to stroke Jade’s tense jaw.  “I’m sorry, I never realized.  I’ve hid myself for so long that I allowed fear to blind me to a lot of things.”


“And now, what are you feeling?” Jade asked leaning her hands on Lindsay’s knees. 


“I’m feeling that if I let you go without knowing exactly what you are feeling and what you want from me, then I will always know that I lost something special,” Lindsay replied looking down into blue eyes.


Jade looked up and said, “well, for openers, you know that I am deeply in love with you?”  Lindsay nodded and waited for her to continue.


“And as for what I want from you…All I want is a chance to love you, a chance to help you break free from your prison, a chance to be someone you could love in return,” Jade replied as a tear slipped down her cheek.


Lindsay held Jade’s face in her hands and answered, “I am in love with you too.  It took me awhile to realize that fact.  I’ve been so afraid of getting close to anyone for fear of losing them but, in reality, all I’ve ever wanted was what you are freely offering me right now. “  Lindsay leaned down and captured Jade’s lips as both women rose to their feet never breaking contact.   Jade wrapped her arms around Lindsay and deepened the kiss.   Their bodies molded into familiar places as they held each other closely.   “Let’s go inside,” Lindsay whispered and Jade pushed open the sliding door and led her into the room.


Jade pulled Lindsay back into her arms and looked deeply into green eyes whispering softly, “I love you so much that sometimes I don’t know what to say.”


“Don’t say anything, just show me,” Lindsay whispered.  Jade moved her hand up to Lindsay’s shirt and slowly began to unbutton it.   There was no desperation in her movements this time as Jade's lips boldly blazed a trail down Lindsay's body, staking claim to everything in their path.  Clothing disappeared as the women traded kisses and touches, and moved to lie on the bed.


"Jade, please…," Lindsay cried out hoarsely.


Jade painstakingly moved back up Lindsay's body and blue eyes bore into green and she simply responded, "I love you," before claiming the lips before her.  Breaking the kiss, Jade moved down to capture a hardened nipple and gently rolled her tongue over the tip of it before taking it into her warm mouth.  She cherished every inch of her lover, never wanting this moment to end but she sensed Lindsay's need and began her final descent.


Lindsay could feel the fire raging in her body and every touch of Jade send liquid heat coursing to her center.  She could feel herself getting wetter in anticipation of Jade's touch.


Jade kissed the wet sex before her and then kissed the inside of each thigh working her way back to her destination, as Lindsay's drenched folds opened to her.  Gently, Jade worked her tongue along the glistening interior, savoring every essence her lover offered.  As her lips circled the engorged nub, she knew Lindsay was trying hard to hold on and gently entered her.


Lindsay's body instinctively began to hum to the familiar dance that Jade's stroking called forth from her body.   With the simplest of touch this tall, dark haired lover could command even her smallest of senses, all thought focused on this one moment in time.  Lindsay could hear the rush of blood as it pounded in her ears, and when she thought it would deafen her, she felt an explosion erupt deep within her as she called out to Jade.   Slowly, as Lindsay's body quivered, Jade moved her hands to grasp Lindsay's as she continued to stroke her sex until she came again in a hot, blinding rush.  Lindsay pulled Jade up into her arms with tears in her eyes and whispered in revelation; "I've never felt that before."


"Never?" Jade softly asked kissing Lindsay's forehead and holding her tightly.


"No," a shaky voice replied in Jade' ear.


"Then, thank you for a most cherish gift," Jade answered and moved to kiss Lindsay long and slow.


Lying in each other's arms Jade continued to place small kisses along Lindsay's shoulder until she was pushed gently backwards.  Lindsay rolled over on top of Jade and looked down at her lover.  "I love you very much and now, I want to show you just how much," Lindsay replied as she lightly nipped at Jade's lower lip.  Jade purred in delight and lay back, giving Lindsay all the opportunity she needed to express herself.






Lindsay stepped out of the bathroom as Jade hung up the telephone, smiling she pulled Lindsay into her arms and kissed her.


"Mmm, I can't seem to get enough of you," Jade murmured as she kissed down Lindsay's neck.   Lindsay's hands moved across her tall lover's back and up to her shoulders to gently tug on the long raven hair.  Jade looked down curiously aroused as Lindsay sought out her lips for a deep kiss.


Pulling back, Lindsay smiled.  "Me too! But, don't you have work to do?"


Jade groaned and put her forehead down against Lindsay's shoulder.


"Yes, but did you have to remind me?"


"Come on, the sooner you finish, the more time we will have," Lindsay chuckled.


"O.K." Jade replied and lifted her head to look into expressive green eyes.


"You don't get seasick do you?"


"No, why?" Lindsay asked curiously.


"Because we're going out on a boat today to finish this assignment," Jade replied moving to grab her daypack and tucking her camera inside.


"I need some shoreline shots for the layout."


"Sounds like fun!" Lindsay replied.


"Oh, I guarantee that," Jade replied with a glint in her eye.


"Behave yourself!"


"Nope!" Jade answered stubbornly.  "I don't think so!"


"Oh, brother!"


Jade grinned from ear to ear and pulled Lindsay down on top of her on the bed.


"You  know what they say about all work and no play!"


"Usually gets their work done!" Lindsay retorted.


Jade rolled over and pinned Lindsay beneath her and kissed her until they were both breathless.


"Well, work or play?" Jade asked huskily.


"Ooh, play, definitely play!" Lindsay replied and pulled Jade back down to her.


"How much time do we have?" Lindsay asked breathing heavily from her arousal.


"Long enough!" Jade replied and once again began to disrobe her lover.


"Oh yeah!" Lindsay replied and lightly licked Jade's bottom lip.  Jade quickly moved to catch the roaming tongue and drew it into a deep moist kiss.


The afternoon was quickly upon the two women who scrambled to shower and dress.  They headed down to the pier at a run so they wouldn't miss their ride.  Grabbing her camera gear in one hand and Lindsay with the other, Jade began jogging down the long pier to the waiting boat.


"Sorry we are late!" Jade called out to the captain and helped Lindsay aboard.


"No problem," he replied.  "We've plenty of time to get you set up."


"Great!" Jade showed Lindsay where to sit and began assembling her camera equipment.


"Can I help?" Lindsay asked as the boat slipped away from it's moorings.


"Sure, see those two lenses and filters?"  Jade responded.  "Mind holding them for me and when I need them we'll trade?"


"No problem." Lindsay pulled out the extra lenses from the case and watched as Jade lovingly worked with her gear.


"You really love this work don't you?"


Jade looked up with a sparkle in her eye, "Yes, very much!"


Lindsay nodded and continued watching her lover thinking, 'Then whatever we decide, I want to make sure you continue to do this work, and nothing can interfere, including me."


Jade looked up questioningly at the look on Lindsay's face and leaned in to whisper, "I love photography almost as much as I love you!"


Lindsay looked over to see that the captain had his back to them steering the vessel and quickly kissed Jade.


Jade stood up grinning from ear to ear as the captain turned to tell her they were almost in position.  He turned the vessel against the choppy waters and Jade quickly sat down as the ride got bumpier.  They fought the current for awhile as the two women remained steated and hanging on.


"You o.k.?" Lindsay asked a quiet Jade.


"Sure, just don't want to drop my camera overboard," she winked.


"How about you?"


"I'm fine, but parts of my anatomy are going to be very sore if we keep bouncing like this!" Lindsay proclaimed with a chuckle.


Jade leaned over and whispered warmly in her ear, "Don’t' worry babe, later I'll kiss them and make them feel better."


"Promise?" Lindsay asked mischeviously.


"Oh, yeah!  You can bank on it!"


"Ooh, there's going to be lots of them too!" Lindsay cooed.


"I'm counting on it!" Jade replied looking at Lindsay intensely.


Lindsay blushed and looked down.  Before Jade could say anymore, the captain cut the engines and they drifted just off shore.


"Just in time!" The skipper announced and pointed to the setting sun.


Jade nodded and went to stand aft, balancing herself as she began to photograph the shoreline.  Lindsay grabbed her lenses and quickly stood next to Jade and watched her work fascinated.  Four rolls of film later and numerous lens changes, Jade announced they were done.  The women took their seats as the boat headed back to the pier.


"That was fun!" Lindsay said as they walked hand in hand down the quiet pier.


"What do you say if we drop this gear off and go out to dinner?"


"I'd say, it's sounds terrific!" Lindsay replied enthusiastically.


"Great!  I found this little restaurant on the ocean and we can sit outside and eat.  How does that sound to you?"


"It sounds wonderful!"





The next two days went by too quickly for Jade and Lindsay, and soon it came time for their trip to end.  They both were leaving the next morning, but to different destinations.  Jade was driving father south to her home and Lindsay was flying north, some 1,600 miles away.  They walked back from dinner along the deserted beach and stopped to sit and talk.  The sand still warm from the heat of the day's sun but the light breeze had turned chilly.  Jade put her arms around Lindsay and held her in front of her to shelter her from the night air.  Lindsay shivered as Jade's warm breath caressed her ear with she leaned in to whisper, "I don't want to lose you."


Lindsay leaned back into Jade and pulled the woman's arms tighter around her.  "I don't want to let you go either."


"What are we going to do?


"When's your next assignment?" Lindsay asked hesitantly.


Jade sighed and didn't respond right away.  Lindsay closed her eyes and knew that the answer was not what she wanted to hear.


"I have to be in California by the end of next week." Jade finally answered.


Lindsay felt a tear slip down her cheek and she reached up to brush it away.  She didn't want Jade to know how much it hurt her to leave.


"Well, maybe you can come for a visit when you are between assignments." Lindsay offered as a out for Jade.


Jade heard the break in Lindsay's voice and she kissed her cheek and replied, "I will come as soon as I can.  I promise."


"Great!  Shall we head back?  It's kind of chilly out here."  Lindsay hadn't known what to expect, but it seemed her heart had wanted more than Jade was willing to offer.


Jade stood up and helped Lindsay to her feet, putting her arm around the smaller woman she held her close as they made their way back down the beach.





Jade watched as Lindsay boarded the plane before turning to leave.  The tears stung her eyes and threatened to erupt as she hurried from the airport.  She made it to her car as they fell with an intensity she hadn't expected.  They would see each other soon, she had promised Lindsay.  Why was she feeling this way?  They had planned that as soon as this assignment was over, she would travel to Michigan.   But, hadn't there always been one more assignment, one more thing that always seemed to come first.  Her past relationships, or lack of them, was a glaring testament to this fact.  She never should have left Lindsay the first time and now, after all her declarations of love, hadn't she just done the same thing again.  Jade closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat in realization that this time, the stakes were higher, this time Jade had more on the line than just a casual affair.  This time it was her heart and her future involved.  Sitting up with a start, Jade knew that no job meant that much to her.  "Nothing, absolutely nothing is more important than this!" she cried outloud.


Slamming her hands on the steering wheel, Jade looked up as Lindsay's plane roared overhead on it's way back to Michigan. 


"Damn!" she shouted to the sky and quickly grabbed her two bags, and locking the car door she jogged back into the terminal.  She approached the ticket counter and pulled out her wallet.


"I need the quickest route to northern Michigan."  Jade told the agent as she dug out her planner and they began to schedule her travel.  Jade would have three plane changes, but would make it to her destination only fifteen minutes behind Lindsay.  Luckily, Lindsay had longer layovers and Jade would hopefully be able to catch up with her before she left the airport.  Running to catch her flight, she carried her bags on board and took her seat.  Jade sat anxiously awaiting take-off thinking, 'This is getting ridiculous.  How many times are you going to go chasing after the most important thing in your life before you realize that's exactly what she is?'   "One more time!" she whispered outloud.


Lindsay sat back and closed her eyes as the plane leveled off.  She was glad the flight wasn't full and she had the entire row to herself.  She didn't feel much like being sociable.  Lindsay sat and thought about her life and Jade's.  There was no way she could ask Jade to stop being who she was just because she had wanted more.  She loved Jade and asking her to be anything less than what she was wouldn't have been fair.  Jade has a career that involves a lot of her time and Lindsay would just have to adjust to a more casual relationship.  But, it didn't help the gnawing in her gut or the pain in her heart.  She already missed Jade's arms around her.  She didn't know how she would live with the long periods of Jade's absence that were to come.  Eventually, she knew that long distance relationships, were doomed to fail.  Curling up against the window, Lindsay tried desperately to fall asleep as a tear ran down her cheek and she silently chanted, 'I can get through this.'


The plane landed and as the doors opened Jade was up and running down the walkway before anyone else smiling.  'Ya, gotta love first class!'  She checked the arrival monitors on her way to baggage claim.


"Damn!" Jade exclaimed when she saw that Lindsay's plane had arrived earlier than expected.  Picking up her pace, she ran hoping that the luggage had been delayed somehow.  Jade ran down the stairs to find the last of the travelers collecting their things and proceeding out of the terminal.  Not seeing Lindsay anywhere, she followed the signs toward the parking area.  Entering the lot she looked over the tops of the cars and her heart leaped with Joy when she saw the familiar blonde head.  Repositioning her bags on her shoulders, Jade sprinted in Lindsay's direction.


Lindsay opened the back door of her car and bent to pick up her suitcase when she heard running footsteps behind her.  Startled, she turned, her mouth dropping open and her suitcase hit the ground with a thud as tears filled her eyes.


Jade set her gear down next to Lindsay's suitcase before enveloping her lover in her arms and holding her tightly.


"What are you doing here?" Lindsay asked taking a ragged breath.  She didn't think her heart could take anymore of these changes.


"Because sometimes I am very stupid!" Jade replied pulling back to look into the most beautifully confused green eyes she had ever seen.  "Sometimes the answer is staring you right in your face and you can't see it because you are focused in the wrong direction".


"What do you mean?"


"I thought I had it all figured out and everything had fallen into it's perfect little place, but what I didn't realize is that I didn't have a clue.  I've spent my entire life searching for you.  You are everything I am not.  You make me want to do things I never thought I was capable of, and then, what do I do? I try to fit you into my life instead of the other way around.  When what I need to do, is fit my life around you!"


"But Jade, your work is very important.  I'm willing to wait here for you."  Lindsay replied overwhelmed by what Jade was telling her.  She didn't want any regrets in the future to come between them.


"My life is crap without you!  Why would I want to put you second to that?" Jade answered firmly.


"Because you love what you do!" Lindsay insisted and stepped back from Jade.  She couldn't let Jade put that aside.  Not for her, not for anyone.



"No!  I love you more!  I can still do what I love, but it only has meaning if you're by my side.  I don't want to just see you on visits between assignments!"


"But…how?" Lindsay asked leaning back into her car to steady her quivering legs.


"I don't know, but we will figure something out together." Jade replied and pulled Lindsay back toward her and consumed her lips in a need to prove her sincerity.


Loading up the explorer, Jade turned to take the keys from Lindsay.  "You're shaking like a leaf, get in and I'll drive.  You try and get some rest."


Lindsay reached up and kissed Jade lightly replying, "Thank you.  It's the best offer I've had all day!"


"The day is young yet!" Jade grinned mischievously.


Lindsay jumped into Jade's arms for a crushing hug and then Jade walked her around the car and opened the door for Lindsay.





Rolling on to her side, Jade leaned on her elbow and watched Lindsay in the morning light.  She couldn't believe she had almost missed having this.  Lindsay lay curled on her side facing Jade, her one hand tucked under Jade's pillow in a subconscious need of a connection.  'Even in dreams, you are with me.' Jade thought and it moved her deeply.  She lightly brushed a stray lock of blonde hair away and sighed whispering, "I must have been blind."


"No, preoccupied." Lindsay murmured sleepily before opening one eye halfway and smiling at her favorite blue eyes.  Lindsay stretched her arm over to drape across Jade's hip and snuggled closer.  Jade smiled and moved to hold Lindsay's body closely.


"We're you going to watch me all morning or what?" Lindsay asked smiling.


"Or what!" Jade purred sexily and kissed Lindsay's closed eyes before moving down to capture her lips.


Lindsay awoke quickly as her body responded to Jade's questing lips and hands.


"I think I like waking up this way!"


"Oh yeah!"


Much later, both women were dressed and seated at the kitchen table with their morning coffee.  Jade reached over and grasped Lindsay's hand in her's and held it happily.  She couldn't remember a time when she had felt such a peace in her life.


"Do you know what the odds are of us finding each other?" Lindsay asked caressing Jade's hand with her thumb.


"With my batting average….one in a million!" Jade replied and lifted Lindsay's hand to her lips before adding, "And I have no intention of ever giving you up!"  Jade leaned over to kiss Lindsay soundly and let her lips travel over her lover's face committing everything to her heart.


Setting back breathlessly, Jade sighed watching Lindsay intently.  Lindsay smiled and locked eyes with Jade and they carried on their silent conversation until the phone rang.  Jade's brow shot up in annoyance and Lindsay chuckled, "I'll be right back!"


"Hey, it's for you!" Lindsay called out and Jade jumped up and headed into the living room.


"Probably my editor.  I called her earlier while you were in the shower." Jade explained and pulled Lindsay to her for a warm kiss before taking the phone.  Jade stood watching appreciatively as Lindsay walked back into the kitchen.  At the doorway, Lindsay turned grinning and pointed to the receiver in Jade's hand.  "I believe someone is waiting for you."


Jade looked down at her hand surprised to see the phone in it and blushed.  "Oh yeah!"  Jade could hear Lindsay chuckling in the kitchen as she cheerfully answered the phone.


"Well, you sure sound chipper this morning!  I'm going to believe it has something to do with that sexy voice that answered the telephone.  Is she as sexy as she sounds?"  Her editor asked.


"Oh yeah, and more!" Jade replied feeling a rush of heat travel down her body.

"So, you're back in Michigan."


"Yes, I'll send you the shoreline layout as soon as I put everything together and do a mock set-up." Jade replied.  "But, that's not why I called.  Remember you mentioned getting a writer to combine with my photos?  Well, I think I've found one for you."


"Jade……" Judy replied hesitantly.  "Are you sure you want to mix business and pleasure?"


"This is more than pleasure, Judy.  I've found someone who counts."  Judy could hear the happiness in Jade's voice for the first time she had known her.


"But, can she write?"


"Well, it's her profession!" Jade sarcastically remarked.


"You sure she's not just fishing around for a job?"


"Positive!  She'd be happy waiting here for me if I asked her to, but I don't want that.  I want her with me."  Judy could tell that the strong willed woman had already made up her mind.


"Send me some of her work and I'll take a look at it and let you know."


"O.K. but, I have to talk with her first."  Jade responded hesitantly.


"You mean you haven't even discussed this with her yet?" Judy asked surprised.  She had never known Jade to be unsure about anything, especially other women and thought jealousy, 'You must have it bad honey!'  She wasn't sure she was ready to give up her hold on Jade even though they hadn't had a relationship in over a year.




"Yeah, I'm still here!" the editor replied sharply trying to shake off her thought and get back to business.


"I’m not making any promises.  Send me some of her work and I'll discuss it with Mel and get back with you."


"O.k., I'll talk to her and email you some stuff later.  If all works out, I want to take her to California with me on Friday." Jade informed Judy firmly. 


"Well, let's just take this one step at a time shall we.  Prove to me she can write first." Judy replied.


"Great!  You won't be sorry."  Jade replied and rang off.


Judy replaced the receiver and sat back in her chair and sadly said, "That remains to be seen."


Jade walked back into the kitchen and engulfed Lindsay from behind as she stood at the sink washing dishes.  She ran her hands down Lindsay's arms and into the soapy water as she kissed and nibbled at her lover's neck.


"Mmm…good news I take it?" Lindsay asked leaning her head back onto Jade's shoulder as the lips moved further down her neck.  Jade's hand continued to stroke down Lindsay's arms until fingers tangled and slipped through one another in the soapy water.


"Depends?" Jade murmured between kisses.  "If you're interested in becoming a travel writer."


"What?" Lindsay asked turning around abruptly and splashing soapy water into Jade's face.


"Oh Honey, I'm so sorry." Lindsay giggled and attempted to wipe the drops off Jade's face with her still wet hands, making more of a mess.


Jade chuckled and pulled Lindsay into her wet body and wrapped her equally dripping arms around Lindsay and proceeded to use her shoulder to wipe her face off.


"Hey!" Lindsay protested, but was locked in Jade's strong arms trapped.


"Serves you right!"


Lindsay gave up struggling and began to laugh helplessly as her wet shirt clung to her body.  Jade noticed it clung in all the right places and leaned down to add a wet, sloppy kiss to the mess she was making of Lindsay.


"Where were we?" Lindsay pulled back breathless.


"You were telling me of your interest in a job as a travel writer for the magazine."


"What does the job entail?" Lindsay asked curiously.


"Putting words to my photos." Jade stated simply as though it was no big deal.


"I don't know if that is possible!"


Jade grinned at the compliment.  "I think you are the only one who can."


"Well, I’d have to know more about the job." Lindsay insisted slyly.


"Let's see, I can tell you about the fringe benefits." Jade offered seductively.

"O.k., we can start there."


"Well, first you have unlimited access to this benefit."  Jade moved her hands up Lindsay's back taking her shirt with it and gently pulling it over Lindsay's head.   Leaning down she captured a hardening nipple through the material of her bra as she slid the straps down the woman's shoulders.


"Ooh, I think that will be a very good one to have." Lindsay replied becoming more and more aroused by the employment offer.


"Just wait!  We haven't even gotten to my favorite one yet!"  Jade purred in Lindsay's ear and then led her back to the bedroom, peeling off her clothes as they walked.


"Why do I even bother getting dressed anymore?" Lindsay asked as she was pushed backwards onto the bed.


"Beats me!" Jade replied leaning down over her and continued her explanation of all the new job had to offer.


Lying back comfortably sated in each other's arms, Lindsay asked, "So, where do I apply?"


"Oh Honey, you've already got the job!"





Jade's plan involved Lindsay writing the copy for the recent shoot in Florida while she worked on the photo layout.  They would then send it off to Judy for final approval.  Jade knew that Mel would not be able to resist this method.  Since Lindsay had been there most of the time, and it was Jade's backyard so to speak, Jade was confident that they could finish it rather quickly.  The film had been overnighted to Jade from the lab and should arrive the next morning.


As soon as the package arrived, the women set to work and by evening they were relaxing in front of a cozy fire.  Their work already on its way back to Miami by courier.


"We make a good team." Lindsay spoke up as she relaxed in the circle of Jade's arms.


"The best!" Jade answered kissing the top of Lindsay's head as it rested back against her chest.  "No matter what Judy says, I want you to come to California with me." Jade added and waited for Lindsay to reply.


"You know, I can write anywhere even if it isn't travel related."


"Does that mean you will consider traveling with me?" Jade asked hopeful that she was hearing right.


"Yes, if you want me to come."


"Honey, I've never wanted anything as much as that!"


"What do you say to living both here and in Florida?" Lindsay asked.


"You mean summers here and winters in Florida?" Jade questioned thinking that it was an excellent idea.


"Yes, between assignments."


"I think I would like that very much!" Jade answered.


"So, when do we leave for California?" Lindsay asked with a yawn, making a mental list of everything she needed to do before hand.


"Not until Friday morning.  Come on let's get you to bed." Jade answered and stood up.  She pulled Lindsay up and pushed her toward the bedroom.  "You go ahead, I'll take care of the fire."


Lindsay nodded sleepily and padded down the hall.  Jade shook her head amused and thought, 'Guess, I wore her little butt out today, better let her sleep in tomorrow."  Jade quickly took care of the fire, satisfied that it would be o.k. until morning and went to bed only to find Lindsay already curled up asleep.


Quickly brushing her teeth, Jade got undressed and got into bed molding herself around Lindsay's body comfortably.  Even in her sleep Lindsay reached out for Jade and found her perfect spot and sighed.  Jade drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face and a special woman in her heart.








The two women worked around the house preparing it for Lindsay's long absence.  After the assignment in California, they were going to head to Florida to wait out the rest of winter.  Lindsay knew that Jade was trying to be casual about everything, but on more than one occasion she caught her looking anxiously toward the telephone.  The call they had been finally waiting for came on Thursday.  Jade pounced on the telephone as soon as it rang.






"Yes, Judy…it's about damn time you called!" Jade answered briskly.


"Temper, temper!" Judy warned.  "I told you I would call you as soon as a decision as made."


"Well?" Jade asked quickly, she knew that Judy was toying with her and she was quickly becoming aggravated.


"You pulled quite a stunt sending her work accompanied by your recent photo shoot.  You knew Mel wouldn't be able to resist, didn't you?" Judy answered tersely.  She hadn't been ready to give up on Jade, but this latest move had definitely shown her that Jade had been more than ready to move on. 


"I knew that this way her work would get the proper consideration it deserved." Jade responded.  "So, what did Mel say?"


"That's wasn't nice Jade.  You made me look like a fool." Judy spoke up into the phone and Jade could tell that she wasn't very happy at the moment.


"Listen Judy, I just didn't want our history to become a factor in this and by the sound of things, I was right in my assumption." Jade answered raising her voice. 


"Your assumption?" Judy sputtered.  "You've just about shoved this woman in my face and demand I do backflips for you.  I'm not your trained pet…or am I?"


Lindsay looked up when she heard Jade's angry voice and knew that somehow she was the cause of the disturbance.  Walking over to Jade she lightly touched her shoulder and looked up worried.


Jade turned and smiled when she saw the look on Lindsay's face.  Shaking her head she kissed Lindsay lightly and winked mouthing that it was o.k.


Lindsay looked into Jade's eyes and saw the sincerity reflected back toward her and nodded pointing toward the kitchen.  Jade nodded and watched as Lindsay went back into the kitchen.  Lindsay puttered around in the kitchen trying to keep herself occupied and not listen to the murmur of Jade's voice in the living room.   "If anything is wrong, Jade will tell me!' she kept telling herself and finally pulled four, sugar and chocolate chips out of the cupboard.  "When all else fails Lindsay, bake!" she mumbled to herself and began mixing the cookie dough.


Jade listened to Judy point out everything that was wrong with the current layout, mostly commenting on Jade's photos and their lack of originality.   Jade knew what the real trouble was, Mel had liked what he had read and Judy was having trouble with what was happening.


"Judy…wait!  We both know each other too well to play these games.  What did Mel say about Lindsay's work?"


"Just what you knew he would say.  If she is what you want, then he wants her onboard to work with you."  Judy replied in defeat.


"Then she is coming to California with me and Judy…..I'm sorry you are having a tough time with this.  I didn't mean to slight you in any way.  I just wanted you to see that Lindsay was more than capable to do the job."  Jade explained to Judy, hoping that her editor wouldn't see it as a personal challenge and would be able to move on from here.


"If this is what you really want Jade, I won't argue with you anymore.  I'll have her employment package waiting for you at your hotel.  Just have her sign the necessary forms and forward it back to my attention." Judy sat back against her chair.  She could feel a migraine coming on and she just didn't have time for one right now.


"Judy…make sure the package includes a salary at least equal to the other writers on staff."  Jade didn't want them to treat Lindsay as an entry-level staff writer.  Lindsay had experience and was good at what she does.


"Fine Jade, whatever you want." Judy rubbed her temple furiously and hung-up the receiver.  Leaning back in her chair she tried to think through the throbbing in her head and finally sat up angrily thinking, 'After everything that has happened between us, I want Jade to tell me to my face that we are really over.  I don't think she can.  I think she is using this woman to blow me off. I don't like being made a fool of, not by her or anyone else!'  Judy picked up the telephone and began making the necessary arrangements before heading down to employment to personally see to Lindsay's paperwork.






"Don’t worry about it!  Everything's going to be fine." Jade replied as she helped Lindsay pack for their trip to California in the morning.


"Everything didn't sound so fine a little while ago!"


"Listen, what Judy and I had was a long time ago.   She needs to come to terms with that.  It is her problem not ours." Jade moved to pull Lindsay into her arms and kissed her.


"I just don't want it to become our problem." Lindsay replied looking up into bright blue eyes questioningly.


"It won't, unless we let it." Jade replied and dipped down for another kiss, this one deeper with more promise.


Lindsay looked up again, still unsure and Jade sighed and rested her head against her lover's and looked closely into the concerned green eyes.


"I love you. . I am IN love with you…My past relationship with Judy couldn't even come close to what we have!" Jade tried to explain and sat down on the bed and pulled Lindsay toward her and held her hands looking up she simply said.  "You are the first person that I've wanted to share my life with."


"O.k., I believe you." Lindsay answered and smiled.  Jade closed her eyes in relief and smiled.  She wasn't sure what else she could say to convince Lindsay.  She wasn't even sure herself if things would run smoothly with Judy.  But, she wouldn't let that deter from working with Lindsay.  Not only was she totally in love with the woman, but she knew that they would make a great team.  They each brought a different approach to the partnership and complimented each other in more ways than one.   Grinning she thought, "Love was just an added bonus'. 


"What are you grinning about?" Lindsay asked nudging Jade with her body.


"Oh, I was just thinking about what a great team we make." Jade replied seductively and pulled Lindsay toward her as she fell backward on the bed.  Lindsay landed next to Jade and was promptly pulled into the warmth of the raven-haired woman's arms.  Jade lightly nipped at Lindsay's neck causing the woman to giggle and squirm closer.


"Is this part of the team-work you were talking about?" Lindsay asked slyly and kissed Jade's lips lightly.


"Oh yeah!  The best part!" Jade murmured and continued her assault on Lindsay's neck as her hand slowly slid up her lover's side taking her shirt with it in the process.  Jade and Lindsay spent the rest of the evening working on their team building skills.  Each one adding their equal input into the partnership.


Jade and Lindsay scrambled to finish packing and get to the airport in time for their flight to San Diego.   Their final destination was La Jolla, where they checked into the Sheraton Torrey Pines Resort. 


"I'm exhausted!" Jade exclaimed and crawled up onto the bed.  Lindsay smiled wearily and walked to pull the shade closed to block out the bright sunlight and went to the bed and crawled up bedside Jade.


"I've got a great idea!  Why don't we take a nap and then go out exploring."  Lindsay offered and quickly settled into the arch of Jade's arm.


"Sounds good to me."  Jade mumbled sleepily and rolled to tuck Lindsay against her body.  Both women were out in record time.


The phone rang startling Jade out of her slumber, fumbling she quickly reached over to answer it before it could ring again and wake Lindsay.  She sat up on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through her tousled hair before getting up and moving away from the bed with the phone in her hand.


"Hello" Jade whispered hoarsely.


"Jade?" Judy's voice came clearly over the line.


"Yeah, what's up?" Jade asked looking over at Lindsay's still sleeping form.


"I need to talk to you."


"So talk." Jade replied shortly.


"Not on the phone, in person."


"Where are you Judy?" Jade asked cautiously, but she had a sinking feeling she knew what the answer was already.


"In the hotel, room 225." Judy replied evenly.  "Can you come to my room so we can talk?"


"You are here, in this hotel?" Jade asked hesitantly.  She wasn't sure why this fact bothered her, but for some reason, she was pacing like a caged lion.


'Yes.  I need to talk with you."


Lindsay heard the murmur of Jade's voice and lay quietly listening to its timbre before realizing that her lover sounded very nervous about something.  She was ready to open her eyes when she heard the name "Judy".  Feigning sleep, she continued to listen to the conversation as her heart rate sped up and she felt a nervous roll begin in the pit of her stomach.


"Judy, why did you come here?" Jade asked, not wanting to go to her room to have this conversation.


"Because we have issues to discuss and I want them done face-to-face." Judy replied.  "Now are you coming to my room, or do you want me to come to yours?"


"NO!" Jade shouted a little to loudly and looked back over at Lindsay.  She hadn't moved and Jade was relieved that Lindsay was such a heavy sleeper.


"I'll be right over, room 225?" Jade replied smoothly, keeping her voice even and calm.


"Yes, I'll be waiting."


Jade hung up the phone and hesitated waking Lindsay to tell her.  She thought for a moment and thought better of it and decided to see if she could get rid of Judy without having to say anything to Lindsay.  Grabbing a pad and pen, Jade jotted a quick note to Lindsay, telling her that she was going for a quick walk to check out the site for tomorrow's photo shoot, and would be right back to take her to dinner.


Quietly slipping from the hotel room, Jade never noticed Lindsay sit up in the bed and watch the door close behind her.  Lindsay went over to the note and threw it down on the table in anger.  "Why?" she asked outloud to the closed door.


Lindsay walked over to the sliding glass doors and opening them she slid out onto the balcony.  Sitting down in one of the chairs she watched as the sun began it's descent into a breath taking S. California sunset.  Lindsay missed most of the wondrous sight before her and the tears clouded her vision.  "She lied to me." She whispered hurt.





Jade stood before room 225 and hesitated before rapping soundly on the door.  Judy opened the door to the tall scowling woman. 


"Come in."


"Make this quick Judy.  I've got to get back." Jade replied shortly and walked past her editor.


"And how do you do too!" Judy replied sarcastically.


"Judy, what do you want?  I know you didn't come all this way to deliver Lindsay's employment papers!"


"No, you are right, I didn't."


"So, what gives?" Jade asked and stood in front of the sliding glass doors looking out over the golf course.


"I'd like to have a conversation with you if you could break yourself away from the view and look at me!"


Jade turned to face Judy and crossed her arms across her body impatiently.  "O.k. I'm looking."


"What is going on with you lately?"


"What do you mean?" Jade asked defensively.


"I mean we use to talk and things seemed like they were going good again."


"What do you mean by 'good again'?" Jade asked nervously.


"Can you answer me one question?" Judy asked trying to find a way to get Jade to understand where she was coming from.




"When did you decide that we were through?" Judy looked at Jade as she stood there speechless at the question.


Shaking her head Jade replied, "Judy we had something very briefly over a year ago.  I thought we both decided that it was best that we didn't continue the relationship."


"We thought it was best?  I don't remember even being consulted!  You asked for time, and I thought that was what I was giving you?" Judy replied sarcastically, her voice raising an octave.


"Where the hell is this coming from Judy?"


"Why don't you tell me." Judy replied tersely.  "You are the one who seems to know all the answers."


"I can't believe we are having this conversation!"


"That's the problem with you, we've never had this conversation.  You are the 'Queen of Avoidance!'" Judy shouted in reply.


"I'm the Queen…..I'm not the one avoiding the obvious here!" Jade shouted back amazed at Judy's attitude.


"You can't stand confrontation so much that you couldn't even be honest with me and tell me it was over.  You had to ask me to wait and then disappear!"


"Come off it Judy.  Stop playing the martyr, it was mutual!" Jade replied turning away from the angry woman.


"No!  It was never mutual!"


"Well, I’m telling you now that its over!" Jade replied firmly and walked toward the door.


"Why because you found a new play toy that better suits your career!" Judy snipped.


Jade spun around angrily.  "Don't even go there Judy!  Don't even bring Lindsay into this conversation!"  Jade turned and wrenched open the door and walked out into the hallway.


"Wait!" Judy called out, but Jade continued to the elevator and jammed the button.  Judy followed her and pulled on her arm.  Jade turned with fire in her eyes.  "What!"


"I can't believe you can just walk away like this and tell me you have absolutely no feelings whatsoever for me!" Judy answered hotly.


"That's exactly what I am telling you!" Jade replied through clenched teeth and pushed the elevator button again.  She did not want a scene in the middle of a hotel hallway.


Judy could feel the tears of hurt and anger developing and challenged.  "I don't believe you!  Kiss me right now and then tell me you don't feel anything, and then I'll walk away and never bother you again!"


"No way!" Jade sputtered totally amazed at Judy's audacity.


"Why?  Afraid you might actually want me more than your precious toy!" Judy taunted.


Angrily, Jade grabbed Judy and kissed her soundly and felt nothing but revulsion at the task.  But, she wasn't going to give Judy the satisfaction of thinking she was afraid of her.  She was going to give her a kiss to remember and then tell her to go to hell!  Jade heard a strangled sound behind her and broke the kiss to look.


Lindsay couldn't stand being cooped up in the room any longer and slipped on her shoes.  Shoving her wallet in her pocket she headed out for a walk to clear her head.  She needed some air and got on the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby.  She was alone in the elevator and when the elevator made a stop a few floors below her's she stepped to the side to allow the new passengers room.


The elevator door slid open and Lindsay looked out to see Jade with her arms around another woman, kissing her intensely.  She gasped and placed a hand to her mouth to silence herself and with her other hand she jammed the button to close the door. 


The elevator doors slid closed before Jade could react.  She was so shocked to see Lindsay and the look on the woman's face cut right through to Jade's heart. 'Oh my God!' Jade thought and frantically pushed the button for the elevator to return.  Unresponsive, she looked around for the stairs and turned to face Judy.  With cold deadliness Jade said, "You totally disgust me!  Now, you have your answer!"  Running to the stairs Jade ran down the remaining flights to the lobby and began searching for Lindsay.


Lindsay ran out of the hotel in time to find a taxi unloading a fare and asked the driver if he would take her into town.  Agreeing, she climbed in as he drove away.  She could feel the tears brewing and looked out the window as they began to fall.  'Why?' she asked herself. 'Why did she have to bring me along too.  Did she just need a writer so bad that she thought she needed to seduce me?'  Her mind raced trying to solve the riddle and as the taxi reached the center of town, she was no closer to any answers.


Jade searched for the rest of the afternoon, asking everyone if they had seen Lindsay.  A porter thought he had seen the blonde headed toward the tennis courts, but a thorough search by Jade revealed no sign of Lindsay.  It was as if she just disappeared.  Sad and angry as the darkness fell, Jade decided to return to the room and wait.  Throwing herself onto the bed she pounded the pillow and screamed into it. "Damn! Why did I let Judy get to me!"  She continued berating herself as the tears began to fall and she finally succumbed to deep sobbing. 'I've ruined everything!'





Lindsay spent the evening looking out over the water until it was totally dark.  She wasn't sure where to go and finally entered one of the many pubs along the way and ordered a drink.  She continued drinking until closing time and a waitress helped her into a cab back to the hotel.  Lindsay was totally wasted.  She hadn't been this drunk since her college days.  Sitting in the cab with her head back, the alcohol seemed to intensify and when she reached the hotel, she did all she could to just walk toward the elevators.  As the elevators sped upward so did her stomach and she raced down the hall towards the room.  Not finding her key, she pounded on the door until it was yanked open by a very nervous and very much in the way woman.


Lindsay clasped her hand to her mouth and tried to shove her way past the woman.  Knocking Jade backwards she ran for the bathroom and made it just in time before being sick.


"Lindsay what's wrong?" Jade asked gathering herself and going into the bathroom.  She saw the woman hanging over the toilet.  Jade touched her back in concern and Lindsay moved away rasping, "Don’t touch me!"


Jade instantly moved her hand up to Lindsay's neck and the blonde became agitated and whispered, "Please don't…" before returning to continue to throw up.  Jade moved to wet a wash cloth and placed it next to Lindsay before leaving the room.  She didn't want to upset her any further right now.  She went out onto the patio and sat watching for Lindsay.  After about twenty minutes, she saw the blonde stagger to bed and pass out.  Putting her head in her hands she cried thinking, "This is all my fault.'  Jade continued to watch Lindsay sleep until the sun peeked over the horizon and she finally fell asleep on the patio chaise.


Lindsay awoke with her head pounding and her eyes blurred.  She rolled over and promptly felt like being sick again.  She made her way to the bathroom, and began where she had finished off the night before.  Her stomach finally settled as much as it was going to and she went back into the bedroom.  She noticed for the first time that Jade wasn't there.  Sadly she thought,  'She probably went to her editors room', and decided to pack and return to Michigan.


Jade heard the movement inside and sat up quickly, her neck stiff from sleeping on the chair grabbed her in pain.  Jade gingerly stretched to ease out the kinks and moved quietly into the room to find Lindsay packing.


"Are you just going to leave without giving me a chance?" Jade asked quietly.  Her whole body ached and it wasn't from sleeping outside.


Lindsay jumped at the voice behind her, she had thought herself alone and with tears on her face had been shoving clothes into her suitcase.  The sudden jump made her stomach roll and her face paled instantly as she sat down on the bed.


Jade immediately went to her side and knelt down without touching her for fear of making matters worse.  "Can I get you anything?"


Lindsay shook her head no and willed her stomach to behave.  Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she waited for everything to settle down before breathing again.


Jade saw the color returning to Lindsay's cheeks and sighed in relief.  "Lindsay you have to believe me that what you saw wasn't how it appeared."  Jade looked up into disbelieving green eyes and felt a pain in her chest.


"No?" Lindsay replied and resumed her packing.  Jade reached out to stop her and Lindsay waved her off causing Jade to freeze where she was, still kneeling next to the bed.


"If you want out, I'd rather we do this now before it goes any farther." Lindsay said not looking at Jade for fear of not being strong enough.


"I don't want to go anywhere!"


"Where have I heard that before?" Lindsay added sadly and looked down at Jade.  "I can't keep doing this." Her voice broke at the end and she quickly looked away again.


"Please at least let me explain." Jade pleaded.  Lindsay heard the catch in Jade's voice and it struck her deeper than she wanted it to.  Slumping her shoulders, Lindsay sat back down on the bed and looked into watery blue eyes.  "O.K., so tell me what I saw."


Jade took a deep breath and sat back on her heels resting her hands on her thighs.  "You saw me losing sight of things and giving into my anger, which Judy quickly capitalized on." Jade began watching Lindsay for any sign of a reaction.  Seeing none she continued, "I let her goad me into kissing her to show her that I have absolutely no feelings for her."  At a snort of disbelief from Lindsay, Judy quickly added.  "I know it sounds ludicrous, but its true.  She came here on her own, I didn't ask her.   She said she needed to talk to me, so I went to her room."


"Why did you lie to me?" Lindsay interrupted.


"I was wrong.  I thought I could take care of whatever the problem was without involving you." Jade tried to assure Lindsay.


"That's no excuse for lying to me!" Lindsay insisted.  Dishonesty was one thing she couldn't handle.  She could have handled the painful truth of Jade wanting Judy more than she could handle the woman lying to her.


Jade saw the walls begin to go up and scrambled closer on her knees to get Lindsay's attention.


"I was terribly wrong.  I shouldn't have tried to shield you that way.  I will never do that again." Jade promised.


"No, you won't.  You won't need to.   I'm going back to Michigan and you can go to Judy freely.  I won't hold you back." Lindsay had decided she would let Jade go before making her do something she regretted.


"No!" Jade shouted and grasped Lindsay's knees pleading.  "Please listen to me!  I don't want Judy, I want you!  You are all I've ever wanted!"


Lindsay looked down and watched the tears fall down Jade's face, she really wanted to believe this woman.  Her heart ached at the thought of losing her.


Jade saw the hesitation in Lindsay's eyes and went on.  "I let her goad me into responding when she said if I kissed her and could tell her I felt nothing, she would go away for good.  I was stupid to have done it, but I was so mad and wanted to prove to her that she meant nothing to me!"


A sobbed escaped Jade's lips when she said, "I'll quit and get a different job.  We'll never have to see Judy again.  Just, please, please don't leave me."


Lindsay reached down and pulled Jade into her arms.  She was through running from life.   Life was never going to be perfect and she would have to deal with that as it happened.  Right now, she wanted to hold the most important thing in her life and never let her go.


The two women clung to each other sobbing.  Lindsay slipped down to her knees and held the taller woman's body as close as she could get her.  Jade would have gladly climbed into Lindsay's skin and never leave if it were possible.


The stress of the morning took its tool on Lindsay and she knew she would be sick again.  Looking up with fear she locked eyes with Jade.  Jade instantly saw the color change and Jumped up to help Lindsay into the bathroom.  She held her lover's head as she was sick and then proceeded to clean her up afterwards.  Deciding a shower for the both of them would be best, she sat Lindsay on the edge of the tub and began to run the water before helping her to undress.  She quickly shed her own clothes and supported Lindsay in the shower.  She lovingly bathed and dried her off. 


"I need to brush my teeth." Lindsay grimaced and Jade even helped her with that before dressing her in a clean nightshirt and tucking her into bed.  Jade threw on a T-shirt and debated what to do next when Lindsay called sleepily from the bed.  "Come and lie down with me."


Jade looked up into loving green eyes and jumped at the request, and slid into bed next to Lindsay.  She held Lindsay as the exhausted woman relaxed into a deep sleep.  Jade let Lindsay's slow even breathing lull her into sleep too.




Lindsay quietly sat on the balcony looking out over the late afternoon as Jade continued sleeping.  A rapping at the door had her instantly running across the room to get it, hoping to was room service.  She didn't want to wake Jade until it arrived.  She opened the door to be confronted face-to-face with Judy.  She had never officially met her, but she would never forget seeing her in Jade's arms.


"Yes?" she asked coldly.


"You must be Lindsay." Judy replied surprised and nervous to face the woman.  She held Lindsay's employment package in her hand, but wanted to see Jade.  Secretly, she had hoped Lindsay had gone home.


"Yes, what can I do for you?" Lindsay replied without enthusiasm.  She wasn't going to make this easy for the editor.


"Is Jade around?"


"Well, actually she is sleeping at the moment.  Can I give her a message when she wakes up?" Lindsay had no intention of inviting her in, nor waking Jade up.  She might have, had Jade been naked under the covers, just for the shock value and to let this woman know whose bed Jade sleeps in.  But, she decided, Jade was dressed and Judy just wasn't worth it!


"No, I just wanted to drop by your employment packet." Judy answered hesitantly holding the parcel out.  She could tell that Lindsay wasn't in the least bit happy with her arrival and tried to smile to disarm the woman.


"Oh, then it's me you want to see, not Jade."


"Well, I guess you are right!" Judy answered unsure of how else to respond.


"Good then let's get that straight.  As you can see I am more than capable of handling my own affairs from now on and…..I'm more than capable of taking care of what concerns me.  Do we have an understanding on that now?" Lindsay asked.


The woman's tone of voice told Judy she was ready for a fight and she bristled when she replied, "You mean in regards to your property?"


Lindsay chuckled dryly.  "Honey, no one will ever own Jade.  She is here because this is where she chooses to be."  Judy's eyebrow shot up at the reply but, before she could respond, Lindsay took the package out of her hands.


"Just so there are no future misunderstandings, Jade wants to quit the magazine, but I'm going to talk her out of it because she is a damn good photographer and I'd hate to see you lose your job.  Whatever problems you have with me, get over them because I plan on being her writer and I'm a damn good writer.  Together we are going to make one hell of a good team.  Either deal with this fact or your next job will be asking, "Do you want fries with that!"


Lindsay closed the door in the woman's face, and turned to find Jade standing behind her, and blushed.  Jade was grinning from ear to ear and began to applaud.  "Ooh, my little girl has claws." Jade chuckled and walked over to Lindsay.  Pulling the package out of her hand, she tossed it on the bed and pulled Lindsay in for a sincere thank you kiss.


Pulling back breathless, Lindsay asked, "So, you'll keep working at the magazine?"


"My little protector…after that I'll follow you any where!" Jade replied and pulled Lindsay back for a deep, moist kiss.  A knock at the door abruptly stopped any further advances and Jade grinned evilly and said, "I'll get this one!"


Jade opened the door surprised to find room service with a cart loaded with food.  Snickering, she turned back to Lindsay and drawled, "It's for you!"  Jade stepped back to let the waiter wheel the cart into the room and couldn't help asking, "I hope you brought fries!"


The waiter walked down the hall shaking his head, he could still hear the riotous laughter coming from the room.  He pocketed his generous tip and smiled, he wouldn't mind a few more crazy guests like them.





Jade and Lindsay laughed until the tears rolled down their faces before they could assert some sort of control over themselves.


"You are bad Jade!" Lindsay laughed. 




"That poor waiter is going to think we're nuts!" Lindsay replied recalling how she slid off the bed onto the floor laughing and Jade trying to help her up before falling down next to her in a blubbering heap.


"It's o.k., I tipped him well." Jade smiled.


"How well?"


"Don't worry, we're on an expense account.  So, it's compliments of Judy!"  At this remark the two women began to start giggling again.


"No more!" Lindsay begged. "My sides are hurting."


Jade recovered quickly and got up pulling Lindsay with her, and went to check out what was on the tray.  Pulling covers off the dishes she exclaimed, "Let's eat…I'm starved!"  They brought their food out to the balcony in time to catch the sun setting over the ocean.


"It's beautiful! Lindsay replied.  Jade watched her lover and smiled.  "Yes, just gorgeous!"  Lindsay looked over and noticed Jade's stare and replied, "I could say the same thing!"


"Come here." Jade requested and pulled Lindsay over to sit in her lap.  "What would you  like to do tonight?"


"Just stay right here with you!"


"Gee, you don't want to go for a drink or something?" Jade asked trying to feign innocence.


"Oh please, no! I don't want to think about taking another drink, until at least tomorrow!" Lindsay laughed and leaned down to nibble on Jade's neck.


"Ooh..kay, staying in is good…." Jade replied as Lindsay sucked on her earlobe.  "Want to dance?"


Lindsay looked up frowning.  "I don't know how."


"You don't, huh?" Jade replied surprised.  "Do you trust me?"


Lindsay nodded sincerely and Jade stood up pushing Lindsay gently off her lap.  "Come on.  I'll teach you."


"Oh, I don't know Jade.  I've got to left feet and about as much coordination as a buffalo on ice." Lindsay replied unsure if Jade really wanted to have use of her toes tomorrow.


"Don't worry, we'll have that buffalo doing Swan Lake before you  know it!"


"O.K., their your toes, but don't say I didn't warn you!" Lindsay replied and let Jade lead her back into the room.  While Jade fiddled with the radio, Lindsay pushed the room service tray out into the hall so they wouldn't be disturbed that night.


Picking up Jade's shoes she waited until her lover was satisfied with the music and turned towards her.  Jade's eyes shot questioningly from the shoes to Lindsay.


"To protect your feet." Lindsay replied grinning.  Jade approached and took the shoes, tossing them into the corner replying, "I'll take my chances."  Pulling Lindsay into her arms she whispered in her ear.  "Just close your eyes and follow my body.  I promise you I won't do anything fancy."


Lindsay nodded and tried to do what Jade instructed, but couldn't get the hang of it.




"Relax!" Jade's silky voice encouraged.  Jade grinned to herself and began kissing and nipping at Lindsay's neck as she slowed to just swaying her hips against Lindsay's.  Jade continued her assault of Lindsay's neck and shoulders as she felt the shorter woman falling into step with her.


Lindsay could feel her heart pick up the pace as Jade kissed and nibbled her neck.  Jade's hands roamed across her backside sending a wave of heat to her core.  She never even realized that her feet were moving.  She was too busy concentrating on the rush of fire coursing within her.


"See, I told you, you could dance." Jade murmured before capturing Lindsay's lips for a long kiss.


"I am aren't I?" Lindsay purred surprised, but totally relaxed and responsive to Jade's every touch.  Lindsay leaned up into Jade's kiss and when Jade's tongue danced across her lips she moaned and gave entrance to Jade's tongue as it moved along her own in wet passion. 


Lindsay looked up into blue eyes as her heart raced out of control.  "You are the best thing that's ever  happened to me.  You touched a part of me that no one's ever been able to reach."


"Ditto babe!  I don't want to go through this life without you.  Stay with me?" Jade asked, her eyes pleading for reassurance.


"Forever, if you'll have me."


"I wouldn't want it any other way partner."  Jade answered and sealed the pact with a deep, soulful kiss.


The kiss took Lindsay's breath way and she stumbled as her legs weakened.  Lindsay whispered huskily, "Do you think we could move this dance to the bed?"


"Oh yeah!"





Jade watched Lindsay as she sat on the balcony of their apartment with her feet propped up balancing her laptop on her knees.  Her legs and arms were beginning to lose their winter pallor as they absorbed some of the S. Florida sun.   It had been almost a month since they had returned from California and had settled into a nice routine.  Jade ripped open the manila envelope in her hands and glanced through the magazine of her layout of Northern Michigan Shorelines before tossing it on the table with the rest of the mail.  Opening the refrigerator she pulled out two bottles and went back out onto the balcony.  Jade handed Lindsay her diet Coke and sat down at the table to continue working on her photo files.  This was the first time she could remember being home long enough to get anything in order.  They had passed on a couple of minor assignments that Judy had tried to stiff them with and just relaxed and enjoyed making a life together.  The apartment has been a disaster area when they had arrived and Lindsay had quickly taken to the task of organizing everything.  Jade had been more than happy to let her loose on the place.  The apartment had lost its cold impersonal feeling and now had a warm lived-in atmosphere.  Jade sighed contented as she looked out over the ocean.


"Sorry, we didn't take that pig farm assignment?" Lindsay's smooth voice asked over the clicking of laptop keys.


Jade chuckled and looked at her lover amused.  "No, I don't think I could have handled all that excitement!"


Lindsay grinned looking up.  "Yeah, I could just see you in your boots photographing Farmer Pete and his little porkers!"


Jade laughter boomed rich and deep before remarking,  "Judy outdid herself on that one!"


"Are these the only assignments we are going to be getting?" Lindsay frowned worried that they may have underestimated Judy's power.


Jade thought for a moment before snapping her fingers gleefully and grabbing the cordless.


"What are you up to?" Lindsay asked warily and watched Jade punch the keypad with a mischievous grin on her face.  Jade waited smiling and winked at Lindsay, but didn't respond to her question.


"Hello, Steve?"


"This is Jade….Yeah, it's been a long time.  I was wondering if you could deliver an order for me up to Judy's office?  Sure, just add it to her account."  Jade turned to look at Lindsay as she got up from her chair and set her laptop down.   She grinned up at her lover as she stood looking down at her, momentarily forgetting what she was doing.


"Oh yeah…sorry.  I'd like to have umm…..better make it five orders or French fries delivered."  Lindsay gasped and covered her mouth as Jade tried to keep a straight face. 


"Yeah…that's it…just the fries."


"Oh yeah…a new kind of diet!  Thanks a million, Steve."


Jade clicked the phone closed and laughed at the look on Lindsay's face.  Pulling her closer to her, she looked up and said, "That should give her something to think about!"


"Jade, you are terrible.  I can't believe you did that!"


"You ain't seen nothing yet!" Jade replied and pulled Lindsay down onto her lap.  She nuzzled Lindsay's neck as her hand slid under her T-shirt to gently grasp an unfettered breast.


"Jade, not out here in broad daylight!  What about the neighbors?" Lindsay protested stopping the advance of Jade's other hand up her thigh.


"Don't worry they have seen worse!"  Jade mumbled against her neck as she paused in her assault.


"Yeah, and I'll just bet from this balcony!" Lindsay replied pushing herself off Jade's lap.


"Hey!  What's the matter chicken?" Jade taunted grinning.


Lindsay stood next to the sliding doors to the apartment and turned to Jade.  Jade saw the return challenge in the green eyes and waited.  Lindsay quickly pulled off her shirt to reveal two white cream breasts as Jade gawked.  She hadn't thought Lindsay had it in her to be so bold.


"Speechless dear?" Lindsay asked and tossed the shirt in Jade's direction.  Jade caught the shirt before it hit her in the face, and without missing a beat, waved to someone over Lindsay's left shoulder and called out, "Good Afternoon Mr. Adams.  Lovely weather we are having."


Lindsay shrieked and ran into the apartment as she heard Jade's laughter ring out from the balcony and knew she had been had.


"You are dead meat Jade!  I'm going to get you for that!"


"Promises….promises!" Jade called back.


"Yeah?  Get in her and I'll show you a promise!"


"Ooh, don't tease me!" Jade replied laughing and got up slowly.  Taking the shirt with her she went into the darkened room.  As her eyes adjusted to the light she saw Lindsay standing in all her glory in the middle of the living room.  Jade sucked in an unconscious breath and whispered, "Holy Molly!"


Lindsay smirked at the startled look on Jade's face and seductively said, "You we're saying something about promises?"


"Oh yeah, got love'em." Jade replied and slowly moved toward her lover.





Lindsay came home to find Jade hadn't arrived yet.  The answering machine showed that there was one message and she hit the play button.   Jade's smooth velvety voice filled the room causing Lindsay to smile.  When the message ended, she realized she hadn't listened to one word of it and hit the replay button. 


"Hey Babe!  I'm calling to find out if you would like to go out with me tonight.  Yeah, like on a date that we've never had!  I'll assume the answer is yes and I'll pick you up at 7:30 PM for dinner.  Yeah, I'm presumptuous but that's part of my charm.  See you soon.  Love you!"


Lindsay looked at her watch and realized she only had 20 minutes to get ready and ran for the shower.   She put the finishing touches on her hair as there was a knock on the front door.  "She must have forgotten her key again." Lindsay muttered and went to open the door.  The building was a security high rise, so she knew it had to be Jade.


She pulled open the door and began to say something suggestive but bit her tongue in midstream as she came face-to-face with Judy. 


"How did you get in here?" Lindsay sputtered embarrassed at being caught off guard.


"I have a key!"  Judy replied coldly without the slightest intention of returning it.  "Is Jade here?  I'd like to discuss a new assignment."


"No, she should be home any minute.  We have plans tonight so you will have to make it quick." Lindsay replied and stepped back allowing Judy to enter the apartment.


Judy came in and looked around frowning.  "My it sure has changed in here….kind of down home now."  She made the last comment sound like some kind of disease and Lindsay did all she could not to respond.


Smiling disarmingly, Lindsay said, "Sit down, can I get you anything?"


"No, thank you." Judy replied and took a seat on the sofa.  Lindsay hesitated wondering what they could possibly have to talk about when there was another knock on the door.  Lindsay almost ran to answer it, thankful for the reprieve.


Pulling open the door she turned to be find Jade leaning against the doorframe smiling seductively.  "Hey baby, you ready for the night of your life?" 


Before Lindsay could respond there was a laugh from the room behind her and a voice called out, "Jade that line is getting really old.  Don't you have any new ones yet?"


Jade looked at Lindsay and then to the room behind her as her eyes narrowed into angry slits.  "What's she doing her?" she whispered stiffly.


"Well, it seems she has a key and just invited herself over to discuss a new assignment….with you of course, not me." Lindsay replied.


"Jade are you going to stand in the hall all night or are you waiting for permission to enter your own apartment?" Judy's voice called out.


"Bite me!" Jade breathed causing Lindsay to giggle.  Jade's lips turned up in a grin even though she was trying to be angry.   A mischievous glint entered the blue eyes and Lindsay thought, 'Oh-oh!' and stepped back as Jade made her way into the apartment. 


"Come here baby" she drawled and pulled Lindsay in for a welcome home kiss. 


"Ooh how cute Jade, so domesticated…." Judy drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


"Eat your heart out Judy!  Jealousy isn't a becoming trait for you!" Jade replied keeping her arm around Lindsay's shoulder.  "So what assignment are you here to talk about?  We need to make this quick, because we've got plans for tonight."


"Whatever…." Judy replied waving her hand in an effort to lighten the importance of Jade's statement.  "Mel's decided that the magazine needs to tap into the travel market down under.  He knows you dive and snorkel, so you were first on his list.  I told him I wasn't sure if Lindsay was very athletic, but he seemed to think you two could handle this assignment.  The area he wants covered is the Rainforest and the Reef, and since the magazine's liability doesn't cover for travel abroad, I suggested that we should have a senior staff member accompany you two." Judy concluded smugly.


Jade swallowed before asking, "And just who might that be?"  She had a feeling she already knew the answer and looked at Lindsay as Judy replied, "Why me, of course."  Jade saw Lindsay flinch, but regain her composure quickly. 


"Oh lovely!" Jade replied, not bothering to hide her displeasure.


Judy's eyebrow raised in mock concern and Lindsay stepped in to break up any possible altercation between the two women.  "Well, I bet you're excited about this trip."


"Why yes.  I am."  Judy replied wary of Lindsay's good humor.  Lindsay just smiled and nodded friendly as Jade tried to keep a smile off her face.  She knew Lindsay was just about ready to burst but was holding it together quite well.  The silence grew thick until Judy broke the tension and stood up.


"Well, I'd better be going.  I'll make all the necessary arrangements.  We'll be leaving Monday if that is alright with you?" Judy looked at Jade totally discounting Lindsay as being involved.


Jade turned to Lindsay and asked, "Will that work with you?"  Lindsay's eyes twinkled at Jade's obvious slight of the editor and replied, "Yes, I think we can manage that."


Jade turned to Judy and replied, "That would be fine."  Judy got up and moved toward the door saying, "O.k. I'll be in touch with the flight arrangements and all."  Lindsay opened the door to let Judy out, but Jade stopped the woman at the door.


"Oh, by the way, I don't think you will be needing my key anymore.  Can I have it back?" Jade asked holding her hand out calmly.  Judy hesitated saying no, but finally shrugged her shoulder and took the key off her ring and tossed it to Jade.


Jade caught it in mid air with one hand and replied, "Thanks," before pocketing it in her jeans.


After Judy left, Lindsay and Jade stood staring at each other not sure whether they should be upset or excited about going to Australia.  "Well, if we’re lucky we can feed her to a crocodile right off and be rid of her." Jade said grinning. 


"We can always dream." Lindsay replied.


Jade moved to pull Lindsay into her arms and kissed her lightly on the lips.  "Well, my love, are you ready to go out on that date now?"


"You bet!  I'm starved."


"Then let's get you fed." Jade replied and took Lindsay's arm and led her to the elevator. 


Jade took Lindsay to The Pier along the intracoastal.  They sat on the dock looking out at the water, the lighting was low and romantic and Jade reached across the table to hold Lindsay's hand.  "This is our first official date."


"I know.  I actually feel kind of nervous." Lindsay replied blushing.


"Why?" Jade asked rubbing her thumb along Lindsay's hand reassuringly.  "You know just about everything there is to know about me."


"I know, it's just we've never really gone out in public together." Lindsay replied knowing how lame that sounded even to herself.


"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Jade asked confused at this sudden shyness on Lindsay's part.


"No, not at all.  I love being with you.  It's just different that's all, but a good difference.  I like showing you off." Lindsay answered winking at Jade.


Now it was Jade's turn to blush and she leaned in closely to Lindsay and said, "I like being seen with you.  I look at the other women and think, eat your heart out ladies, she's with me."


Lindsay laughed softly and nodded in agreement.  "I was thinking the same thing about you!"


Jade winked and sat back as the waiter brought their meals.  They ate and talked throughout dinner about their upcoming trip and decided that a shopping trip was in order for the next day.


Strolling down by the water, Jade asked, "By the way, have you ever been snorkeling?"


"Yes, in Hawaii." Lindsay replied.  "In Kauai, along the Napali Coast.  We took a Zodiac raft along the coastline and did stopped to do some snorkeling.  It was fantastic.  We put frozen peas in our masks and all of a sudden dozens of colorful fish would come right up to the mask to try to get the peas.  It was awesome!" Lindsay replied enthusiastically.


"Sounds like we are going to have a good time at the reef.  Providing we can get rid of Judy!" Jade teased.


"Let's not think about Judy.  We've got a job to do and what better place to have to work."


"Yeah, it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.  It might as well be us!" Jade replied standing next to their car.  Jade pulled Lindsay in for a kiss before opening the car door for her and added sexily, "I had a great time tonight.  Do you think I can see you again?"


"Oh honey, the night is still young…I plan on you seeing a lot more of me!" Lindsay answered wiggling her eyebrows and getting into the car.


"Ooh talk to me baby!" Jade replied and ran around to slid behind the wheel.  The ride home was the quickest in history as Jade broke every speeding law on the way. 





Lindsay and Jade made their way through the airport terminal and met Judy near the ticket counter.  She handed them their tickets and boarding passes and they made their way to the counter to check-in.


As they boarded the plane Jade and Lindsay looked at their boarding passes to find that they were not sitting together, but across the aisle from one another.  Jade fumed when Judy took the middle seat next to Jade, but Lindsay calmed Jade down and told her it was just until they reached LA and changed planes.  Checking their tickets, they found that the three of them were seated together in one row.  Jade was still miffed at Judy's manipulation and blatantly ignored her as they waited for the plane to take off.  The only consolation was that the gentleman by the window had taken control of the middle armrest and  causing Judy to have lean toward Jade.  Jade sat leaning into the aisle and tried to carry on a conversation with Lindsay.  But kept having to move back every time someone passed through.  Lindsay side of the plane only had two seats while Jade's had three.  The gentleman next to Lindsay leaned over and asked, "Would you and your friend like to sit together.  Actually, I wouldn't mind having the aisle seat, with these long legs."


"Yes, that would be terrific!  Thank you." Lindsay replied and stood up. Jade looked up concerned and Lindsay leaned down and whispered, "He wants to trade seats with you."  Jade nodded enthusiastically and quickly got up and traded seats before Judy could respond.  Jade and Lindsay sat side-by-side and lifted the armrest up between them.  Jade looked over at Judy and saw that she was squashed between the two men and had to keep her arms down at her sides and they took over both of her armrests.  Grinning, Jade pulled Lindsay's hand into her lap and held it as the plane taxied down the runway.


The flight was short in comparison to the next leg of their journey.  Jade didn't know if she would be able to handle the long period of confinement from LA to Sydney.  When they boarded their Qantas flight, Jade took the aisle seat and Lindsay sat in the middle, leaving the window seat for Judy.  Lindsay rested her head against Jade's shoulder as the two women slept during their evening flight.  Judy was effectively pinned in against the window and tried to make the best of it.  Sleep eluded her as she watched the two women cuddled up sound asleep and plotted her revenge.


After about 10 hours on the plane, Jade was about ready to hurt something.  She looked over at Judy, but Lindsay sensing Jade's mood, shook her head and kissed her cheek.  Jade grinned at Lindsay's mind reading abilities and settled back and tried to relax.  Lindsay handed her a set of earphones and told her to watch the movie. 


The movie was one that Jade had already seen and quickly became bored.  Instead, she turned to Lindsay and began to drive her crazy trying to distract her from the movie.  The plane was darkened except for the flickering of the movie screen. Most of the other passengers were asleep except for the few insomniacs watching the movie.  Jade began tickling Lindsay who tried to squirm away, her hand exploring the contours of her lovers breast through her T-shirt as she leaned in to nip her on the neck.


"Will you two give it a break!" Judy's voice hoarsely whispered before she rolled on her other side facing the window.


"Bite me!" Jade replied and stuck her tongue out at the woman.


"Don't tempt me!" came the retort.


Lindsay put her hand to Jade's mouth effectively stopping any further conversation and whispered, "If anyone is going to do any biting, it's me!  Let's go for a walk."


Jade nodded, her eyes sparkling at the comment.  When they stood up Jade looked at Lindsay questioningly.  Lindsay pointed toward the back of the 747 and let the taller woman lead the way.  There was a small area near the rear bathrooms to stand and Jade moved behind the partition and turned to Lindsay.  Lindsay passed by her and grabbed her hand pulling Jade into one of the cramped lavatories.  Closing the door and locking it behind Jade, the two women blinked as a bright overhead light came on.  Lindsay reached her other arm around Jade and hugged her to her resting her head against Jade's chest.


"I miss having you all to myself." Lindsay murmured.


"Me too." Jade responded and kissed the top of Lindsay's head.  Her hair smelled like fresh flowers even after all this time traveling.


"Mmmm, you smell so good." Jade mumbled as she hugged Lindsay tighter.  Lindsay nuzzled against Jade's neck and felt the pulsing of her heartbeat.  She kissed that heartbeat in reverence for the life it represented and how much it meant to her. 

Jade looked behind Lindsay and lifted her up to sit on the counter behind them.  Standing between Lindsay's legs, they were almost eye level and Jade kissed Lindsay letting her mouth travel the full length of her lovers.  Her hands had a mind of their own as they journeyed over the familiar body.   Lindsay's breath caught as her pulse raced with Jade's nearness.  "I need you." Jade simply whispered in Lindsay's ear and Lindsay could no more refuse than to stop breathing and looked up replying, "Take me."


Jade smiled her seductive look and proceeded to unbuckle Lindsay's belt.  Jade kissed and nipped alternating between Lindsay's neck and lips as she unzipped the Khakis and moved to slide them down the woman's hips.  Lindsay wrapped her arms around Jade's neck and lifted herself up off the counter so Jade could totally remove the garments and pulled them down past her shoes to the floor.  Lindsay sat back down on the counter, she shivered as the cool metal met her overheated body.  Jade ran her hands up Lindsay's smooth bare thighs and slowly began the process of unbuttoning her blouse as she looked deeply into green eyes.  Impatient, Lindsay pulled open her shirt and reached around to undo her bra and give Jade access to touch her. 


"I love you!" Jade hoarsely whispered before ducking her head to capture a nipple that had been freed.


"Oh yes Jade!" Lindsay replied as her hands moved to pull Jade's shirt free from her pants.  She could feel her body responding to Jade's touch and wanted to feel her lover's bare skin next to hers.  Jade continued lavishing attention to Lindsay's breast as she felt the woman tugging down on her pants.  In one fluid movement, Jade reached down and pushed her pants and undergarments to pool around her ankles.  Pulling Lindsay's hips closer to the edge of the counter, Lindsay wrapped her legs around her hips and Jade could feel moist hot curls against her own.  She moved to place a leg between her lovers,  and each woman stiffened as their centers came in contact with one another's thigh.   Lindsay tried desperately to establish a steady contact, but her position kept her slipping on the counter's edge.  Jade sensed her frustration and reached her hand down to cup the wet sex.


"Please…" Lindsay asked and Jade parted the wet folds to lightly stroke the hot interior and as her thumb brushed across the bundled nerve, Lindsay's hips jerked in aroused response.  "Oh yes, Jade…" Lindsay moaned and Jade entered her slowly, continuing to rub her thumb across Lindsay's center.  As Lindsay began to react, Jade could feel her lover tighten around her and Jade clamped her lips onto Lindsay's for a deep kiss.  Lindsay groaned as she felt her body rise and her heartbeat explode into blinding release.  Jade kept contact with Lindsay and continued stroking her as she settled herself on her lover's thigh and began to slid her dripping heat against the soft flesh.  Lindsay guided Jade's hips into a satisfying rhythm and attached her lips to Jade's neck sucking and nipping as she felt herself rise again to meet Jade's unspoken call.  Both women reached the edge and one moan from Lindsay and they both tumbled over the edge together.  Breathing hard, Jade held Lindsay's panting body close and kissed the side of her face whispering, "I do so love you!"


Lindsay felt a tear trickle down her cheek and she replied, "I've never loved anyone like I do you.  I never knew it was possible!"


When they had regained an even breathing, Jade reached down to retrieve Lindsay's clothes and they quickly got dressed in the tight quarters.  Bumping into each other repeatedly they began to giggle.


"How come it was so much easier getting them off?" Lindsay asked as she tried to balance on one leg to put her Khaki's back on.    Jade held Lindsay up so that she wouldn't fall over again and tried to help her.


"What I want to know is how it ever got over your shoe in the first place!" Jade laughed tugging the pant leg back over the shoe.  Finally situated, Lindsay opened the door and looked out into the darkened cabin of the plane.  As she waited for her eyes to adjust, Jade's hands roamed over her backside and she reached back to slap them away.  Moving out into the aisleway, she heard Jade lightly chuckling.


"You are incorrigible!" Lindsay whispered.


"Oh yeah!" came the soft reply as they proceeded back down the aisle.  Sliding into their seats, Judy looked over and asked, "Where the hell have you two been?"  Looking at their flushed faces she groaned and rolled back over muttering, "Worse than fucking monkey's!"


Jade grinned at Lindsay and grasped her hand, pulling it to her lap as she leaned back for a nap thinking, 'Sleep and sex, I could get to really like flying!'





After a plane change in Sydney and two more hours of flying, they finally landed in Caines.  Three tired and ragged women disembarked and headed for customs.  Finally clearing customs, they proceeded to their hotel shuttle.


Jade just about screamed when she heard that they still had another two hours ride to reach their final destination.  Pacing next to the bus she sneered at Judy, "Where the hell did you book us?"


"We're staying up in the rainforest at the Coconut Beach Rainforest Resort.  It is a highly recommended four-star resort." Judy replied flippantly.


After their luggage was loaded, the women climbed into the transport for the next leg of their journey.   An hour travel and a ferry crossing later, the road turned into the heart of the rainforest.  Jade thought her kidneys were going to separate as they bounced over the uneven ground.  In the last half-hour, she had been shooting daggers over at Judy.  "I'll kill her!" she fumed to Lindsay who kept the angry woman from climbing over four rows of bus seats to throttle their editor.  "I feel like we are in a damn blender!"


"Shh!" Lindsay soothed.  "We're almost there!" She patted Jade's thigh and kept her hand resting there.  After another century of riding, they arrived to a heavily vegetated area and climbed out of the bus.  A wall of heat and humidity instantly hit them.  The smell of damp mold and jungle permeated their noses.  Jade grunted in satisfaction as she saw Judy fanning herself furiously.  The woman was dressed in black jeans and a black long-sleeve shirt.  Jade thought happily, 'She must be roasting by now!'


The three women climbed up into what looked like a treehouse to Lindsay, to reach the reception area.  Lindsay perused the postcards as Judy and Jade went to the desk.  She wanted nothing more than a shower and a cool room to sleep in.  Jade heard the desk clerk mention two rooms and leaned over threatening, "one of those had better be a single for you!" 


Judy gave her a look of pure venom and replied, "Don't worry, you two are sharing!" handing Jade two keys to their bungalow, she walked away with a smirk on her face that neither Jade nor Lindsay could see.  Jade and Lindsay followed the map they were given along a trail through the rainforest.


"I feel like we're in the middle of a jungle!" Lindsay exclaimed as they trudged up hill in search of their accommodations.  "I bet this is a riot in the dark!" Jade complained.


The trail finally came out near a pool surrounded by bungalows built up off the ground.  Lindsay looked at Jade warily and the taller woman shrugged her shoulders and looked for #7.  It was an end unit and they climbed the stairs upwards.  The first thing Jade noted was the screens on the windows and the rustic shutters that were balanced open by a pole.  'This does not look good!'  Jade groaned to herself.  Jade unlocked the French doors, which opened up onto a highly polished teak floor.  Stepping into the room, she noticed the heat had not diminished, looking up she saw the reason.  The room was cooled only by one wooden ceiling fan.  If that wasn't bad enough, she looked around to notice two cot-like single beds, closing her eyes she pictured exactly what she would do to Judy as soon as she got her hands on her.


Lindsay saw the tension in Jade's shoulders and quietly closed the door and blinds, and turned on the ceiling fan.  Moving toward the bathroom, she peered in and noticed a large enough shower stall and turned the water on.  Returning to the bedroom, she began to peel off her clothes looking at Jade.  "Care to join me in the shower?"


Jade's jaw relaxed at the sight of her lover and she grinned asking, "How do you always do that?"


"What?" Lindsay asked smiling.


"Instantly calm me with just one look or word?"


"That's easy, I love you." Lindsay replied and went to get under the water. 


Jade stood awed and repeated, "Because she loves me."  Shaking her head chuckling, she bean to disrobe as she walked toward the bathroom.


They stood under the water trying to cool off, but as soon as they came out of the shower, the humidity hit them and they quickly threw on their bathing suits and headed to the pool.  They stayed in the water until hunger drove them back into their room to dress for dinner.  Dressing was an exercise in futility as they tried to put on the coolest clothes they could find and headed back to the reception area.  They were sweaty before they even crossed the road to the lodge.  It seemed nothing at this resort was air conditioned as they entered the open-air lodge.  The only breeze came from the ceiling fans which were too far up in the ceiling to do any good, and the humidity had not let up even though the sun was gone.


"Well, there's one consolation." Lindsay offered as they walked down the semi-lit path back to their bungalow.  "Tomorrow we will be out on a boat all day!"


Jade looked at the two bunks and then at the ceiling fan and began to pull the beds together under the fan.  When Lindsay came out of the bathroom, Jade had stripped down to her T-shirt and was lying on one of the beds.  She looked up grinning, "Sorry babe, it's the best I can do."


Lindsay crawled onto her bed and leaned over to kiss Jade.  "This is fine, don't worry about it."  Lying back she tried to think cooling thoughts as they barely felt the breeze from the ancient fan.  Jade reached over and slid her hand under Lindsay's and linked their fingers together.  Exhausted, they both fell into an unrestful sleep.


Sometime during the night, Jade jerked awake.  She was sweaty and uncomfortable.  Lindsay squeezed her and whispered, "There's something big outside moving around!"  Jade listed for the movement and it sounded very large indeed.


"I hear it."


"Don't let it hear you." Lindsay replied.  Jade could hear the fear edging her voice.  Slowly, Jade rolled over and pulled Lindsay's sweaty body toward her.


"It's o.k., it won't hurt you." Jade tried to reassure Lindsay, but as she looked at the flimsy screens on the windows she wasn't so confident.


"I feel so yucky." Lindsay whispered pulling away slightly.  Jade pulled her back even closer and replied, "You feel just wonderful to me.  Try to go back to sleep."


Lindsay nestled in close to Jade, giving up on worrying about how sweaty she was and tried to fall back to sleep.  Jade could feel the tension in the body next to her and began to rub Lindsay's back softly.  It wasn't long before she heard the even breathing of her lover and smiled.  Listening, she didn't hear any more loud noises from outside and settled in to sleep alongside Lindsay.





Both women were up early the next morning, anxious to get out on the hopefully cooler waters.  Jade slung her camera over her shoulder and grabbed her equipment bag as Lindsay carried their bag with towels and sunscreen.  Dressed simply in shorts over their bathing suits, they headed down to breakfast and to meet up with Judy.  Jade took pictures of the grounds as they made their way long the familiar path.  It was already hot and muggy and the rest of the day would be pretty much the same.


"I'm not sure if I want to use these photos for a layout or to sue the magazine for pain and suffering!" Jade chuckled wiping sweat out of her eye.  It was hot enough, but add a viewfinder attached to your eye and it was murder as the camera kept slipping.


"It's all part of the job!" Lindsay smiled and pushed Jade up the final hill to the reception area.  Arriving at the lodge, they saw Judy sitting at a table already and moved to join her.  "You  know what I'd like to do to her?" Jade whispered to Lindsay, who quickly replied,  "Be nice, or it's going to be a long day!"  Jade growled and Lindsay reached back to brush a hand across Jade's thigh, instantly quieting the taller woman.


"Good Morning!" Lindsay called out cheerfully to Judy as she took a seat at the table.  Jade sat down next to Lindsay without comment.


"What's good about it?" Judy's voice was clipped and on edge.  Lindsay chose to ignore the question as the waitress came up to take their drink order.  Both women ordered tea and began to look over the menu, when she returned with their tea, they all placed their orders.


After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Lindsay tried to start a conversation.  It was going to be bad enough to keep Jade and Judy from sniping at one another that she wanted to try to smooth a few edges before they got started. 


"I can't wait to see the reef." Lindsay said and Jade smiled her agreement.  "I've heard some great things about it."  Judy just looked up at her and grunted.  Lindsay sighed and knew it was a losing battle, but she tired again.  "Did you read the information sheet on this resort?  It states that this is the only spot where a reef and a rainforest actually meet.  They are both considered national heritage sites."


Judy looked up at Jade and remarked nastily , "Is she always this cheerful in the morning?" Jade's eyebrow shot up in warning and Lindsay grasped her knee under the table to forestall any further comment.  Jade looked over at Lindsay who winked at her. 


Their food finally arrived and the three women began to eat in silence.  After a few bites, Judy pushed her plate away.  "It's too hot to eat."  She looked over at Lindsay and then at Jade to remark.  "Does she always eat so much?"


Lindsay looked up and smiled reaching for Jade's hand as it gripped her fork like a weapon and replied, "Only when I've worked up an appetite the night before." 


"Oh jeez!" Judy drawled and rolled her eyes, but Lindsay could tell that the remark had hit home.  Jade quietly continued eating and tried not to laugh, deciding that Lindsay was more than capable of holding her own with Judy.


The rest of the meal went on uneventfully and Judy made no more disparaging remarks about Lindsay.  After breakfast, the trio made their way back to the reception area to wait for the tour bus to take them to the boat.  Finding seats far apart, they rode the bus to Cape Tribulation to be ferried out to their dive boat.  Stowing their gear, Jade made use of the time taking photos of their adventure.  Lindsay pulled out her notebook and began jotting down her thoughts, leaving Judy to sit and amuse herself.


Judy watched Lindsay's concentration and thought, 'I can see what Jade see's in her, she's pretty cute.  Maybe I've been approaching things all wrong.'  Leaning over Judy said, "I'm sorry I've been such a bitch this morning.  I hate the heat."


Lindsay looked up startled and looked over her shoulder to see who Judy was talking to, seeing no one, she looked back to find the woman smiling at her.


"Oh, it's o.k.  I understand." Lindsay replied taken back by this sudden change in attitude.  Deciding to take it at face value, she smiled in return.  Judy continued to engage Lindsay in conversation as the boat headed out toward the reef.  It was windier out on the open water and the boat began to be buffeted against the tide.  Judy wasn't the best of seamen and felt it, instantly regretting having eaten that morning.  As they plowed through the water, she could feel the color draining from her face.  Lindsay also noticed the change and asked, "Are you o.k.?"


"I think I'm going to be sick!"  She told Lindsay before running to the back of the boat and heaving over the side.  Lindsay hurried to help her and held her from falling overboard.  After a few moments Judy sat back down on the bench and willed herself to be o.k.


Jade returned and took one look  at Judy and remarked grinning, "Did someone forget their Dramamine again?"  Judy gave her a dirty look, but didn't say a word.  Jade stowed her gear and sat down next to Lindsay.  "It's too rough to take anymore pictures right now."  At the mention of rough water, Judy made a return trip to the back of the boat and spent the rest of the trip alternating between her seat and over the side of the boat.  Jade finally scoured the passengers for Dramamine and gave it to Judy.  She told her to wait until they stopped to take it and it would help on the return trip.  Judy nodded and thanked her.


They finally anchored just off the Endeavor Reef and the water was calmer closer to the reef.  Judy began to feel like herself again, but decided to just sit dangling her feet off the back of the boat while Lindsay and Jade got their snorkel gear on. Jade took her underwater camera with her and hoped for some decent shots.  The two women snorkeled lazily pointing out things to each other as they day wore on. 


Jade grabbed Lindsay's arm and pointed over to their left.  Lindsay followed the direction of her hand and her eyes widened as she gasped drawing in a mouth full of salty water.  Sputtering and choking, Lindsay surfaced and grabbed for Jade.  Jade pulled Lindsay's mask off as the woman tried to wrap herself tightly around Jade's body.  With one hand Jade patted Lindsay's back as  coughed up the salty water and tried to hold her up at the same time.


"It's o.k." Jade conforted.  "It's not going to bother us."


"Sh….shark!" Lindsay choked out and began coughing again.  The salt burned her throat as she tried to breath again.


"It's only a reef shark.  It won't bother us." Jade replied and kissed Lindsay's cheek as she began to calm down.  Lindsay swallowed still looking down nervously around her.  Her arms were firmly attached around Jade's neck and her legs wrapped around her lover's waist.  Jade treaded water for the both of them while trying to get Lindsay to relax.  She was sorry now that she had pointed it out to Lindsay.  Hugging the scared woman to her, she soothingly talked in her ear.  "It's gone now.  You o.k.?"


Lindsay pulled back and looked sheepishly at Jade.  "Yeah, sorry I over reacted."


"No problem.  I like the end result." Jade smiled seductively and leaned in to kiss Lindsay's salty lips.  Jade deepened the kiss and the two began to sink down into the water.  Lindsay unwrapped her legs from around Jade and helped tread water ass he returned Jade's kiss.


"Much better now." She purred.


Lindsay decided to return to the boat for a rest while Jade finished the roll of film in her camera.  Drying off and putting on a t-shirt against the strong sun, Lindsay sat down next to Judy.  She decided not to tell the editor of the shark incident.


"Feeling better?"


"Oh yes, thanks.  I took the Dramamine and I should be fine.  I didn't expect the water to be so rough today." Judy explained.


"Yes, it's deceiving." 


They carried on small talk for awhile until Judy turned the conversation to a more personal one.   "So, tell me about yourself.  I'd like the chance to get to know you."


"O.k." Lindsay smiled nervously and gave her a very brief sketch of her past work and her house in Michigan.


"So you're living with Jade at both places?"


"Yes, winter in Florida and summer in Michigan." Lindsay replied cheerfully.  She was glad that Judy seemed to be getting over her anger and was actually becoming quite friendly.


"So, it's pretty serious between the two of you?" Judy asked concentrating on keeping her voice light and even with no hint of animosity.


"Yes, it's been quite a new experience for both of us."


Judy nodded solicitously.  "Well, I can definitely see Jade's interest in you.  You are beautiful as well as talented."


Lindsay blushed at the compliment and scoffed.


"Hey, I only call them like I see them." Judy replied.  She could see that Lindsay was taking the bait, hook, line and sinker, and she smiled.  For the rest of their conversation, she was attentive and forthcoming with the compliments.


Lindsay was happy that Judy was finally coming around and she could talk about her work openly and let the editor know that she was a serious writer.  She took this job seriously and not as something to pass the time with Jade.


Jade watched from the water and saw Judy putting all her trademark moves on Lindsay.  Lindsay seemed to be enjoying herself and Jade felt the pangs of jealousy begin to rise.  She watched for awhile until the Captain blew the return whistle and swam back to the boat.  Pulling herself up onto the dive platform, she came face-to-face with a smiling Lindsay.


"Hey, I was wondering if you were ever coming back onboard." Bright green eyes twinkled.


"Did you miss me?" Jade asked wondering.




Jade leaned up and kissed Lindsay not caring who was watching and then looked over at Judy's narrowing eyes and gave her a look of warning implying, 'back off!'  Judy's face pinched  until Lindsay started to turn around and she quickly smoothed it out into a warm smile.


'Oh, two can play this game, honey!' Judy thought.  The trip back was easier for the woman and by the time they reached the bus she had her plan all laid out.


"So, how about the three of us get together tonight for dinner and all, my treat?" Judy offered as they rode back to the resort.


Jade was about to decline when Lindsay readily accepted the invitation.  "Sure, sounds like fun!"  Jade snapped her attention to Lindsay, but the woman didn't even notice.


"Great!  I hear there is dancing later by the pool."


'Wonderful!' thought Jade, 'Just what I wanted to do with my evening!' 

Lindsay was happy the rest of the ride, glad that maybe this trip would be salvageable afterall, and the three of them could develop some kind of working rapport.


Dressing for dinner, Lindsay noticed Jade's uncharacteristically quiet demeanor and asked, "Are you o.k.?"


"Sure, just fine." Jade replied tucking her shirt into her Khaki's.


"You don't seem fine…You seem awfully quiet." Lindsay pressed.


"Guess I'm not all that excited about spending the evening with Judy."


"Come on Jade.  She's trying to be nice, it's the least we can do." Lindsay replied.  Jade looked down at Lindsay surprised and remarked, "Remember, I know her and everything with her isn't always as it seems."


Lindsay didn't want the groundwork they had established today be destroyed and walked up to Jade and put her hand on her arm to look at her.  "Can't we just try for tonight to get along, for me?"


Lindsay was dressed in a cute outfit with crisscrossing straps in back that showed a fair bit of tanned skin, and when Jade looked into her face, she knew that she would deny her lover nothing and nodded.  "Fine, whatever you want."


It wasn't exactly the enthusiasm Lindsay was hoping for, but it was a start and they headed out to dinner.  They were the first to arrive and were seated at their table.  Ordering drinks, they waited for Judy to arrive.


"Wow!" Lindsay exclaimed and Jade looked up to see Judy walk in the door.   She was dressed in one incredibly sexy strapless dress that molded to her every curve.  Even Jade had to admit she looked hot.  Judy approached the table smiling and took a seat next to Lindsay.


"You look wonderful tonight Lindsay." Judy offered as then added, "Oh and you too Jade."


"So do you!" Lindsay replied.  Jade didn't comment and was beginning to feel very underdressed for this group.  Wishing she had packed differently, she sat fuming as Judy monopolized Lindsay in conversation throughout dinner.


Lindsay tried to draw Jade into the concentration, but the stubborn woman would only respond when spoken to directly.  Lindsay finally gave up and let her stew in her misery.


After dinner, they moved out by the patio as the musicians began to play.  The resort had torches lit around the pool and the atmosphere was very romantic.   The women sat drinking and listening to the music until Judy asked Lindsay if she wouldn't mind dancing with her editor.  Jade just about choked on the way Judy had asked and Lindsay gave her a funny look as she got up to dance with Judy.


Angry, Judy slammed back her drink and signaled for another.  She watched getting angrier as the two women danced and the way Judy rubbed her hand along Lindsay's bare back.  After two songs the women finally returned to the table.  Jade steadily kept drinking and when Lindsay asked her to dance she declined, "No, thank you.  I'm kind of tired."


"Well, then I guess we'll just have to dance." Judy replied with a disarming smile.  The two women returned to the dance floor leaving Jade seeing red by now, and began to ask the bartender for doubles. 


Lindsay was having a great time and Judy was still being nice.  She just wished that Jade was in a better mood.  She would rather be dancing with her than with Judy.  As the evening wore on Jade got steadily drunk until Lindsay asked her to stop drinking.  Reluctantly, she didn't order anymore and just sat stewing in her already inebriated juices.  When Lindsay excused herself from the table, Jade leaned over to Judy and barked, "Knock it off!"




"Don’t what me!  I know what you are trying to do!" Jade replied.


"Listen, honey.  I know you and that woman is out of your league.  She deserves better than the likes of you." Judy drawled.  "You are just a two bit photographer who has the boss fooled, but not me."


"Oh, I suppose you are the someone better for Lindsay?"


"Yes, someone who doesn't have a commitment problem, like you!" Judy retorted.  "Besides the fact, I'm just doing this to prove that I can." She remarked chuckling nastily.


Jade didn't respond as Lindsay rounded the bush and walked back toward the table.


Lindsay didn't even get a chance to sit down when Judy jumped up and grabbed her hand…"Come on, they're playing our song."  She grinned back at Jade and continued to lead Lindsay to the dance floor.  Lindsay went along because she didn't want to make a scene. 


Jade's blood boiled at Judy's comments and her actions.  Finally, having enough she walked out onto the dance floor and took tapped Judy on the shoulder.  "Excuse me, I'm cutting in."


Judy snorted and replied a little too loudly, "You're drunk, why don't you go sit down before you make a scene and embarrass Lindsay." 


"Don't start Judy!" Jade warned and began to feel dizzy as her blood pressure soared with the alcohol in her system.


"Look at you…you are a pathetic excuse for a woman.  I can't believe you would do this in front of a woman like Lindsay." Judy replied scoffing for everyone to hear.  Jade looked around and realized that everyone was watching her and turned to walk away when she heard Lindsay's voice behind her.


"I think that's about enough Judy.  You want to talk pathetic….Let's talk about you.  You are the one who doesn't understand the concept that Jade doesn't want you.  You can't seem to let go and get on with your own life.  And now, you think because of a few dances and kind words that you can have me?  I think not!  Jade is more woman drunk then you will ever be sober or otherwise!" Lindsay retorted making sure her voice was loud enough for those paying attention to hear every word.


"Who the hell do you think you are?  You are just a two-bit backwoods dyke riding on this losers coattails trough life."  Judy accused loudly. 


"Why don't you just go back home and let us do our assignment in peace.  No one asked you to come along." Lindsay replied.  "Come on Jade, let's get out of here." She offered and turned to grasp Jade's hand to leave.


"You two losers deserve each other." Judy told Jade.  Lindsay looked over at Judy and said, "Why don't you just shut up!" and pushed her backward into the pool.





Jade let Lindsay lead her away without comment and looked back to see a dripping Judy climb out of the pool.  Lindsay tugged on Jade's arm and she turned back around and looked at her lover in amazement as they walked out of the lodge.   Jade didn't know whether she should laugh or cry and as her vision became blurry she stumbled over her own feet.  Lindsay quickly adjusted to put her arm around Jade's waist and help her along. Tonight it was Lindsay's turn to be the stronger one and Jade felt a tear slide down her cheek as she tried to concentrate on walking.    She was still in shock at Lindsay's reaction to Judy and didn't know what to say to her.  Maybe some of the things Judy said were true about her…if her past relationships were a glaring testament of her failures to connect to anyone, what if she was just hurting Lindsay?  Judy's comments and her own thoughts were getting jumbled in her head and as they climbed the steps to their bungalow Jade sat down on the top step and put her head in her hands.


"Jade, please come inside." Lindsay asked putting her hand on her shoulder.  Jade didn't respond because her throat burned and the acrid taste of alcohol was making her sick.


"Don't you dare!!!" Lindsay shouted angrily causing Jade to look up sharply.  Lindsay could see the tears on Jade's face and she knew that she was right in her assumptions.  Lindsay leaned down and with quiet fury said, "Don't you dare even go that route Jade Mitchell!  If you believe one thing that woman said tonight, I'll kick your ass down these stairs right now!  You are more than the sum of her whole being!  I stood up to her not because I thought she was right, but because she had no right trying to use me against you." 


Jade looked down at her hands and tried to absorb all that Lindsay was saying.   She felt Lindsay quickly sit down next to her and grasp her chin and roughly pull it towards her.  "Don't you shut me out.  Not you, not ever!" 


Jade looked deeply into green eyes and knew that she would fight whatever it took for this woman.  Judy had to be wrong.  No matter what she had done in her past, Jade had never felt so connected to anyone in her life before Lindsay.   Drunk or sober, this was what her life was about, right now, not yesterday or the day before. 


"I…you…." Jade stuttered and Lindsay nodded, waiting patiently for her to put her words together.   "I am not a loser!" was all Jade could finally say.


Lindsay smiled softly and replied, "No, you most certainly are not."


"I'm drunk…but I'm not a loser." Jade offered grinning.  Lindsay chuckled lightly and took a deep breath.  "You are definitely no loser Jade….you are many things…but a loser isn't one of them."


"No, huh?  So what am I?"


"You are talented, smart, witty, and totally gorgeous babe!"  Lindsay offered sincerely.


"Hmmm" Jade replied swaying and trying to lift her eyebrow leeringly, "A babe huh?"


Lindsay laughed at Jade's attempt to be sexy when she couldn't even focus her eyes.  "Come on, my little babe…you need to get to bed."

"Ohh, yeah bed that's a good place."


Jade meekly allowed Lindsay to steer her in the right direction and sat down on the edge of the bed as Lindsay closed and locked the door.  Lindsay returned and began to help Jade remove her clothes.  Fighting to get her arm through the sleeve Jade looked up seriously and said, "I'm really sorry babe, but I think I'm too drunk to do anything tonight."


Lindsay stifled a laugh and replied, "Oh, o.k. honey," as she continued to undress Jade.


"Yeah, I'm just not umm…you know." Jade continued and Lindsay pushed her back gently onto the bed. 


Lindsay looked away and had to wipe a smile off her face and decided to have some fun.  "No honey?  You're not what?"


Lindsay pulled Jade up to pull a T-shirt over her head before letting her fall backwards onto her pillow.   Jade lay confused for a moment and Lindsay had thought she had finally passed out and slipped out of her outfit.


"Where were we…maybe I can still um…." Jade's voice sounded faraway and Lindsay turned to look at Jade fighting hard to concentrate.  Lindsay smiled and slipped on her nightshirt and crawled into bed next to Jade and decided to let her off the hook. 


Shutting off the light she leaned over Jade and crooned, "Oh, thank you honey…. I love the way you make love to me," before kissing Jade on the lips.  




"No one's ever made me feel as good as you just did.   You are the best." Lindsay whispered in Jade's ear.


"Yeah, I was pretty good huh?" Jade replied cockily. 


"Ooh, the best." Lindsay crooned and snuggled next to her lover. 


"Yeah, well what can I say."


"Nothing, dear…..Go to sleep." Lindsay chuckled lightly and moments later heard the soft snore of Jade as she slept deeply.


"Oh, my love.  What am I going to do with you?" Lindsay whispered and kissed Jade's cheek.  "No, I think the important question is, What would I ever do without you?  Let's hope I never have to find out." Lindsay confided solemnly to the sleeping woman.





"Oh my God!" Jade moaned when she tried to open her eyes.  "Someone tell me this is all a nightmare and wake me up!"  Jade heard a light chuckle coming from beside her and gingerly looked down to find Lindsay sprawled out next to her. 


"Well, if it's a nightmare, we are sharing it!" Lindsay reported and sat up wiping the sweat from her face.  "I feel so gross!"


"I feel gross outside and inside." Jade replied looking around the room; her eyes stopping at the small pile of her neatly folded clothes on the chair.  Jade knew that she had not done that and closed her eyes as she remembered the night before.


"You should!" Lindsay retorted and leaned over Jade to look her in the face.


"Tell me that what happened last night really didn't happen." Jade asked quietly, hoping she was wrong.    She heard a chuckle erupt out of Lindsay, she knew that wasn't going to be so.


"Sorry babe, no can do.  It all happened." Lindsay said and kissed Jade lightly on the lips.


Jade groaned when the kiss hit her and she remembered their conversation just before she passed out.  Opening one eye she focused it on the green orbs above her and said, "And we didn't….last night?"


Lindsay smiled and shook her head no.  Jade groaned and tried to cover her face with a pillow.  Lindsay pulled the pillow away and tossed it across the room.  "Come on lover girl….get up and take a shower!" Lindsay teased before she got out of bed. 


Jade sat up groaning and remarked, "You are not going to ever let me forget this are you?"


"Nope" Lindsay retorted smirking and pulled off her nightshirt and tossed it backward onto the bed and headed to the shower thinking,   'If Jade isn't going to get under the water then she certainly was.   She wanted nothing more than to wash off what felt like a pound of sweat.'


Jade went into the bathroom and brushed the fuzz from off her tongue and felt a little more human.  Smiling to her reflection in the mirror, she pulled off her T-shirt and underwear and slipped behind the plastic curtain.  Lindsay squealed once and then the only sound was the running water and the gasping of a very happily surprised blonde.


Breakfast consisted of tea and toast for Jade as her stomach did flip-flops and she watched jealousy as Lindsay ate a full-resort breakfast.  There was no sign of Judy anywhere and they stopped at the reception area on their way back from the lodge.    Jade climbed the stairs to the desk as Lindsay waited for her; she was too full to climb that many stairs in this heat.


Jade came back with a manila envelope in her hand and a strange look on her face.  Lindsay couldn't tell if she was happy or not.   "What's wrong?"


"Judy left this morning for the airport.  She left our tickets at the desk ."  Jade informed

Lindsay quietly. 


"What does this mean for the assignment?"


"It means we finished the assignment and go home." Jade replied and started walking back through the forest toward the bungalow.


"Jade wait!" Lindsay called out.  Jade stopped but didn't turn around.    She felt Lindsay's hand on her arm and she looked down, her face devoid of expression. 


"Tell me what you are feeling.  I hate when you shut me out." Lindsay asked.


Jade sighed and realized that her anger had nothing to do with Lindsay and that she shouldn't be taking it out on her, pulling her into her arms she looked down and smiled.


"Sorry, I'm not shutting you out.  I guess I'm still mad about the whole situation.  Judy overstepped her bounds this time and I've got to do something about it." Jade explained to Lindsay and kissed her lightly on the end of her nose.


Lindsay's arms found their familiar resting place around Jade's waist and thought about this.  "I think you are right.  If you feel you should do something, then I think you should."


"Yeah, I think a call to Mel is in order.  Why don't we pack and move on to Cairns and I'll call from there."


"You mean were not going home yet?  Isn't the assignment finished?"


"Oh yeah, I found out at the desk that we could have accessed the rainforest and the reef from Cairns by just taking day trips up here.  I also think we have enough material to make a good layout.  So, there is no reason why we should have to spend one more night in this hell hole.  I think, if nothing else, Judy owes us a couple of days somewhere nice before we leave!"  Jade finished and pulled Lindsay up the path toward the room.  Lindsay quickly caught up and ran ahead of Jade calling out over her shoulder.  "Come on…don't drag your feet!  Let's get out of here!"


By mid-morning they were on the shuttle back to Cairns and by early afternoon at their new hotel in Palm Cove.  They arrived at The Reef Retreat and the first thing they did was lay on the big queen-size bed with the air conditioning blasting. 


"Ooh….I think I've died and gone to heaven!" Lindsay groaned and wiggled on the bed.  Jade rolled over and caught the squirming woman under her.  


"This is much nicer!" Jade replied and leaned down to capture Lindsay's lips.  Lindsay parted her lips for Jade to deepen the kiss and felt her passions begin to flare.  "Ooh, now I know I've died and gone to heaven!" Lindsay moaned and began plucking open the buttons on Jade's shirt. 


Jade moved down and began kissing Lindsay's abdomen through her T-shirt and slowly worked it upward so that she could place her lips on the bare skin of her lover.   With a combined goal in mind, they quickly and methodically removed any clothing barriers between them.   This time neither woman seemed to mind working up a sweat as they made love all afternoon. 


For dinner they walked down the block to the beach and picked up fish and chips at the take-away, and ate on the beach as the sun began to set.  After dinner they went for a stroll in the moonlight and dipped their feet in the warm waters.


"Now, this is more like it!" Jade exclaimed and hugged Lindsay's body closer to her own.   "This is how I envisioned Australia to be…not being stranded in the middle of some jungle."


Lindsay chuckled but felt the tension in Jade's body and leaned up to kiss her.  "Let's not think about anything, but right now.  Tomorrow you can call Mel and straighten everything out.  But, for tonight, I want it to be just you and me."


"Honey, can I ask you something?"  Jade began hesitantly.


"Sure, you know you can ask me anything."


"What would you say to it being just you and me for a lot longer than just tonight?"  Jade asked and looked down into Lindsay's shadowed face for an answer.


"I think that is the most wonderful thing you have ever said to me." Lindsay replied, her voice trembling.  She lay her head on Jade's chest and hugged her close as she felt the tears pool in the corner of her eyes.


"So, you like that idea?"  Jade answered and kissed the top of Lindsay's head until the blonde looked up at her and all doubt was erased, "I want that more than I want my next breath."


Jade kissed Lindsay passionately, soulfully, and with every ounce of love and commitment she could muster.  Breaking they were both breathless and Lindsay echoed the thoughts that ran through Jade's head.   "So much for Judy's commitment comment."


"Oh yeah!"  Jade replied and kissed Lindsay in the moonlight on their own little stretch of deserted beach.






Lindsay gave Jade privacy when she called to talk to Mel.  They were old friends and she knew that what Jade needed to discuss with him about Judy was going to be hard for her lover.  She didn't want her to feel self-conscious or anything and just kissed her and told her she'd be by the pool waiting.  Jade nodded and watched Lindsay walk out the door, with renewed courage and a sense of identity that she had never had before, she picked up the phone and began to dial his number.


Lindsay sat her chair in the sun and lay back soaking up the warmth of the sun.  She knew that no matter what happened with the conversation up in the room that she and Jade would be all right.   She felt herself dozing and her skin began to get hot until she suddenly felt something cold hit her chest.  Shivering she sat up to see Jade leaning over her dangling a cold bottle of beer over her.


"What's this for?" Lindsay asked grasping the bottle.


"Just thought you might like one." Jade replied and pulled her chair closer and stretched out next to Lindsay.  Lindsay looked over at her lover's long body and would never tire of seeing it or touching it.  It didn't matter how the years would affect the outer shell, it was the inner one that housed Jade's soul and it was there that Lindsay found her life.  Taking a long drink of her beer Lindsay waited for Jade to tell her about the phone call, and watched her out of the corner of her eye.  She could see Jade working the problem over in her head and absently finishing her beer quickly.


Jade wasn't sure how Lindsay would react to this new twist to their lives and decided to just face the issues now, instead of waiting until they returned home.






"We have some things we need to discuss." Jade stated and sat up swinging her legs over to sit facing the blonde.  Lindsay sat up giving the concerned look on Jade's face a double take.


"O.k., talk to me."


Jade ran an absent hand through her hair collecting her thoughts.  Lindsay laid a warm hand on her knee instantly calming her lover.  Jade just shook her head and smiled at the simple gesture that somehow meant so much.  That one small contact would always mean more than all the words either of them could ever say to each other.


"Well, it seems that Judy may no longer be the managing editor of the magazine." Jade stated uncertainly.


"He's firing her?" Lindsay asked surprised, but not sorry.  Judy was a mean and vindictive individual.  She could have understood if the woman had done the things she did because she loved Jade and wanted her back.  But, to do them just to hurt her was plain cruel.


"I explained the situation to him and what's been happening here." Jade replied and looked down at her hands and back up to look into Lindsay's eyes before continuing,  "And I told him that I would no longer work under these conditions and that I was quitting."


Lindsay's eyes snapped and Jade put a hand out to stop her, "Before you say anything, I know I should have discussed a decision like this with you before hand.  I'm sorry.   I just won't have her interfering in our lives anymore.  You're probably angry, but I didn't see any other way at the time."


"Are you finished?"  Lindsay asked calmly.




"I'm not angry with you Jade.  I'm angry that Judy forced you to quit doing what you love.  If you did this because you no longer want to work with her, I will understand.  But, if you did this on my behalf…don't!  I don't need to write for the magazine just to be with you."


Jade nodded in understanding and replied, "That leaves both of us with a decision to make."


"So, is he or isn't he firing her?"


"He will fire her tomorrow morning, on one condition." Jade responded.


"That you don't quit." Lindsay finished for Jade.


"Not quite….." Jade smiled, "the condition includes that I take her place."


"You as managing editor?" Lindsay asked uncertainly, that would mean sitting behind a desk in an office.  Lindsay wasn't sure how Jade would feel about that.


"You don't think I can do it?" Jade asked surprised and a little hurt.


"Oh no!" Lindsay gushed and grabbed Jade's hand.  "I know you can do the job!  I was just worried about you giving up the travel for a desk job."


Jade smiled relieved and pulled Lindsay's hand to her lips and kissed it.  "I know it will take some adjusting to," Jade confided, "but, I think I'm ready to settle down and establish a solid future."




"But, what about you?"  You have the option of continuing as a travel writer with another photographer, or taking a staff writer job at the magazine." Jade offered.  "I'll support you either way."


Lindsay reached up to cup Jade's cheek in her hand and smiled.  "I know you would."


"I just want us to be happy, so whatever you decide, we will work with it." Jade replied and turned to kiss the palm that held her cheek.


"There is a third option." Lindsay said.


"What's that?"


"I could just continue with my book writing.  I can do that anywhere." Lindsay explained.


"Oh, so you don't want to work with me at the magazine?"  As soon as Jade said the words she could have kicked herself for feeling so insecure.


Lindsay turned and sat up fully facing Jade, their knees touching.  "No, that's not what I meant.  What I meant was that we have the option of my 'not' working for the magazine if it is going to cause any further trouble."


"I hadn't thought of that.  I suppose we could make an arrangement for you to write freelance.  You could do it from home and have more time for your book." Jade replied, trying to come up with a workable solution.


"Yes, I think that would work out great." Lindsay replied happily.


"Just as long as you know that if you get bored or anything, there is always a permanent position for you at the office."  Jade acknowledged.


"Thank you." Lindsay winked and stood up tugging on Jade's hand.  "Come in the pool with me."


Lindsay slowly lowered herself into the pool as Jade dove over her head, splashing cleanly under the water and circled to come up right in front of Lindsay.


"Mmmm….fancy meeting you here." Lindsay replied and wrapped her arms around Jade's neck.


"Always a pleasure!" Jade leaned in to kiss Lindsay and they floated around for awhile, trading kisses and smiles.  Lindsay laid her head on Jade's shoulder and she moved to sit on the pool stairs using the side as a backrest and leaned back closing her eyes.


After awhile, Jade opened her eyes and realized that she had been lightly dozing.  Lindsay was still nestled against her neck and quiet.


"Are you asleep?"  Jade asked quietly.


Lindsay felt the rumble of Jade's voice from her chest and the whisper of warm breath against her ear and shivered smiling.  "I was."


Jade chuckled lightly and rubbed Lindsay's back.  "I think it's time to get out of the water.  Interested in some lunch and shopping?"


At the mention of two of Lindsay's favorite things, the blonde's head popped up and green eyes looked excitedly into blue.


"Sure, do you want to?"


"Yes, let's go to that little restaurant by all those shops and then we can souvenir hunt for awhile." Jade replied.


Lindsay kissed Jade hard and said, "I knew there was a reason I loved you!"


"So you only love me because I feed you and take you shopping?" Jade teased.


Lindsay grinned, "Yes and many other reasons.  Ask me about them tonight and I'll tell you every one of them.  Right now, I'm hungry!  Let's go!"  Lindsay jumped up and pulled Jade to her feet and held her hand as she led the way back to their room.  Dried and dressed, they walked down the street toward town.


Jade let Lindsay drag her into each and every shop and didn't even complain when the blonde insisted on buying her a wrap around for her bathing suit.  Lindsay bought herself a couple of sundress that would be cool for the S. Florida summers.  Jade, on the other hand, purchased a couple of dive T-shirts to wear with her shorts.  She definitely didn't want to be stuck in any dresses.  Even in her new job, she would wear only pantsuits or khakis.  'Dresses just weren't her cup of tea', she told Lindsay. 


Jade made reservations for them at The Reef Retreat for dinner. She specifically requested to be seated on the veranda, the soft tropical breezes and candlelight under the stars would be perfect.  She even ordered champagne to be chilled and ready at their table.


Jade dressed in a fresh pair of khaki's and a black polo shirt and waited for Lindsay to come out of the bathroom.  When she finally did, Jade's jaw dropped at the sight.  Lindsay wore her knew sky blue sundress.  The material was soft and clinging as it crossed her breasts to wrap around and tie behind her neck, leaving her back bare down to the dip of her hips.  Lindsay had put her long hair up exposing her neck and Jade could almost taste the soft skin she knew rested there.  The overall picture took Jade's breath away and by the look on Lindsay's face, she was well aware of the effect she was having on her lover.


Smiling, Lindsay asked, "Are we ready to go?" Jade snapped her jaw shut and nodded.  Lindsay giggled and pointed to Jade's bare feet.  "I think you have to wear shoes to this place."


Jade blushed and quickly slipped on her shoes and ran to open the door for Lindsay.  Lindsay slipped her arm in the crook of Jade's as they walked down the street.  The sun was gently starting to set as they were seated at their table.


"It's beautiful!" Lindsay remarked watching as the colors of the water changed as night approached.


"Your beautiful!" Jade replied with a gleam in her eye.  The waiter approached and began to open their champagne and Lindsay looked up curiously.


"We're celebrating!"  Jade announced to Lindsay's amused look.


"Our jobs?" Lindsay questioned raising her glass.


"No, more important, us!"  Jade responded lightly touching their glasses together.





The plane ride home was uneventful and even Jade exhaustedly slept for most of it.  They finally arrived back, and didn't reach the condo until after midnight.  With only enough energy to strip and climb into bed, they were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.


The next morning came all too early and Jade, seriously jetlagged had slept in, grateful that her appointment with Mel wasn't until afternoon.  Sighing, she rolled over and found that she had the bed to herself and stretched, luxuriating in the feeling of space.  Her moment of repose didn't last long when she heard Lindsay call out, "You better get that cute butt up or you will be late!"


'How does she know that I am awake?'  Jade mused and stayed very still.


"Forget it honey!  I know you're awake!" A chuckling voice replied.


Groaning, Jade pushed herself to the edge of the bed and grabbed for a shirt lying on a nearby chair, quickly brushing her teeth, she made her way to the kitchen to find Lindsay pouring a cup of coffee.  Jade wrapped her arms around Lindsay and kissed her 'good morning'.


"How did you know I was awake?" Lindsay asked nipping Lindsay's neck.  Lindsay looked up smiling and replied, "What do you smell?"


Jade breathed in deeply and returned the smile.  "Sweet Dreams and Kona!"


"I knew it wouldn't be long after I made your favorite coffee."


"You are so clever!" Jade replied and tickled Lindsay until she tried to slap her with a wooden spoon from off the counter.  Jade laughed and moved to put cream in the coffee cup.


Jade took a seat at the counter and watched Lindsay pad around the kitchen barefoot.  She marveled at how differently they were from each other and thought, 'Guess that is what they mean by opposites attracting to each other.'


Breaking out of her revere, Jade thought to ask, "you are coming to the office with me, right?"


"Sure if you want me to." Lindsay replied looking back at Jade to see her response.  Jade sipped her coffee and nodded replying, "Most definitely!"


"How much time do we have?"


"About an hour." Jade responded wiggling her eyebrows.


Lindsay smiled seductively and replied, "Good, we have enough time to shower…..you go first!"


"You little tease!" Jade retorted and slid off her stool to slowly stalk toward Lindsay.


Lindsay held up the wooden spoon threateningly.  "I wouldn't if I were you!"


"Ha! You think I'm afraid of that little thing?"  Jade cautiously moved around Lindsay and the weapon until she could get close enough to make a grab for her.


Lindsay jumped back swinging the spoon through empty air as Jade countered the move.  "If you hurt me, you will just have to kiss it later!"


"Ooh really?  Bend over then!" Lindsay teased.


"You're bad….you do know you will pay for that later?"


"I'm counting on it!"


Jade stopped and smiled slyly, "But, I think right now….I'll go take my shower!"  With that, she walked away leaving a very surprised and very aroused blonde in the middle of the kitchen.


"Ooh paybacks Ms. Managing Editor!  Paybacks!  Just wait until tonight!"  Lindsay called out and heard a deep chuckle in reply.  "Yes my dear, until tonight.  I have a celebration planned that you won't soon forget!"  Lindsay replied quietly and returned to putting the dishes away with a smile on her face.





Jade and Lindsay arrived at the magazine offices and they headed directly toward Jade's office.  They effectively bypassed Judy's office with only the occasional greeting by co-workers.  For the most part, they were met with curious stares and Jade knew it was speculation over Lindsay.  Knowing Mel, she was sure that the pool incident had already mysteriously leaked out.


Lindsay stayed close enough with Jade to keep up, but kept her distance and walked with a self-assurance that she really didn't feel.  She wanted the others in the office to realize that she was a separate entity from Jade, and not hiding in her shadow.  She held her head high amidst the stares and just smiled at anyone who made eye contact.


Lindsay started on the story layout while Jade prepared for her meeting with Mel.  Closing her folder, she went to stand before the window and tried to calm herself down.  This was a big step and suddenly she wasn't sure she wanted to take it.  'I'm a photographer, not an editor!' she thought panicking.


Lindsay looked over and saw the stiffness in Jade's back and got up and went to her.  Running her hand lightly down the tall woman's back, she looked up. 




"I can't do this Lindsay!"


"Then don't." Lindsay replied calmly.


"I'm no editor.  I like being out there." Jade motioned to the city below them.


"Then that is where you should be."


"You don't mind?" Jade asked unsure.  This meant going back to the question of stability and commitment.


"Jade listen to me.  No matter what you decided to do or what I decide to do for our work, it shouldn't affect the bases of our relationship.  As long as I know you are coming home to me, and you know I'll be waiting, then that is where our commitment lies.  We don't have to spend every waking hour together to have a successful relationship.  Trust me, one day when we are old and gray, we will be together so much that we will drive each other crazy!"


Jade smiled at Lindsay's attempt to lighten the moment and hugged her to her tightly.  "You my dear, are one special lady.  I'm so glad you are mine."  Jade murmured kissing Lindsay long and deep.


"You know it, and don't you ever doubt that." Lindsay responded.


"So, how does this affect your plans?" Jade asked.  She knew her ultimate decision could not be made until she considered what Lindsay wanted to do.


"Well, funny you should ask…." Lindsay grinned and pulled Jade over to sit on the sofa.


"What would you say to me splitting my time between writing and an adjunct faculty position at the community college?"  Lindsay asked grasping Jade's hand and pulling it onto her lap.


Jade looked over totally surprised and asked, "When did all this come about?"


"I know I didn't say anything, but when we were home between assignments I checked into the possibilities.  I thought that maybe if I weren't a factor at the magazine, that Judy would give you the assignments you deserve.  It was about the time of the pig farm incident.  I didn't say anything because I really didn't expect anything to come of it." Lindsay explained.  "Are you upset?"


"So what changed your mind?" Jade asked.  She wasn't exactly upset, but she was taken by surprise.  She hadn't even known Lindsay was thinking about anything like this.


"When we got home there was a letter of offer waiting.  I was going to discuss it with you and I guess, now seemed like a good time."


"Oh."  The phone began to ring, but Jade ignored it.  She didn't want to be interrupted right now.


"You are mad aren't you?" Lindsay asked regretfully.  She hadn't meant to keep Jade out of this, it just was done on a whim and then it snowballed into reality.


"No, not at all.  I'm just a little surprised.  I didn't know you were even interested in teaching.  I guess I have a lot to learn about you." Jade smiled over at Lindsay.  If she wanted to teach then, that's what she should do.


"So, you're not upset with this?"


"No, actually I think it's kind of cool!  I always wanted to be a teacher's pet!" Jade replied and nudged Lindsay's shoulder.


"Oh honey, you can be more than that!" Lindsay answered and winked at her lover.


"Depends on what you will be teaching." Jade said suggestively.


Lindsay laughed and responded.  "Nothing that exciting, I assure you!  How does Fiction 101 grab you?"


"Everything you do, grabs me darlin'!" Jade leaned over and drew Lindsay into an embrace and kissed her.  As the kiss deepened there was a knock at the door and both women jumped up quickly as the door began to open.


"I must remember to lock that door in the future!" Jade whispered to Lindsay.


Mel's secretary poked her head in.  "You didn't answer your phone and Mel was wondering if you'd forgotten your meeting with him?"


"No, actually I was just on my way." Jade replied.


"O.K., I'll let him now."  The door closed again and Jade looked at Lindsay.  "So, you really want to teach and not just because of all this trouble?"


"No, it's something I've always wanted to try." Lindsay smiled excitedly.


"So, you teach and I take pictures.  Sounds like a good start."


"This way we both get to do what we like." Lindsay agreed.


"I am changing one thing, however." Jade remarked.




"I'm not taking as many assignments as I have in the past.  I don't want to be away all the time anymore." Jade told Lindsay.


"Now, Jade…." Lindsay began.


"No, it's about time.  Before, I had no reason to be home.  Now, I have all the reason in the world." Jade replied and pulled Lindsay back toward her.


"You're sure?"


"Trust me, I won't miss running myself ragged day in and day out.  Breaks in between assignments will be nice." Jade answered and kissed Lindsay lightly.  "Rest and relaxation, will be just right".


"Don't count on the rest part!  I plan to keep you very busy." Lindsay murmured seductively and kissed Jade showing her just what she meant.


"Ooh, you do have a way with words teach!" Jade replied nibbling on Lindsay's lips.


Mmm, hold that thought for later." Lindsay replied pulling away.  "Mel's waiting."


"Yeah, might as well get this over with."  Jade picked up her folder and headed out the door.





Jade worked quietly in the study as she heard the rattling sounds in the kitchen and occasionally tempting aromas wafted toward her.  She had promised Lindsay she wouldn't come out until she called for her, but she couldn't help wondering what all the secrecy was about.  Her meeting with Mel had gone as expected.  He wasn't happy initially, but he understood.  Mel still fired Judy and decided to become more involved with his magazine and take over as managing editor.  Judy was met by security and shown directly to Mel's office.  Mel met with her and let her know that her behavior and services were no longer needed at the magazine.  She was allowed to clear out her stuff and shown to the door.  Jade made the mistake of passing down the hall as Judy was being escorted out by security.


"You haven't heard the last of me." Judy told Jade, instantly wiping the smile off the latter's face.


"Judy, give it a rest.  You brought this on yourself." Jade replied coldly.


"There wasn't a problem until your little thing showed up!"


"Let it go!" Jade warned abruptly.  She wasn't going to stand there and listen to Judy say anything against Lindsay.  "Don't push this one!"


"Oh honey, I can't do that.  This isn't over, not by a long shot!" Judy replied smiling malevolently before turning to walk out.


Jade sat at her desk and thought about Judy's threats and wondered exactly what the woman could do to her, or Lindsay.  At the thought of harm to Lindsay, Jade's eyes narrowed and she promised, 'This time you won't be dealing with Lindsay, you'll be dealing with me!'  Hands on Jade's shoulders caused her to jump and pull her away from her thoughts.


Lindsay had called Jade's name and when she hadn't gotten a response, she went looking for her lover.  Lindsay found Jade sitting in the study staring off into space and she didn't like the look on Jade's face.


"Honey, you o.k.?" Lindsay squeezed Jade's shoulders and felt a tight mass of muscle.  "You're all tense, what's up?"


"Nothing, just thinking about Judy." Jade replied and spun her chair around to face Lindsay.  She gave the blonde a half-apologetic grin and pulled her closer to her.


"Well, forget about the woman and come and eat.  If you're really good at dinner, I'll do something about those muscles later."  Lindsay replied seductively and drew Jade out of her chair and let her toward the kitchen.  Jade smiled thinking, 'Yes!'


The lights were off and the glow from the candles set a warm shadow across the carefully set table.  The soft slow strains of jazz could be heard coming from the living room.  Lindsay had outdone  herself and as Jade pulled out the woman's chair, she leaned down and told her so before placing a tender kiss on her cheek.  As the two women ate dinner,  blue kept meeting green until neither woman remembered to eat and just sat staring over the flame of the candles.


"Thank you for this." Jade whispered afraid to break the spell that had woven itself around them.


"You are most welcome!"


"You never cease to amaze me." Jade replied and reached across the table to grasp Lindsay's hand and gently rubbed her thumb along the back of it.


"Why?  Hasn't anyone ever gone through this much trouble to get you into bed before?" Lindsay asked teasingly.


"No one's gone through this much trouble period." Jade replied quietly.


"Dance with me."  Lindsay wanted a connection with Jade at that moment and take away any thoughts that might dampen tonight's celebration.


Jade got up and  let Lindsay into the living  room where the music was and pulled her into her arms.  Pulling  Lindsay close, Jade sighed in contentment.  Lindsay looked up curiously and waited for Jade to comment.


"Even this feels right." Jade murmured and leaned down to kiss Lindsay.   Jade continued to nuzzle her way down Lindsay's neck and across to the other side.  Nipping lightly on an earlobe causing Lindsay to shiver with want.   Her expressive green eyes looked up into Jade's hooded blue's and Lindsay huskily said, "Every time you touch me, or even look at me, I  feel like there is nothing in this world that I want or need  more than to feel you in my arms."


"There is nothing more that I want then to pull you into my arms every time I am near you.  You don't know how many times I've had to restrain myself because of where we were or circumstances of the moment." Jade replied.


"Sometimes just by the way you look at me, I know what you are thinking." Lindsay observed.  "You don't even have to touch me and I know."


"Do you know what I am thinking right now?" Jade asked slyly.


"Oh yeah!"  Lindsay responded and tugged on Jade's shirt as she began to unbutton it and lead her tall lover toward the bedroom.


"I love it when we are on the same wave-length." Jade murmured and shrugged out of her shirt before beginning on Lindsay's.  Slowly, they removed each other's clothes as they swayed to the beat of the music.  Finally naked, Jade lowered Lindsay to the bed and began at the top of her head and kissed her way down every inch of Lindsay's face and neck before sucking deeply on her tender neck.  Lindsay threw her head back in ecstasy as her body began to burn for Jade.  Jade reached down to cup a waiting breast and brushed her palm across an already hardened nipple.


Lindsay moaned as a heat rushed to her core and felt Jade blaze a trail down to her tender breasts.  "Oh yes!" she moaned when Jade attached warm lips around her and gently pulled the hardened nipple into her mouth.  Jade's hand reached over and tenderly circled the other breast as she felt Lindsay's breathing escalate.  "Mmm,  I love the way your skin tastes." Jade murmured as she alternated her lips between the two heaving breasts.  Slowly she began her descent and ran her tongue down the valley between these perfect breasts and lightly dipped her tongue into Lindsay's navel.  Circling her tongue around the tiny cavity, Jade moved her hand down to cup the burning sex.  She could feel the heat radiating from Lindsay's core and she groaned in anticipation.


Lindsay's only coherent thoughts were the flashes of color that bounced before her eyes as Jade sent waves of heat through her body and burning need began to develop in her core.  A burning need that only Jade could answer.  Jade moved lower at Lindsay's insistence and nestled herself between her lover's legs.  Looking up with smoky blue eyes she whispered, "I love you."


Lindsay could feel the tears developing in her eyes as she looked down at her raven-haired lover and knew without a doubt that this was true for both of them.  She threw her head back at the first touch of Jade's tongue as she opened for her lover. 


Jade tenderly and reverently circled the swollen clit as she lavished every part of Lindsay's sex with the attention it cried for.  She dipped her tongue into Lindsay's opening and loved the feeling of Lindsay's acceptance and tightening around her.  Moving back up to the swollen nub she slowly stroked it with her tongue as she first pushed one finger and then two inside of Lindsay.  She slowly stroked her tongue in rhythm with her fingers as the blonde's body began to respond to their dance of passion.  She continued to stroke Lindsay until she felt the woman reaching her apex and then looked up and smiled, "I want to dance with you forever".  Lindsay felt the first burst erupt within her at those words and when Jade took her into her mouth completely she let go of everything she was holding back.


Jade felt the first of her lover's tremors and knew that she wanted Lindsay to feel exactly how much she loved her and moved to her and sucked until  Lindsay's body could no longer hold back and she gave her the release that she desired.  Lindsay cried out and Jade continued to make love to her until she received all that Lindsay had to offer and she moved up to take her into her arms and rock her quietly.


Lindsay's face was nestled against Jade's neck as she regained her momentum and her breathing returned slowly to normal.  Leaning up,  she knew she wanted to take the flesh above and below her and began to nibble and lick the salty skin.  "My turn." Lindsay replied huskily and pushed Jade onto her back and rolled over on top.  Looking down, she kissed Jade deeply and tasted herself on her lover's tongue.  "I love the way I taste on you." Lindsay murmured and moved down to capture a perfectly rounded nipple between her teeth.  Teasing Jade she lightly bit down causing Jade to intake a quick breath in response.  Smiling around the nipple she gently suckled and ran her tongue along the tip of it sending an instant shot of heat down Jade's body.


"Oh Lindsay!"  Jade cried out at the sudden rush of blood through her body.  "Oh,  yes my love…I'm here. I'm here for you only." Lindsay murmured and moved to take the other nipple into her mouth and alternated between the two happily.  Jade moved her legs to let Lindsay fall between them and wrapped them around the blonde's body.  Lindsay could feel the heat and moist hairs that rested at the apex of Jade's thighs.


"You feel so wet." Lindsay moaned and reached up to capture Jade's lips in a searing kiss.  Breaking off and moving back down to her favorite orbs, she heard Jade reply deeply, "only for you."


Lindsay slid a hand between their bodies and parted the moist lips below and gently stroked her finger back and forth until Jade moaned and moved in unison.  Kissing and nipping her way down the long body, Lindsay reached her goal and breathed in the scent that would always make her smile.  "I love the way you smell and I love the way you taste." Lindsay called up softly before running her tongue between the folds and tasting the moist flesh that opened to her.


"Lindsay, please….I want to feel you…inside." Jade gasped as Lindsay's tongue teased her swollen flesh causing Jade to loose control rapidly.  "I can't…." she whispered trying to keep from getting too close to the edge.


"Don't hold back love…I'm here now." Lindsay replied and dipped her tongue deep into the recess of Jade's heat and tried to reach as near to her core as possible.  Jade's body betrayed her as Lindsay entered her deeply and she rushed to the edge and leaped over but, Lindsay wasn't done yet and she pushed Jade again and again until there was nothing left for Jade to give to Lindsay.  Lindsay collapsed next to Jade and pulled her into her arms as they held each other closely. 


After a few moments, Lindsay felt Jade's chest rumbling and looked up to see her lover smiling.  "What?" she asked hoarsely.


"I have to admit, when you plan a celebration honey, you throw one hell of a party!"  Jade replied chuckling.  Lindsay smiled and nestled herself against Jade and whispered in her ear, "every day is a celebration when I'm with you."  Jade tingled at the images this brought to her and she pulled Lindsay closer and replied, "It will be, oh yes, I think we can count on that!"  Holding each other closely, they fought to stay awake and rekindle the fire that lay sated within them.  Finally, Jade whispered down, "Go to sleep, tomorrow we have another date to celebrate."


Lindsay's lips curled into a smile and she kissed the side of Jade's neck before allowing herself to relax into a dream-filled sleep.  Jade listened to the deep breathing of the woman in her arms and smiled knowing that she loved her and was loved in return.




Lindsay's teaching schedule included teaching  classes two half-days a week and the rest of the time she divided between writing for the magazine and on her new book.  Jade's next assignment was coming up and she would be gone for a week.  She had already accepted three assignments, but made sure that she was home a week in between each.  Their life had settled into a comfortable routine and the more the women were together, the more they were learning about each other and their goals for the future.   One goal was identical and that was that their relationship came first, and they would each work hard to keep the doors of communication always open.


Classes had been in session about a week when Lindsay entered her classroom to find a new student waiting  for her.


"Ms. Adams?"


There was still ten minutes before class was to start and the students that were in the room, were talking among themselves or quickly trying to read tonight's discussion assignment.



"Yes."  Lindsay smiled at the blonde standing before her.   She was about a foot taller than Lindsay with a disarming smile and blue eyes almost the color of Jade's, Lindsay observed.


"I need to find out if I can transfer into your class.  The registrar said that if you didn't object, and signed this form, it wouldn't be a problem."  The blonde replied smiling hopefully.


"Sure, no problem." Lindsay answered and took the form, signing her approval at the bottom.


"Oh, thank you so much.  I really wanted to get into this class.  It's very important to me."


"Why is that do you want to be a writer?"  Lindsay asked curiously.  She liked to know what the motivations of her students were and what they expected out of the class.


"No, not really, but my friend is an editor and she suggested that I take your class."  The blonde's smile turned slightly sour and Lindsay paused confused before replying.


"Oh, o.k."


"She specifically said that I should get into your class.  You should know her, her name is Judy Varano."  The blonde's face turned stony and the blue eyes narrowed in response.


Lindsay took a step back at the mention of the name.  Although she really wasn't sure what Judy's last name had been, there was no mistaking that this was the same person.


"Well, if you'd like to take a seat, class is about to begin.  I'll get you a copy of the syllabus and what you will be expected to cover this semester."  Lindsay's response was no nonsense and to the point.  She wasn't going to let this woman know how rapidly her heart was beating and how this was affecting her at the moment.  Lindsay turned back toward her desk thinking, "I wish Jade wasn't out of town.'  Angrily shaking off the fear, she chided herself about taking care of business and handling this without involving Jade.


The blonde took a seat in the front of the classroom and sat glaring at Lindsay.  'Obviously, Judy has mentioned me.' Lindsay told herself jokingly, but somehow she didn't find it very funny at the moment.


Lindsay pulled out the necessary forms and walked toward the woman and laid them on her desk.  "Just follow the requirements and you should have no problem with this class."  Lindsay informed the student.


"Oh, I'm not the one who will have the problem." The blonde replied bitingly.  Lindsay ignored the comment and addressed the class to begin her lecture.  The hour passed slowly as the staring of the woman was very disconcerting, and Lindsay tried hard to ignore her and focus on the rest of the students.


On the drive home, Lindsay debated whether she should mention anything to Jade when she called that evening.  Jade was expected to be gone another three days and there was really nothing she could do about this anyway.


Each class became a challenge for Lindsay to try to keep the blonde in line and each session, she became more and more belligerent watching everything Lindsay would say and pointing out any errors or misconceptions she did not agree with.  Lindsay was in a fine humor tonight and in no mood for "Ms. Thing", as she affectionately called the blonde now.  Jade's trip had been extended another week and Lindsay was missing her on top of having a killer headache this evening.  She entered the classroom and silently hoped that "Ms. Thing" would be absent from class.  Tonight's lecture was on the steps for getting a writer's work published.  Lindsay had compiled her information and had even talked to Mel at the magazine to get his input on how they chose new writers.


When Lindsay looked up, not only did she see the familiar annoying blue eyes but also she was met by Judy's brown one's sitting in the front of her classroom.


"Ms. Thing" spoke up loudly for the class to hear and announced, "I hope you don't mind that I invited my friend, Judy, since tonight's lecture is in her area of expertise.  She is the new managing editor of "Today's World".  By the sounds of the student's and the instant  outburst of talking, Lindsay knew that they were impressed.  Today's World was a popular magazine among the college set and anyone remotely related to it would be an instant hit among their age group.


"Well, isn't that nice, maybe later you would be kind enough to share some of your thoughts to the class." Lindsay replied looking directly at Judy's smirking face.


"I would be delighted to." Judy replied smiling and looking around at the students.


'Wonderful!  Just freaking wonderful!' Lindsay thought to herself and tried to control her shaking hands and deliver her lecture.  Finally, realizing that there was only ten minutes left of class, she wound up her talk and turned to Judy.


"Ms. Varano, would you like to address the class now?"


"Well, you really didn't leave me adequate time, but I will do my best to give the class the condensed version of the magazine business." Judy replied sarcastically.


Judy stood up and faced the class and Lindsay took a seat in the front row with her back to the class.  Judy proceeded to derail everything that Lindsay had talked about this evening and discounted most of the information that Mel had relayed to her as outdated and antiquated.  Lindsay was glad that her back was to the classroom and that she did not have to face her students.  She seethed with anger at each maligning comment that came out of Judy's mouth.  Finally, the time was up and Lindsay quickly got up and cut off any further comment from the woman.


"Well, I guess our time is up.  Thank your for offering your differing opinions on editing a magazine.  I am sure that there are a great many philosophies involved in the publishing world." Lindsay replied coldly, she could tell by the look of disappointment on the student's that they were more inclined to lean toward Judy's philosophies in that arena.  Angrily, Lindsay concluded class by telling the student's that she wanted a 5-page paper by next session on some of the different publishing philosophies that are currently being used today.  This brought out a chorus of moans from the class and Lindsay smiled as she gathered up her books and headed out the door.




As Lindsay hurried to her car, she wanted nothing more than to go home and put this evening behind her.  When she heard her name called out she cringed and pretended she hadn't heard until the voice called out loudly and she had no choice but to turn and face the owner.  Lindsay stopped by her car and unlocked the door before turning to face Judy who was walking toward her trailed by "Ms. Thing".


"Yes, Judy.  What can I do for you?"  Lindsay asked, the annoyance obvious in her voice.


"I know you are probably in a hurry, but I wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to inform you're students on the real publishing world.  I know how old the textbook information can be in this business."  Judy replied.


"Yeah well, we don't really use a textbook…most of the research is from current articles and publications." Lindsay replied right back.


"Oh sure, whatever you say." Judy offered and a titter was heard in reply from the blonde.  "I was surprised to hear that you aren't traveling with Jade anymore.  Did you two have a break-up or something?"


"No, just the opposite, we are in the process of looking for a house to buy." Lindsay replied.  She didn't like the idea of discussing her private life in front of her students, even "Ms. Thing".


"Oh, how sweet.  I was wondering what happened.  When Jade didn't take my old job, I thought maybe something went wrong."


"No, Jade decided that she wanted to stay in photography."


"Yes, not everyone is cut out to be an editor." Judy replied dryly.  Lindsay's nerves and patience were at their end and she no longer cared to be civil to this woman.


"If there isn't anything further you need, I really must be going." Lindsay replied tersely and got into her car.  Judy grabbed the door before Lindsay could shut it and held it replying.

"Oh, one more thing, the head of your department is a personal friend of mine and we were just discussing the other day of the lack of interest in classes such as yours.  I think I convinced him that publishing might be the way to go these days.  So, I wouldn't get too comfortable, if you know what I mean."  Judy smiled and barked a quick laugh as Lindsay yanked the door out of her hands and slammed it shut.


Lindsay rode home furious as tears burned the back of her eyes.  "Why can't she just leave us alone!" She screamed to no on in particular.  "What do I tell Jade?"  She went over her options and finally decided not to say anything to Jade.





The week had snailed it's way to a conclusion and Lindsay was happy that Jade would be back in another week.


One down and one to go." Lindsay said quietly to herself as she loaded her book back and between walking down he deserted hallway.  'Ms Thing was unusually nasty tonight in class' she thought to herself.  'I wonder what's up with that?"  Maybe she and Judy had a fight?' she thought instantly smiling at the possibility.  The smile quickly disappeared when Lindsay saw her car.  All four tires were flat and there was a nasty substance dotting her windshield and Lindsay had a pretty good idea of what it was.  She looked around the surrounding area, but didn't see anyone.  Feeling uneasy she turned to head back to the building.  Halfway there, she heard the squealing of tires and turned toward the sound only to be blinded by bright headlights as they bore down upon her.  Lindsay quickly turned around and began to run.  She made it to the building and ran inside as the car squealed away around the building.  Lindsay ran back to the door, but couldn't make out the car in the darkness.  The driver had turned off their lights and it was difficult to make out more than an outline of the vehicle.  With shaking hands, Lindsay dialed her mobile for campus security.


The officer arrived within minutes, but hadn't been able to find anyone.  Driving Lindsay back to her car, she took her statement and called for a two truck to take care of the car.  Lindsay decided it was time to confront her Department Head.  Tomorrow, she would meet with Dr. Havers and resolve this one and for all.


Lindsay let herself into the condo, she was tired and upset.  Her meeting with Dr. Havers had not gone as well as she had hoped and she was afraid that Judy might have won this round.  Without proof, he was unwilling to accuse anyone of the incident and wondered if Lindsay hadn't just been mistaken.  Sighing, she tossed her briefcase on the nearest chair and flopped down on the couch.  The house was too quiet, she wished Jade were home.  Closing her eyes she conjured up the image of her lover beginning with the raven-hair and traveling down to the blue eyes that she loved dearly.  Passing the finely chiseled nose to the sensuous lips that she could almost taste.  She could almost hear the deep, velvety voice that could send chills up her spine with the slightest of whispers.




Lindsay heard the whispered sound and shivered with a slight smile.  'Oh, I wish she were here right now.' She thought and sighed sadly.  Suddenly, she felt the couch move next to her and her eyes flew open and Lindsay let out a startled gasp.


"Hey babe, it's just me." Jade replied and touched Lindsay lightly on the shoulder. "Oh, my God, Jade, you're home?" Lindsay cried as the tears came out of nowhere and Lindsay struggled to blink them away.


"Hey, come here." Jade softly replied and pulled Lindsay into her arms.  "What's been going on?  I know something is up, so don't try to hide it from me anymore."


Lindsay sunk into the welcomed cocoon of Jade's arms and nestled her cheek against her lover's chest.  She could hear the steady beat of Jade's heart and, for some reason, it gave her a sense of peace that she had been lacking in the past few days. 


"I've really missed you this time." Lindsay whispered and tightened her hold on Jade.  Jade reacted similarly and whispered, "So, tell me."


"It's Judy."  Lindsay could instantly feel the tension in Jade's body as it turned rock hard against her. 


"What did she do?" Jade asked sharply pulling back to look down at Lindsay.


Lindsay looked up into stormy blue eyes and told her the entire story from start to finish.  When Lindsay had finished she looked at Jade's stony features and wondered if she had done the right thing.  Maybe she should have just said everything was o.k.? 


"Today's World huh?" Jade replied thoughtfully.  Jade replied thoughtfully.  Lindsay could see Jade's jaw clenching as she pondered something.


"Jade, please don't do anything crazy." Lindsay worriedly replied.


Jade looked down at Lindsay and answered, "She has to be stopped.  I've had enough of these games."


"What are you going to do?"


"Just let me handle this.  Tell me again what your boss said."  Jade asked her forestalling any discussion on Jade's further actions.


Lindsay knew that Jade had some plan in mind and it worried her.  She didn't want to see her get hurt in any way.


The first thing Jade did the following morning was to stop in to visit Mel.  After telling her boss what was going on, they put their heads together and hatched out a plan.





Lindsay arrived to class to find the blonde sitting in the front row seething.  All through class she sat quietly throwing daggers in Lindsay's direction.  Lindsay finally stopped looking at the woman all together and concentrated on her lectures and the rest of the class.  On her way out, Lindsay was accosted by "Ms. Thing" in the hallway.


"You'd better call off your 'warrior princess'!"


"Excuse me?" Lindsay questioned, standing her ground.


The blonde stepped closer and threateningly responded, "You know exactly what I'm talking about.  I'm not going to stand by quietly and let you do this again to Judy!"


"Listen!" Lindsay snapped loud enough for it to echo down the empty hallway.


"I don't know where you think you figure into this whole mess, but I suggest you just back off and mind your own damn business!"


Slammed back against the wall, Lindsay's head vibrated and her brain instantly flashed anger.


"This is where I fit in to this sugar!" The blonde retorted slapping Lindsay across the face.


Lindsay's fury erupted, she was tired of being bullied and pushed around, and she finally pushed back.


"Enough!" Lindsay screamed as she pushed with all her might against the taller woman's abdomen.  "Ms. Thing" was caught surprised and off balance, and fell backwards with a thug onto the tile floor.  Lindsay leaned over the prone figure and pointed at her shouting, "you've just ended your education here and if you ever touch me again, I'll kick your ass so hard, you won't have a neck anymore!  Go back to Judy and tell her to leave us alone or she'll get more trouble then she ever imagined!"


"Ms. Thing" scrambled to get back up and go after Lindsay, and Lindsay swept her foot across to take out the woman's arms as she tried to push up off the tile floor.  The blonde fell face-first back to the floor and Lindsay put her foot on the woman's back and held her down.


"Stay down! Unless you think I'm kidding then by all means, get up right now!" Lindsay gave her foot a shove before stepping off, causing her to grunt defeatedly.  "Ms. Thing" stayed down until Lindsay walked away and then scrambled up, quickly moving in the opposite direction rubbing her chin.


Lindsay walked toward her car, her whole body shaking as she unlocked the door and got in.  She quickly relocked the doors and sat behind the wheel.  Her head ached and her cheek stung, she could see the hand print on her face in the rearview mirror.  Hands shaking she picked up her cell phone and dialed.


Jade pulled into the parking lot and raced toward one of the few cars left, getting out of her car before it even stopped rocking.  Seeing Lindsay's head resting against the steering wheel, she rapped lightly on the window.


Lindsay's head snapped up too quickly and she saw Jade through the spots dotting her vision.  Fumbling, she pushed the doorlock release and when the door opened, she tumbled out into Jade's waiting arms.


"It's O.K., I'm here." Jade crooned and held Lindsay closely.  Lindsay didn't say anything, but molded her body into Jade's safe arms.  They stood in the parking lot for awhile until Jade whispered softly, "Are you O.K?"


"Yeah, just a vicious headache from hitting my head.  Jade gently ran her fingers through the back of Lindsay's hair until she felt the lump.  Satisfied that it was nothing more than a good-sized knot, she looked at Lindsay's face.  The redness was already disappearing from her cheek and a good night's rest was all that Lindsay's really needed right now.


"Come on." Jade replied and grabbed Lindsay's bag and put her into her car before returning to lock up Lindsay's vehicle.


"We'll come back for it tomorrow." Jade told her as she slid behind the wheel.


"Is this every going to end?" Lindsay asked quietly, resting her head back against the seat.  Jade reached over to hold her hand as she drove out of the parking lot.  "It just did!"  Jade was never more sure of her plans than she was at that moment.


Lindsay didn't even question Jade's words and just nodded knowing Jade would make it so.





Mel hung up the telephone as Jade walked into his office.  "Phase one is complete."  He announced calmly smiling.


"Good!" Jade's voice was clipped and on edge.  "I'm adding a phase three to our plan."


"What's that?"  The publisher asked concerned with Jade's obvious tension and hostility.


"That's where I kick the shit out of one psycho editor!" Jade remarked.  The sneer that passed for a smile did nothing to ease the man's concern.


"Now Jade, you just said the key word, 'psycho'.  What good will it do for you to get yourself enmeshed in a legal mess?"  Mel tried to reason Jade out of her current train of thought to see the ramifications of her possible actions.


"Satisfaction!" Jade replied heatedly.


"Don't worry Jade, we will get her once and for all but, the right way.  What about Lindsay?  What are you going to do about her if you find yourself behind bars for assault?"  He asked knowing the mention of the young woman would get the desired response.


Instantly deflated, Jade thought about the obvious consequences.  She didn't care so much about herself, but how it would affect Lindsay.


"Damn! I hate it when you're always right!"  Jade muttered relaxing her stubborn pose and flopping down in the chair across from Mel. "O.K. So, tell me how phase one went."


Phase one involved Mel placing a call to a certain friend at the college, a friend who just happened to be the Dean of the English and Literature Department.


"Oh, that little problem is all taken care of.  Andrew's going to have a word with Lindsay's Department Head and everything should be resolved.  Oh, by the way, there won't be any new courses in publishing offered anytime soon either."  Mel sat back content in his morning's accomplishments.


Jade had to crack a smile at her boss and rubbed her hands together.  "Good, I can't wait to start phase two."


Lindsay arrived at the college to find a note of apology in her box from the Division Head.  He apologized for any misunderstanding about future course offerings and assured Lindsay that her course would be renewed indefinitely.  Her services would be needed in the future and she hoped she would continue their association and keep teaching this course.  Lindsay refolded the note and slipped it into her bag as she headed to her class smiling.  This smelled distinctly of Jade and made a mental note to thank her later that evening.  The blonde was gone and the class ran so much smoother and more enjoyable without the constant tension, even the class seemed more relaxed and affable.


Lindsay exited the school and walked toward her car to find Jade leaning against the door.  Lindsay stopped and replied, "Well, how's my knight in….no, I think "Ms. Thing" had it right.  How's my Warrior Princess?"


Jade's eyebrow rose as her lips curled up.  "Come here and I'll show you!"


"Mmmm." Lindsay purred contentedly as Jade wrapped herself around Lindsay's body.


"So, is this going to be a common occurrence?" Lindsay's muffled voice asked from her cocoon.


"Would you mind?"


"The reason, yes.  The end result, never!"


Jade chuckled at the remark and kissed the top of Lindsay's head asking, "Hungry?"


"Only for you!" Lindsay drawled and leaned up to nip Jade's neck.  Jade sucked in a breath and replied, "Take about tease!"


Lindsay laughed and pulled out of Jade's arms.  "Race you home, loser cooks!"  Jade smiled and moved toward her car, stopping to watch Lindsay get into her car and drive off.  Getting behind the wheel of her car, she kept watch of Lindsay's car and smiled as she murmured, "Oh I'll be cooking tonight, you can count on that!"





"Yes, the meeting is all set." Jade replied into the receiver as she paced across the living room floor.  "Good, I'll be leaving right now.  I'll meet you out front in about twenty minutes." Jade pushed the off button and set the receiver down, a frown of concentration creasing her brow.  If all went as planned, Judy would be out of the picture for good today.  Walking back to the study, she wrapped her arms around a working Lindsay and softly kissed her on the check.


"I've got to leave for my meeting now.  I'll be back in a couple of hours."


Lindsay looked up from her manuscript and a worried look crossed her face when she replied, "I guess it wouldn't do me any good to ask about this meeting, would it?"


Jade shook her head slightly smiling.  "No, not right now.  I'll tell you all about it tonight."


Lindsay nodded and stood up remaining within the circle of Jade's arms and hugged her tightly.


"Please be careful."


"Don't worry, I won't do anything crazy or stupid.  This will be all over before you know it." Jade replied and kissed Lindsay lightly on the lips.  Lindsay's response was to pull Jade's head closer and deepened the kiss as she moved against Jade's mouth in silent acknowledgement and appeal.  Jade answered with her reassurances and they parted breathless after a few heated moments.


"Remember that thought." Jade murmured and looked down into Lindsay's eyes.  "You mean so much to me.  I’m sorry you had to go through all of this because of me."


"Don't be sorry.  I'm glad I did because I wouldn't trade knowing you or being with you for anything in this world.  Id walk through fire for you if I had to." Lindsay replied, her voice thick with emotion.


Jade smiled and answered.  "Let's just be thankful it didn't come to that."  She leaned down and kissed Lindsay one more time and finally broke away before she couldn't let go.  Jade wanted to take Lindsay right there and then, and show her just how much she did love her.  Stepping back, Jade drew in a deep breath and said, "I'd better be going.  I'll call you as soon as it's over and I'm on my way home to you!"  Jade winked and quickly turned and left the room, fear edged her resolve of the upcoming confrontation.  Jade hated confrontations.


Lindsay listed as the front door closed and sat back down in her chair.  She had wanted to run to catch Jade and keep her close, and not let her go to this meeting.  But, she knew it had to be done.  Leaning back she closed her eyes and prayed to whatever God would listen to her as a tear trickled down her cheek.  Maybe it was better she didn't know exactly what was going on today.


Jade arrived at the offices of Today's World and informed the receptionist of her appointment.  She was shown into an expensively furnished corner office and stood looking out the long window at the water below.  The warm afternoon sun sparkled across the waters of the bay, and Jade wished she were out there instead of where she was.  'Anywhere but here!'  She thought wistfully.  She heard the office door open and close quietly, but didn't respond until she felt a hand on her back.  Shivering, it took all her resolve not to jump away from the offending appendage.


"So, you finally came to your senses I see."  Judy triumphantly remarked and rubbed Jade's back lightly.


"I've come to hear your offer, nothing more." Jade replied trying to keep her voice light and playful.  She knew Judy would be suspicious if she didn't play her hand just right.  The tape on her chest holding the wire in place was beginning to itch.


"Why don't we sit down and get comfortable, and we can discuss the details." Judy replied and led the way toward the cream-colored leather sofa.  She kept her hand possessively on Jade back making the taller woman's skin crawl in response.  Sitting close, Judy draped her arm across the back of the sofa and lightly caressed Jade's neck.  Again, Jade shivered in revulsion.


"I knew those feelings weren't dead.  I can still make you respond." Judy huskily commented.


"Yes, you can still get a response." Jade agreed thinking, 'just now the one you think.' 


"You know this would go a lot easier if you were a little more friendlier." Judy replied suddenly feeling very wary of the whole situation.  Jade sensed her withdrawal and leaned in to kiss Judy.  Her stomach flip-flopped, but she allowed Judy to take the kiss a step further.


"Talk now, action later." Jade replied sexily when the kiss broke.  She swallowed hard to keep her nerves, and lunch, from rising.


"Ooh, you always were a little tease." Judy chuckled and rested her hand on Jade's upper thigh.  Jade lightly placed her hand over it and held it lightly in place.  She didn't want it traveling any higher.


"So talk to me." Jade simply said.


"You really want to get the business out of the way, don't you?" Judy teased.


"You know me!"


"Yes, I do, that's why I knew you would eventually come around." Judy replied smugly.


Jade wanted to reach over and wipe that look of the editor's face, but just smiled in response.


"Well honey, the deal is that I want you to come work for me here."


"I already have a job." Jade replied easily.


"Not for long.  Rumor has it that the rag you work for is under investigation by the IRS." Judy's face broke into a malicious grin at this announcement.


"I haven't heard anything."


"Well, take my work for it.  I have first hand knowledge." Judy replied.


"I don't suppose you had anything to do with that?" Jade asked coyly, letting her fingertips trace the outline of Judy's hand on her leg.


Judy chuckled deeply, feeling invincible now that Jade was back.  "You didn't think I would let that two-bit has-been publisher push me out without a bang.  Not after all the work I did for him, did you?"


"No, I knew you were sharper than that!" Jade replied grinning conspiratorially.  "Care to share?"


"Sure, it was easy.  All I had to do was shuffle some of the budgets around and divest some of the profits off the top, and voila' the books look good, but won't hold up to close scrutiny.  I know the accountants are too thorough to miss the hidden manipulations and everything would point to Mel, darling."  Judy replied gleefully squeezing Jade's thigh and moving in to nip at the stunned woman's neck.


"You're surprised.  I like that.  I bet you didn't think I had it in me?"  Judy murmured as she ran her tongue across Judy's clenched jaw.  Pulling back she looked up curiously and asked, "What's wrong?"


"Oh sorry." Jade replied forcing herself to relax.  "I was just wondering…" she paused and placed light kisses along Judy's lips as she continued, "What did you do with the money?"


Judy moaned as Jade worked her way down the woman's neck.  She still knew what buttons to push even if it disgusted her to do so.


"Oh, that's easy.  I have it in a special account all for me, or should I say us."  Judy replied and moved to push Jade backward on the sofa.  Jade fell back as Judy moved to lie on top of her.


"Isn't that embezzlement?" Jade asked quietly allowing Judy to make all the moves.


"Only if you get caught!" Judy grinned and moved to unbutton Jade's blouse.  Jade quickly sat up, forcefully dumping Judy on the floor to rise to her feet as the office door burst open.  Three men in suits entered followed by Mel.


"What the…" Judy stammered looking from the men to Jade.  As the realization of what was happening hit her, Judy stuttered, "You..bitch!"


Jade unbuttoned her shirt without taking her eyes from Judy and pulled the wire and recorder off her chest and handed it over to one of the officers.  She rebuttoned her shirt as they helped Judy to her feet and cuffed her hands behind her back.  "You lying bitch!" she spat at Jade.


Jade walked over and coldly replied, "You went to far this time, you messed with the wrong person when you went after Lindsay. If it had just been me, I wouldn't have cared but, Lindsay was the last straw.  Why couldn't you just let it go?" 


Judy looked back at Jade, her anger deflating quickly and she looked away unable to maintain eyes contact any longer.  Jade spun on her heels and walked out of the office, feeling freer than she had ever felt in her entire life.  She almost ran to her car in her haste to return home to Lindsay.





Jade sat looking out over the starry night as the waves gently crashed on the beach below.  There was a light breeze in the air and the scent of the night jasmine drifted to her.  She took a deep breath and sighed, totally relaxed and content.  Life was finally coming together for her and Lindsay now that Judy was out of the picture.  Today, in court, Jade actually felt sorry for the woman.  When she had been brought in, gone was the usual bravado and zest for trouble personality that she had always associated with Judy.  Instead, there was a subdued and tired looking woman in her place.  A part of her went out to that lost soul in understanding from one who had been there before.  But now, Jade smiled at the thought of how full her days, and nights, were.  A smile flicked across her face and settled into a wide grin as she thought of her blonde partner.


"What are you thinking about?" A soft voice asked from the doorway.  "Or don't I want to know?"


"You!" Jade replied and the smile deepened sexily as Lindsay dropped into Jade's lap and lay her had against the taller woman's shoulder as jade wrapped her arms abound Lindsay's body.





"Would you be upset if I said I was glad the judge didn't give Judy the maximum.  I mean I felt so sorry for her today." Lindsay explained quietly.


"No, I wouldn't be angry at all.  I think It's pretty generous of you considering all she did to you, but that's one of those things I love about you."


"Well, maybe it's because I can understand her motivation." Lindsay offered. 


"You can?" Jade retorted surprised.  "Care to explain that one to me?"


"She loved you!" Lindsay simply replied.


"So that gave her license to terrorize you?" Jade asked surprised and  a little upset. 


"No, it doesn't, but I'm not sure how well I would handle someone coming between us either." Lindsay remarked.


"You don't have to worry about that!"


"No, huh?" Lindsay asked Kissing Jade' check.


"Not in the least.  There's only one person I want and that is you!  I may be slow to figure things out , but, once I do, I go the distance." Jade replied looking deeply into green eyes for understanding.


"Ooh is that a challenge?" Lindsay asked Kissing jade soundly.


"No, it's a promise!" Jade whispered returning Lindsay's kiss.


"I love a woman of her word." Lindsay replied huskily, nipping Jade along her neckline.


"That you do!" Jade replied.  "And, I love a woman who always sees the best in others, especially me."


Lindsay pulled back looking into Jade's eyes.  "Darlin' with you that's always easy!"


"Are you saying I'm easy?" Jade teased.


"Oh no, nothing about you comes easy, except my loving you." Lindsay replied smiling.


"When did you first realize you loved me?"


Lindsay kissed Jade lightly, her eyes slightly stinging at the remembrance of Jade's car pulling away.  "That day you left for Florida and I was too chicken to tell you how I felt."


"Yeah, that was a stupid move on my part, one of many!" Jade replied frowning.


"Both our parts!  What about you?" Lindsay nudged Jade out of her self-depreciating thoughts.


"Hmmm, when I finally opened my eyes and realized just who you were." Jade replied thoughtfully.


"Who I am?"


"Yeah, someone who loved me for who I am and not who they needed me to be.  Someone who I didn't want to live without."  Jade shrugged surprised and slightly embarrassed at her confession.


"Good answer!" Lindsay replied smiling and lightly kissed Jade's lips.


"It's the only answer for me." Jade replied and deepened the feathery kiss Lindsay offered.


"I don’t' want to be without you ever!" Lindsay responded when they broke their kiss.


"Then stay with me forever." Jade answered her reply half plea and half question.


"Forever!" Lindsay confirmed and pulled Jade's lips to hers to seal their pact.


This pact would bind them closer than blood ever could.  No longer would either have to travel alone, together they could face whatever obstacles life tossed their way.





ÓK. Stoley
